It really is a slow burn kill shot, isn't it?
We're the test bed to fine tune how it needs to spread to kill the desired percentage, and how it spreads among various races.
They still need to get rid of the control group; as long as we're alive, we're a reminder of what they're doing. If they get rid of us, it really will be normal and, in a generation, who'll know better?
This is why it's so important not to give them an excuse. There's a lot of resentment and anger in the vaxxed waking up to this reality. Too much face rubbing and they can be made to turn on us.
But, with a gentle hand, we can direct their hate to where it belongs.
He sounds like Trump, lol
"We have da best science, great science... The amount our science knows? Yuuuge."
Quick note: this here, the things currently happening, the shortages, inflation, and erosion of rights? That's what he thinks "keeping Canadians" safe is. Who feels safe?
So tell your friend to sue them (or just click "other").
They only get away with what we let them get away with.
Not really, there have been rallies ever since including another one planned in Ottawa on Canada Day.
I worked for Elections Ontario and I'll tell you: they were definitively planning to mandate masking at the polls again. They had a whole booklet on Covid measures and signs saying "masks required" made that we didn't use. They wouldn't have printed them if they weren't going to use them and the only reason they wouldn't is because Public Health backed down after the Freedom Rally.
You're confusing the first step towards victory with failure. You're giving up in order to LARP as some kind of violent "freedom fighter" which is, of course, exactly what people like Trudeau want.
So many questions...
Melbourne's Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute is developing the country's first SADS registry.
'There are approximately 750 cases per year of people aged under 50 in Victoria suddenly having their heart stop (cardiac arrest),' a spokesperson said.
If there's no registry, up until now, how do they know this?
Why are they creating a registry now and what will it track?
How do these deaths track over time?
I thought reporters were supposed to ask these kinds of questions?
Well obviously 90% isn't high enough, if they hit 95% they would be fine.
I never got the idea that God being in charge meant that we had no free will.
My understanding is that God does not have free will because God is Good, and thus cannot do anything but the greatest good in any circumstance and, being omniscient and omnipotent, is fully aware of what that good action is and has the power to fulfill it.
Humans, on the other hand, are imperfect but still have the knowledge of good and evil. Man can do good or evil, or even be fooled, and thus Man, and not God, has free will.
Lol at all the obvious bot replies.
Bots are just users that disagree with me, herpaderp
What's really amazing is that neither masking, lockdowns, travel restrictions, or "vaccinations" have anywhere near the correlation with covid cases as simple seasonality.
Look at the chart above; spikes are in winter/fall and one in April at the very beginning when testing critetia was insane. But there doesn't seem to be any official acknowledgement of this, nor measures to mitigate it.
"Love is Love" is a dead giveaway. It's the ultimate dog whistle for degeneracy of any kind and it suggests they can't even define love.
Imagine taking your kids to a heterosexual strip club for "Kids Night" where the rippers leave their genitals covered. It's no different. But, hey, love is love...
So, let me get this straight:
There have been half a dozen shootings by "right-wing conspiracy theorists" in the last week but not one of them targetted this event?
Yeah, I'm not against banning as a concept, I'm concerned with banning people arbitrarily.
Need to get that last 10% vaxxes, that'll do it...
This is what 2A is for.
I thought Trump was controlled opposition, why arrest his staff?
I prefer to continue to use social media in order to subvert it. I like to see if I can get banned for things that aren't technically against the rules; makes it undeniable that mods are hypocrits.
Any elected representative who disrespects the Constitution, the founding document of America on which all their powers and duties are based, should be unceremoniously removed from office and then deported.
First they create a horrible situation with false stories, then they bemoan the same situation for sad-clicks.
Wag the dog.
The frustrating thing, of course, is that most of us are reading this going "Yeah, no duh", but the people that still think that these shots are safe won't be convinced until their TV tells them.
It's good (even essential) to get solid confirmation, but this is like one of those "men enjoy sex" papers.
Drug dealer rules for everything in Canada.
Everytime I lose a cent in taxes to the monsters running the government, I feel like a drug adict scoring smack.
I quit my job and now I'm trying to barter as much as I can to keep from paying.
I'd rather flush my life savings down the toilet than give it to them.
What the government doesn't know won't hurt them...until everything is in place...
It's a translator, most of us don't speak Russian