They have a song named Joppa Road which basically makes fun of a white area of suburban Baltimore.
I know because I have lived off Joppa Road a few times.
Joppa Road is actually one of the oldest roads in the U.S...pretty interesting history.
People wonder why Baltimore is so bad, and it's because the city is cleft by the Zionists, who own the city starting at the middle of the bay straight through the middle of the city, including Johns Hopkins Hospital JHU (started by Freemason/Skull and Bonesman Daniel Coit Gilman). A good indicator is searching Jewish restaurants in Baltimore...they are ONLY in the center corridor of the city. There are basically none elsewhere.
Point is, Baltimore is zoned so that only places like Joppa Road can be built upon, whilst pristinely preserving areas that TPTB live and work in. In fact, directly north of Baltimore has some of the strictest zoning in the nation. It is also why Baltimore is gerrymandered to hell and back, to "accommodate" these people. It's so shady that one representative, Dutch Ruppersberger, has Aberdeen Proving Ground and Ft. Meade in their district, on completely opposite sides of the city (and not even that close to it!).
Sorry for the rant LOL.
Interesting thread. Why such anxiety? Where is the rampant anti-Semitism they fear?
They just know that time is almost up for them. Man, even that top comment in the thread is kinda insane..."If there is a Jewish message for our time, it is to support our great experiment with every fiber of our being."
I just had a comment on Trump666 yesterday about a rabbi that thinks Trump may be the Jewish Messiah, and his mentor was "RamChal", a Kabbalist whose real name was Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.
Hilary Clinton's chief of staff was Tamara Luzzatto. Even a casual search about her yields things like her doing a book signing with author Ira Shapiro for a book about the Senate.
It's more pervasive than you think.
Take a band like Ween (who have a song named Israel I might add, that even Ween fans find's like a Jewish prayer with rock guitar over it).
They have a corollary band called Moistboyz, and one album, that interestingly has a double-headed eagle on the front, has two songs back to back that are Fuck You and then White Trash.
They are obscene and evil for evil's sake, because they are Satanists at the core. And really, they hate that which threatens their superiority the most, which is God. White people and Palestinians probably come a close second though.
I had a dream once...a shadow chased me out of a house across the street from my house, and I ran to my house to try and escape him. When I opened the front door, he was already waiting behind the door for me. That really freaked me out, so I ran through the house and out the back door.
I didn't know what to do at that point, so I decided to jump on the roof of the house across the alley. The shadow was still chasing me, and the only thing that was in front of me was the church that I grew up going to. So I took a huge leap and jumped over the church, and the shadow could not follow. In fact, my dream kinda froze and I was viewing myself jumping over the church, like a static image.
I was a Catholic altar boy, but honestly haven't been to church in like twenty years. So perhaps lesson learned. That dream was over thirty years ago, too.
Ever hear of the game Eternal Sonata? I played it a little, the gameplay is pretty bland, but the overall premise and music is quite good. I think I literally only played it because it was a free rental from the library. Wonder if they even do that any more LOL.
The game maker even said that he made the game to get people to see how great Chopin's music is, so no complaints there.
Great subreddit.
Dang, Bowie really looked like his father.
Lot of strangeness about his family and upbringing.
What trips me out is how occultists have such issues with contracts and money management...Bowie and his manager Tony Defries. Also the spat over money that Marina Abramovic had with her former art partner, Uwe Laysiepen. Can transcend pain, but not petty money matters. Hilarious.
Saw Bowie at a private concert before man. Regardless of the rampant occultism, he was sure the quintessential showman. Fun that concert, they inflated a giant eyeball, which Bowie had a blast kicking away any time it got near the stage.
Definitely reminded me of The Residents, who famously had Penn Gillette as narrator. Last time I watched a video of the Residents, from a live show in DC, they were openly Satanic right off the bat (like literally referencing Satan). No big surprise there.
People quickly forget how much the prophetic books of the Bible excoriate the Jews. Ez 20-Israel's History of Infidelity, Ez 22 Crimes of Jerusalem, Is 42:10 The Salvation of Israel Despite Its Sins
They will get Israel, as promised. And that's it. Meanwhile, the rest of us... :)
They may have killed some real Jews that were non-compliant, but not in a "fire offering", and certainly not in "gas chambers". Who knows, maybe Elie Wiesel was giving it away, and the ASHkenazis themselves really did burn some people.
Are holocausts unknown to occultists?
Regardless, the rich Ashkenazi made it to Israel pretty safely under Hitler's watch (and orders). And they got to blame "nasty" Germans, Russians, Poles, whomever they wanted. Remember, Russians are the Nazis now LOL. Kinda the boy who cried wolf syndrome.
Ever notice that Solomon's greatest claim to fame wisdom-wise still bordered on the grotesque? LOL
The Third Temple Institute relies on the "wisdom of Solomon" to guide them. Too bad he was a weak demololater that occultists still insist on following.
So, you can't answer the question?