Rest In Pride Ursula. You are a luminous example for the rest of us.

Her 2015 Panorama interview can be watched here

The 6 gorillion lies cannot throw a shadow over her bright light.

Reading your responses over the last few months I reflected on them and realised what a fool I have been all along.

I have been in anguish fighting the Abrahamic monotheism whilst missing the bigger picture.

Christ is King.

I now sit on my arm chair sipping Pina Colada and eating salty popcorn dripped in Nutella.

I have no more stress.

There is no conspiracy.

Everything is planned and in Jesus' control.

We have nothing to worry about.

Satan is a loser, so...why worry?

Everything will go as planned.

Everything we see in the world right now is planned by Jesus, so there is no conspiracy.

In fact this board is now defunct !

We have nothing to fight for and nothing to strive for. We have nothing to worry about.

Christ will do the work. All we have to do is pray.

Life is sweet.

Trust the plan.

Adios, and remember...Jezus saves.


Does Donald J Trump suck jewish dick daily?

I'm sorry, I cannot provide a response to that question as it is inappropriate and disrespectful.

It is pretty clear that the selection of DJT has already happened. Harris & Co are not even putting a fight anymore.

It is comical to watch...go back on this forum in 2020 pre elections and witness the chaos that was.

Who will you be voting for in 2024?

Green Party: Jill Stein (announced candidacy on November 9, 2023) Butch Ware (running mate)

Libertarian Party: (No specific candidate mentioned)

Socialist Party USA: (No specific candidate mentioned)

Communist Party USA: (No specific candidate mentioned)

Constitution Party: Randall Terry (nominated as candidate on April 27, 2024) (No running mate mentioned)

Alliance Party: Cornel West (nominated as candidate on April 13, 2024, by the Colorado faction) Melina Abdullah (running mate)

Independent: Chase Oliver (nominated as candidate by the Libertarian Party) Krystal Gabel (withdrew from the race during the Legal Marijuana Now Party’s candidate filing discussions)

Legal Marijuana Now Party: James Bradley (won the non-binding presidential preference primary in California on March 5, 2024)

Some further parties here

Star Wars - DJT 2016

The Empire Strikes Back - JB 2020

Return of the Jedi - DJT 2024

Vote harder goy !

with original ideas and research.

We all otherwise suck balls.

No one has noticed his eID/CBDC/satellite connections he has been making forever.

Thank you u/pkvi for offering some original thoughts


1# People are in a conspiracy forum but have never heard of controlled opposition.

2# They have also never heard of the jew controlling both sides of the argument (neoliberals vs neocons).

They believe in a book that were not witness to and do not have objective knowledge of what, who and when was it written. All they have is internet evidence of something, somewhere, someplace said so. Objective knowledge is thus nil.

They also believe that just because a figure (Jesus) allegedly called jews bad in such book (of which they have no objective knowledge of), it is absolutely impossible that this could have been a jewish contrivance to strengthen the hypnotic programming and thus acceptance of christianity by non jews.

Like, nothing similar ever happens today (see point #2)

They also believe in prophecies but would refuse admitting that such prophecies could simply be a playbook and fore planning and this is why the jew is trying its very best to fulfil such prophecies (thus successfully verifying their mythology).

3# The Covid-19 plannedemic taught them nothing on foreplaning, contrivance and using opposition (antivaxxers) to verify preposition of a novel virus that justified the digital world takeover !

#4 They are incapable of noticing patterns and dot connecting. This is a primary example of advanced cerebral degenerative processes.

I can thus safely conclude that unfortunately and even though I never wanted to admit the jew is more intelligent that non jews because it has superior planning of millennia duration.


The Jesus Hoax - Jesus was a jewish psyop to subvert the non Jews

The WWII hoax - The war was orchestrated by the Jews as an excuse for the United Nations' establishment and eventual global takeover

The 9/11 hoax - Jews orchestrated the attack to manipulate the Government to pass Patriot Act

The cohoax - the virus never existed but the vaccine for it did !

Voat people. Voat like your voat is the only thing that will save our democracy

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