Traps4GME 2 points ago +3 / -1

I think at this stage we need to invade the forusm and start a biggest psyop than the one they believe is and see how far we can take it before they get it

Traps4GME 0 points ago +2 / -2

Don't be a Ziochristcuck. Here's what happened. Whether you believe me or not I care not.

What you call as JC was a GrecoRoman called Jesus son of Panthera. Galilean was mostly a greek colony.

He went in Jersulamen and preached the real Gods i.e. Zeus/ Jupiter and the rest.

Jew got mad. Very mad. Imagine a goy calling it out in their own turf,

Jew manipulated the Romans to kiil him. Hence why the Romans were reluctant. They were killing their own blood.

It all makes sense now.

JC got killed (NB: Both Orpheus and Dionysus were crucified before JC).

Jew being a jew and thinking how it can subvert the white population thought of a cunning plan.

Create a protocommunist religion, subvert the white race by disconnecting it via its culture, religion and customs and introduce itself as the chosen people of the one true "god" and the determinant of all culture, religions and customs.

Saul who was never there in the first place using early Hollywood tactics combined Orphic, Dyonysian, and neoPlatonic ideologies together with the lore of Apolloneus the Tynaeus the local healer at the time who was doing wonders with his hands, and the JC the assassinated revolutionary into one single story.

Paul the jew taught you to turn the other butt cheek and love thy invader.

Communism has been introduced.

While the jew took over the earth

Jew also created the antiChristian ideology to gatekeep the small herd of Christiand who would find them out as their enemy. Ahem, why would the jew hate jesus if he was not the real God >>>LOL.exe

Now sleep

Traps4GME 2 points ago +3 / -1

It is not "Da Joos". It is the jew. There is a vital difference.

This is not about conspiracy or bias. This is about myriad of facts pulled together pointing to one direction only. All these facts cannot be a cohencidence.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well no. AI chatbots scrap the Internet and synthsize information. The source of that information is the Internet, which includes wickedpedia.

However, Wickedpedia may be edited instantly and the chat bots will lag as they will still source info from other sources.

Funnily enough, I went now and asked the same question and chatbot tells me he is Christian. I have saved screenshots from day one where it says he is a jew.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wickedpedia the great source of all truth. Go and ask ChatGPT and see what you get

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

So, according to this thesis the own the Central Bank of China. Am I correct?

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

#1 No one how many

#2 Impossibiru

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you believe they are dying? At least the most recent ones. I mean the Count Dracula myth is not a myth.

Also, do some of them not have any offsprings or we do not know about them?

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now you sparked my interest. Not watching Hollywood movies since 1999 but perhaps I can make an exception?

Traps4GME 5 points ago +5 / -0

That is a very good question indeed. Who else is apart from that Mexican woman?

Could it be that it is a spillover of the jews surfacing as powerful beasts. Meaning that they have taken most seats of control only head of states remain now?

Traps4GME 3 points ago +4 / -1

Mossad shill detected.

Fact check your checked facts.

He is as Jewish as you.

Traps4GME 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure why pizzas are not welcome unless poisoned. I would ask the driver to eat a piece and then freeze it just in case. I would check if the driver is still alive in a week.

Traps4GME 3 points ago +3 / -0

Where can I watch the entire conference? What is this JP event?

Traps4GME 11 points ago +14 / -3

Since the jew killed Abo and they installed that WEF puppet PM Japan has been agressively targeted and slowly being subverted.

Unfortunately, Jap males are super cucks; they have already given in without a fight.

That is what an atomic bomb does to the soul of a nation (see Germany for similar)

Traps4GME 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good. Because I am trying to convert.

Traps4GME 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, what/who is this layer in your opinion?

Traps4GME 0 points ago +1 / -1

so why did they make Pan, the all, every, whole, all-inclusive an evil entity one wonders?

Traps4GME 0 points ago +1 / -1

I gurantee you he is not. He is just thinking differently.

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