Half of this community thinks this does not apply to them.
If any discussion were to be had here, it should be about SRA, qnot Sandra Bullock.
If Big Pharma has taught the world anything, it's "There's no profit in efficiency."
oh noooooo!!!
You : don't discuss this outside of your containment board
Also you: answer this laundry list of logical fallacies on the thing I told you not to discuss!!!1!1!!1!
What a retard. lmao
You : don't discuss this outside of your containment board
Also you: answer this laundry list of logical fallacies on the thing I told you not to discuss!!!1!1!!1!
What a retard. lmao
Nobody cares about your 2 foot long fallacy copypasta either. lmao
I wonder who people would be more prone to side with between the person that is open to discuss any and all topics regardless of personal beliefs (me) or the person trying to gatekeep and censor conversations about topics that hurt their pussy (you). lmao No more shekels for you today.
They all glow the same.
lmao you're big mad
My favorite part of your entire tantrum was the "No one said this" because everything you typed as a reply was only said by you. Delicious, palpable irony. nom nom nom
Even your precious FBI couldn't identify the mysterious QAnon yet you're making sure everyone knows that you know it is a hoax that has long been deboonked. lmao Tell me more, rabbi. lmao moran
Why ignore my questions then try so desperately to continue gatekeeping? You're glowing.
First of all, Jesus Christ is King.
Second of all, looking at drop #3387, it looks like there's still going to be another 2 years of uncertainty. Real? Fake? Psy-op for good? Psy-op for bad? No one knows for sure. Everyone is just guessing. I must say that I do enjoy how much mUh Q brings out the derangement in some of you folks though. Just bringing it up really triggers a lot of you which in itself is pretty sus, as funny as it may be to normal people.
There's over 4000 drops that contain themes and players discussed in conspiracy forums and circles long before Q posted as Q Clearance Patriot for the first time on/pol/. Why are you so adamant about not discussing things that were discussed long before Q? Weird coming from someone beating their mUh aCtUaL CoNsPiRaCiEs chest. lmao
Is your comment meant to infer that engineered biological weapons designed to be masked as a virus are also not harmful? Because if so, I am not buying that.
Knocking the dust off this account after 3 weeks of silence, huh? We haven't forgotten who/what you are.
I feel The Framers knew that even hate speech was free speech, otherwise it would have been in writing.
It's almost as if Jethro's Polaroid with Bigfoot and the saucer might just be authentic, ya'know?
How does that saying go?
Go woke, get robbed.
Something like that.
6,000,000 Bigfoots died for this.
I'm talking about off-to-the-side space so maybe I'm right afterall but not smart enough to do the math.
"Brevity is the soul of wit"