Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alec Baldwin is a victim. Just ask Alec Baldwin.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is fair.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

But... you can use time travel to go sideways.



Note: Salvia has as good a chance of embedding your secondary (energy) body in a rock for a hundred thousand years (until the rock is destroyed). Or aluminum siding. When you come back you need therapy. All the therapy.

Thanks for the gemstone idea though.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

But... I like dogs. Instead, "Their spirit only equal...", uhm... how about an ostrich?

Ostriches are assholes apparently.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is actually very educational. What muppet would go well with the word democide?

I'm thinking Miss Piggy. I'm thinking someone should do a short public service announcement with Miss Piggy wacking various innocent bystanders dressed like Seth Rich with her signature, "Hieeyaaaaahhhh!!!" to the back of the head.

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

I kinda sorta understand Nurse Ratched a little more now.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Millions of families suffer every year...

Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Meddling... kids...

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

..awaiting instructions and finding ways to justify their stupidity.

"Oh... it would have been so much worse if I hadn't taken the 2 shots and the 7 boosters!"

Undernourish -1 points ago +1 / -2

Lol. So I should avoid bowling alleys for the next couple of days. Gottit.

Undernourish -2 points ago +1 / -3

Okay. So. Using the milkshake metaphor we saw in, "There Will Be Blood."

Yes the straw sucks up the magic milkshake from everywhere. However, we just have to wait for the earth to make more magic milkshake?

Maybe we should be checking decommissioned oil wells once in a while...

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

People are bored/tired of covid.

People are bored/tired of Ukraine.

Ok time for another school shooting.

Ok time for airborne monkeypox release in New York Subway or similar Wuhan-type scenario.

Ok time for more covid lockdowns because monkeypox (hopefully) spreading is a failure.


I thought you meant this information war cycle.

Undernourish 1 point ago +2 / -1


drops the mic

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you don't know what loosh is, watch Doctor Sleep. Let's call that movie a relatively accurate analogy.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

The anal sex thing seems to be a given. My intuition is telling me there will be a more contagious (god help us I hope not) airborne version of the virus released later on.

Reasoning: It (this monkey pox outbreak) seems to have obviously been released on purpose in the gay population with a viral vector that targets specifically the gay population. That seems kind of inefficient considering you want to kill everybody. SO a worse more contagious monkey pox version will be released soon.

And the blame will be on the gays.

My reasoning relatively sound?

Undernourish 3 points ago +3 / -0

To sort of quote Donny Darko,

"How exactly do you GET monkey pox?"

'Cuz it looks a lot like the '80s and '90s HIV/AIDS rules are being broken.

To be more blunt: unprotected anal sex.

Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. A few years ago, I started just shaking my head and moving on when I heard about shootings in the States.

Now, it's pretty much the same for the next plandemic.

Undernourish 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is an accurate representation of Trudeau.

Undernourish 0 points ago +1 / -1

Levar Burton? What did he say? Sorry, was a STtNG fan.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just a question:

As I understand it, adrenochrome is an addictive substance that does a bunch of things to make you a complete douchebag. e.g. Elen, apparently.

What is the link to machine elves, which are more associated with DMT?

I know, I know... drugs. My question is how do machine elves actually link to Moloch worship?

Not being condescending. I actually want to know.

Undernourish 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's fun. Also lead eventually to the Deadpool movies. Only thing wrong with them is Ryan Reynolds closed the only available viaduct into Vancouver for like three years just for a scene with a bullet through a cloaca.

Regardless: This movie has quite a bit of awesome that just lead eventually to more awesome.

Undernourish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they are trying to point out that narcissists require attention, good or bad. They feed off of it. They don't care which they get, as long as they get it. It validates the grandiose image they are trying to show the world. To drive a narc crazy, don't give them any attention.

This is how you pluck out the weed.

Undernourish 4 points ago +4 / -0

A special place in hell...

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