Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I've seen and thought, the very last part about native soulsis spot on, as that is kinda like, the purpose of the universe.

People don't realize how beautiful that part is...and I quite believe there's even more to it than that!

I've got a wild story if you want to hear it!

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never meant it like that. It was just a thought.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who better to name Elon than his progenitor?

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, one other thing...

I've now twice found Masonic apologists on Reddit that listen to Satanic music...

And all the while, one plays organ at a Christian church and the other is a "Baptist" and waxes philosophical on the "truechristian" subreddit.

One listens to at least Playboi Carti (check his tats) and Kyuss (Josh Homme and Queens of the Stone Age have had more and more rather questionable music videos...like pretty much straight satanic...).

The other listened to Cannibal Corpse and Mayhem, who's most notable trait is burning down churches.

It's all very obvious. The most obvious thing is that they're not as interested in Trump being the Antichrist and the end times as one would think, given their grand protestations of faith. They really overact, and it's kinda hilarious how bad it is. The concept of "less is more" seems to be lost on them sometimes.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

TBH the Constitution smacks of "Rules for thee..." anyhow.

When it comes to the mystery schools and the "mystery of lawlessness" (which is no longer a mystery), it's just like, ya know, whatever.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

You mean like Fidel Trudeau?

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh yeah, those free speech Americans said they would delete and ban any negative posts about Freemasonry on their subreddit.

"Reddit is not a free speech platform". That's literally the excuse the mod used.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whaddya think of the possibility that Elon might be von Braun's kid?

The thought came to me a couple of days ago.

Seems Errol and Maye got divorced when Musk was 8. Errol was also intelligence, of course.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a thread on the Freemasonry sub on Reddit, and the nice guys there smeared a guy that wanted to expose Freemasonry as being a "Neo-Nazi".

Fast forward to a day later, I was talking to one of the mods of the Freemasonry subreddit in a completely unrelated subreddit, and he tried to paint me as a Neo-Nazi because both of us wanted to expose Freemasonry.

They are very cowardly, really. I make sure that they know it.

Not only that, but Masons are purportedly these good Americans, yet he was for "suspension of free speech" when it came to the Masons. Thus we see one of the reasons for zero transparency in government.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only user on here that uses the word Pajeet is TallestSkil. Just sayin'.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like the Zelda quote for being able to intimate the same idea, but in less words.

I do believe that the world will see a dramatic shift from fear to wonder.

It's actually interesting when you think about the FDR quote and fear...FDR didn't fear GOD, he feared fear. Or rather, wanted people to fear...

Even that quote was supposedly taken from a department store ad by his political advistor.

Here's something else that is rather interesting...

For shits and giggles I was reading about Ted Danson the other day (my brother was watching his new comedy). Turns out, Danson is directly related to Anne Hutchinson, a woman who caused a schism in the Puritans. She was expelled and eventually scalped along with her family. It's a pretty crazy story.

Moreover, the Bushes, the Roosevelts (at least FDR), and the Romneys are also direct descendants.

For genetic similarities, think of how good of a match Danson is to Mitt Romney...if there was a biopic of Mitt Romney, I don't think you could cast someone with a more similar head shape, hair, and hairline. Well, because they are relatives LOL.

There is quite the contrast though, between Ted Danson's relaxed approach to comedy and the notable stiffness of Romney.

I even think Danson is funny...but still "in on it". Check out the movie Teddy Bears Picnic that George Wendt (Danson's cast mate on Cheers) was in, and look at the freakin' cast. Not only that, it was the first movie made by Harry Shearer, one of the main voice guys for the Simpsons. There's very little wonder here why that movie had a very limited release, and didn't win any Razz awards or anything even though it is a 0% movie on Rotten Tomatoes. Very reminiscent of Battlefield: Earth; movies by cultists made primarily for other cultists.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0


"It's a secret to everybody"

Xaviermgk -1 points ago +1 / -2

That's why I use old Reddit.

Xaviermgk 4 points ago +4 / -0


Look into that...

Vitriol (sulfuric acid) is basically the NUMBER ONE giveaway of the bad guys.
They use vitriol in alchemy, and vitriol in conversation.

People get angry in disagreements all the time. But the pervasive and consistent vitriol used by some is a DEAD giveaway of evil, and ofttimes it's rather easy to confirm they are evil.

I have a bunch of examples, but it's very obvious just in the media alone.

A funny one is Keith Olbermann, when he went on a vicious screed against "anti-vaxxers" on video, and you could tell he's completely unhinged.

Look at Pizzagate...when brought up to Podesta and Abramovich...loud exclamations of "Fake News!!!" and instantly jumping to the attack.

BTW, a VERY interesting read is about Podesta, but not really the man...

Podesta is a ROMAN government official that is not elected (like John Podesta). A political office that grew into a surname.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any of the good dudes or dudettes on here should check it out.

Some excellent posters, a great and engaged mod, and quite the mounting pile of evidence for Trump being the Antichrist.

There's also the Trump666 subreddit, but that is a little more loosey-goosey and the mod is more hands off. Still, even that sub has some good stuff too.

For those that believe in the triumph of good over evil, truth over lies, and love over hate...it's a fun place.

Xaviermgk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny how TallestSkil consistently gets to break the golden rule.

Even tells people to commit suicide. Mods allow it.

Xaviermgk 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do lose, but not the way you think...

Might want to look at Isaiah and Ezekiel a little more.

But I'm sure a Christian that says things like "Scream for me" to other Christians, well, isn't really a Christian.

Xaviermgk 0 points ago +1 / -1

They do, but not the good parts about it.

Why would I scream for you? You lonely, need some sound?

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