VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

If we had actual trolls here this place would be a lot more entertaining tbh, there would definitely be a lot more in depth interesting discussion, back in the day trolling was an art, it was very elaborate and funny and clever, now 2 drunk dudes having a brief pissing match counts as trolling

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

True but it's also one of very few emotionally charged and/or controversial topics that people can still sing about while still being permitted to go mainstream, considering all the songs that were written (and several which became quite popular) criticizing and/or contemplating previous wars, it's pretty wild how we don't have more songs these days about the wars in the middle east, and the only political songs allowed now are either "america is big bad dumb redneck" or "god bless murica" and absolutely nothing more nuanced than that

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes sense though, if everyone is an "alpha" then a civilization can't function, how does nature/god make sure that most people won't try to be "alphas"? There must be an inhibiting mechanism beyond just fear, because cornered animals get quite vicious, if the fear is too great then fight/flight takes over, too much fear turns most of your population into highly aggressive "alphas" overnight

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stuff like this reminds me of when it became an upper middle class fashion trend to buy jeans with rips and holes in them and paying big price tags for the poverty "aesthetic", it's the exact same type of people still up to their same cringe shit years later, they just make it more and more ridiculous each time their pampered boredom returns

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Humanity has a highly unusual degree of behavioral variety, any other species is very predictable, some species are known to eat their young, like hamsters, and some species would never eat their young (at least not alive), and some species are known to eat their young by accident, like frogs, due to not differentiating and just going for anything that moves, but humans.. humans you get this very wild variety ranging from those who will fight to the death to protect their young to those who prey directly on their young, and everything from severely negligent abandoning parent to the overprotective helicopter parent, and everything in between, and there are MANY other behavioral areas where humanity as a species is just wildly unpredictable on an individual basis, whereas no other species is like that, I do believe there are spiritual entities in the mix but I also think many people struggle to grasp that humanity is NOT a normal species and anything could happen

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm just old, if shtf I have better ways to contribute than hiding in the woods, a majority of young couples are low income now (statistical facts) so the people with the most to lose (raising a family) are least able to prepare for defense and self sustainability

VanillaBean 0 points ago +2 / -2

Jesus straight up told people that Moses was a false teacher, it was when some men in crowd started arguing with him about marriage, something to the effect of Moses taught that it was okay to throw away your wives when they became older and less attractive and get new younger hotter ones, and Jesus told them Moses taught false things to people in the form of telling people what they wanted to hear even if it was wrong

by DrLeaks
VanillaBean 10 points ago +11 / -1

If he was actually going to expose anything on a game changing level they would have staged his suicide before letting him buy twitter, sucks but that's the damn truth and anyone not snorting lines of hopium knows it

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tbh I think most people who accepted the mrna injections, especially multiple times ie boosters, are too scared to admit to themselves that they may have irreversible damage, especially damage that could kill then prematurely, most people don't have the psychological resilience to function day to day with that reality of something irreversible inside of their bodies that could turn them into a suddenly and expected statistic at any moment even in their sleep, and considering those who took multiple jabs had the lowest psychological resilience to begin with out of the general population there is just no way, if they truly let it sink in they would have a nonstop panic attack

VanillaBean 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most of the larps that used this particular copy/paste were during the height of the Q larping and most of them were wrong, which makes sense since this is a meme format that tons of people copy/paste and just edit what's in the middle, if you look up "copy pasta" you can see it's an entire meme phenomenon and when someone unfamiliar with it falls for it they call it "eating the pasta", there's no need to get defensive I'm just trying to help you out

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're not defeated by violence but rather by mass noncompliance

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

The irony is that of those 7.5 billion people he is in the bottom half ranked by practical value, dude probably can't even perform cpr properly

VanillaBean 12 points ago +13 / -1

The first and last paragraphs are copy/pasted for numerous different larps

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Idk I can totally believe that a trans person got rejected by people not into penises and then went on a shooting spree over it, that's probably the most believable mass shooting narrative I've heard in years

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes sense considering every location had gone full blown rogue earlier on, there were definitely some sick demonic bastards in the mix who did really fucked up things with no oversight or anyone brave enough to even question them and there were normal honorable men running some locations who tried to take good care of their detainees and then everything in between, not unlike prisons in the US to this day

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's just like everything else where they make corruption super in your face obvious, it's a win either way for them, either people remain overwhelming apathetic which assures tptb that they can keep doing whatever they want, or if people start revolting in large numbers then tptb get to roll out the military early, now that they've purged all of the based military members and there's nothing left but people willing to take magical mystery injections in exchange for paying off student loans or sex surgeries

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know this is satire but this stuff irl only impacts companies that were dysfunctional as hell to begin with. I spent over 40 years at the same company and there were no gender war issues, men who tried to treat women inappropriately or unfairly were fired and women were held to the same work performance standards as men so if they didn't keep up they were also fired with everything documented to show it was objective. Not once in 40+ years did we have any real issues because everyone was held accountable in all the same ways. The companies where these big wars between the sexes are nearly always a dumpster fire of unprofessional dysfunction anyway when you pull back the curtains, twitter being a case in point.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

I still strongly suspect that many of them did this to show the public what a farce "covid" really was without getting fired, it was the sort of thing that is so flagrantly obvious that people in the gray zone started going wtf wait a minute, only the hardcore covid cult delusional types couldn't mentally acknowledge that all these videos were showing that the hospitals were NOT the overrun horror shows the msm was claiming they were, I'm sure some of them were just mindless cattle going along with the herd, but this was just so intensely screaming the reality for everyone to see, it just had to be deliberate

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The angle they're trying to pitch reminds me of the "voodoo death" phenomenon observed in parts of the world where people who truly believe they will die at a certain time, due to a curse placed on them by a witchdoctor, spontaneously die at the assumed time with no instrumental cause of death determined with autopsy, such as poisoning, which reinforces the belief to other members of those communities, it's actually a fascinating phenomenon worthy of its own deep dive for anyone interested in the power of the human brain, but anyway if stress from the opposing view side could cause a spike in deaths then it would be those who refused the mrna injections dropped like flies, since we were the ones aggressively condemned by the entire msm, the government, employers, much of society in general and even close friends and family in such cases, including people wanting to see us imprisoned, our children taken away, our livelihoods destroyed and even our deaths

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have loved ones on the booster train as well, I've accepted that they can't wake up, just enjoying what time I have left with them and hoping their suffering is minimal

VanillaBean 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tbf imagine as a doctor if ripping a parasite out of your patient would cause your patient to quickly die, you'd need to try to find another way to get rid of the parasite while sparing your patient, that's how it is when comes to removing the zionist parasite from the US, at this point they are so deeply embedded into the economy that if they start thrashing about the US might implode, this is why once a dog has heartworms you can't just give her meds to quickly kill the worms, if they thrash around the dog's heart will be damaged and may die, I have qualms with Trump for other reasons but I completely understand why it's not a good idea to just jump out from behind the curtains and yell FUCK OFF LEECHES to the group that has your economy by the balls, you need an actual strategy especially for helping your nation through the aftermath

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've gotta admit at this point when it comes to the people still getting boosters I more or less agree with tptb about them, like maybe this actually is for the best

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

IIRC the original "banks" were basically just security guard teams that would hide and protect your gold and other trade valuables for you while you used currency on your travels to represent your gold etc, much easier than hauling all your precious metals around with you and the currency was to show how much you had in your vault, then when deals were done the gold etc could be physically exchanged for whatever, something along those lines but banks were just groups of brutes for hire to guard your shit, even then there was still always the risk that the group you hired would steal from you or have you disappeared before taking everything for themselves, having other people control your wealth has always been a high risk luxury

VanillaBean 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep you get it, because you were looking for something livable, when the muppets whine there is a labor shortage they're talking about the millions of jobs that nobody can actually survive on, the only people that can actually afford to take those jobs are retired grandparents, college kids, grown adults living with their moms and bored housewives, that's it, but the muppets don't acknowledge this because to do so would be to also acknowledge that our economy depends on there being tens of millions of impoverished workers, that's what "infinite growth" delusions get you, also why they're trying to import millions of third worlders who feel grateful just to have clean water

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