Revelation Retards: We are living in the end of times the Revelation Retard will swear up and down. It is ok if I don't do anything, Jesus is going to come down and save us! Never acknowledging that Justice and God's wrath is delivered by the Righteous man's sword, not lightning bolts from the clouds. Resolution > Revelation

Broke Bitches: The Broke Bitch will constantly tell you that the Financial System is just imaginary Fiat Currency. There's no point in getting a job, buying land and passing generational wealth to your several white children(Upholding the 14 words) because the Jews will just thwart your plans.

Doomsday Dipshits: The Doomsday Dipshit thinks stockpiling canned foods, and firearms for the collapse that is going to happen any day now is all that is needed. The Collapse will never come, and the Doomsday Dipshit will never realize the war against the Jews will carry on multi-generationally.

Sobriety Sucker: The Sobriety Sucker constantly battles with alcoholism or other substance, chasing congratulations for being 30 days clean, only to relapse again. The keychain you got at your AA meetings looks cool, now go accomplish something Sobriety Sucker!

5D-Chess Faggot: The 5D-Chess Faggot always thinks any event or accomplishment by his brothers in shifting the overton window is all apart of the Jews elaborate schemes. He gives the Jews more credit for intelligence than Pathological Lying Parasites deserve.

If you fall into one or more of these categories, STOP THAT SHIT!!! 😎

They used AI and web scraping to analyze the chats of conservatards and created a savior figure that talked that narrative and fulfilled the tards wishes.

Joos did it once again.


A complete random archeological article.

Researcher found the head of the statue of Bacchus, inside a water channel near the ancient city of Cyrene in Libya

OK, this picked my interest because I am interested in Dionysus.

Where is Cyrene though?

I read...

Located today in Shahhat in eastern Libya, Cyrene was founded in 631 BC by a group of emigrants from the Greek island of Thera located in the Aegean Sea.

So far, so good...

However, with the rise of Ptolemaic Egypt in 323 BC, Cyrene became one of the classical world’s most intellectually influential centers. With a medical school and great philosophers, Cyrene eventually piqued the Romans’ interest and came under their control in 96 BC.


Cyrene experienced two centuries of relative peace and prosperity under Roman rule, which was interrupted by a revolt by Cyrene Jews in 115 AD, resulting in the city’s steady decline. Cyrene’s ongoing decline was exacerbated by a significant earthquake in 365 AD. The Arab conquest of 642 AD sealed the city’s fate, leaving it in ruins that can still be found today.

Just don't tell me these were Zionists or Khazars. Do we agree on that?

Let this be the year

that we

Make White Europeans and their descendants who believe in Christianity or are pseudo Christians or grew up as Christians, or ex- Christians and now secular


that Christianity has been a Jewish psyop to subvert the white European population into submitting to Lords, higher powers and authorities of sorts and strip them of their connection with their native lands and their identity..

Just like the Cohoax that never existed.

Just like Adolf Hitler, a Jew who played along to kill millions of white Europeans in a phake and ghey war

Let's make this a year of IRL activism.

Fuck the Internet. Let's get out and do our bit (whatever you choose this to be).

(((They)) will get worried

Not because you attack your own Not because you are drunk and stoned Not because you bitch and moan Not because you posted memes Not because you rant & scream Not because you typed something

Synopsis: When Dr. Gennifer Drake's body washes up on a foggy beach on Galveston Island, Texas, Dr. Louise Finnerty, an emergency medicine physician, and Dr. Marnie Liccione, a recently widowed pediatrician, are shocked by their friend's death. As they delve into the murder investigation, they discover Gen had been researching a deadly new form of dengue fever at the ultra-high security Gulf National Laboratory. Aided by climate change, this mosquito borne illness, known as Break Bone Fever, is spreading northward and threatening the United States.

Marnie and Louise are determined to uncover the root cause of Gen's murder and whether or not Gen's transgender status was a factor. With the help of a journalist and an unconventional police detective, they learn the murder may be connected to Q-Anon conspiracists. Untangling the web of lies being propagated by a cabal inside the Environmental Protection Agency, they confront a fight not just for justice, but for their lives.


We need the Disney movie NOW !


Can anyone find any publicly available information of 5G towers/masts (not mobile phone coverage) worldwide?


Dr Reuben Shipway, lecturer in marine biology in the University’s School of Biological & Marine Sciences, said the new system could be a "fantastic way to reduce your carbon footprint".

He said: "We urgently need alternative food sources that provide the micronutrient-rich profile of meat and fish, but without the environmental cost - our system offers a sustainable solution.

"Wild shipworms are eaten in the Philippines – either raw, or battered and fried like calamari.

"But we’re thinking of naked clams being more popular as a white meat substitute in processed foods like fish fingers and fishcakes."


But who is Dr Reuben? Some white dude or some other race perhaps?

On the 8th and 9th of November, 1923, Adolf Hitler led the National Socialist movement in its first bid for power, an attempted coup organized in a beer hall. Though the forces of the state stopped the revolutionary march then, killing some and imprisoning many, the news buoyed the popularity of the National Socialist movement, spreading its message beyond Bavaria and into all of Germany.

The subsequent internment of Adolf Hitler led him to write Mein Kampf, which would become the greatest seller in interwar Germany.

Against all odds, the National Socialist movement was not extinguished, and in just a decade rose to be the dominant force in Germany. From a few men talking in a beer hall, to an organized State at war with the (((world,))) the 9th of November march represents the first concerted and explicit struggle for the White race and against international jewery.


I need to know. Anyone, please provide me with a definition.


What is your nationality?

What is your ethnicity?

What is your race?

What is your nation?

What is your language?

What is your religion?

What is your country?

What is your citizenship?

What is your residency?

Do you even know who YOU are?

They have been holding the British Home Office back from filling up the local luxury hotel & spa with immigrants since July 3rd.

They have been occupyng the entrance to the hotel in shifts 24/7 since early July.

Today they took their land back

but worship Jews sucking baby penis?

Honest question... Looking for honest answers


  1. jesus existed therefore change your religion NOW. He loves you. Communism (turn the other cheek, love your neighbour and illegal invader) is good.

  2. The United Nations will rescue the world from all evil. Let's sign up with them. Also Adolf Hitler was not a jew, hated jews and was not funded by jews

  3. SARS Cov 2 is real and you will die. Also be scared of many oter really bad viruses. trust the scientism and the experts.

Feel free to trash're welcome

where is the evidence that jezus this mythical creature existed? You are all brainwashed for 2000 years now. They erased your national idendity and they substituted it with their concepts, their mythology, their history (old testament), their belief system (christianity and islam). and yet here you are believing in satan, jezus and the duality battle of good and evil whilst they erase your minds


Rishi Sunak, British PM backed off the 2030 bans on petrol/diesel cars and gas boilers because of "the risk in losing people's consent"

His words...

In less than a month.

It is pretty obvious that the dotgov knew that much more was happening that we would let know or getting ready to happen at least in England and Wales (they monitor all info).

Even in China if you remember Xi stopped the Covid BS when people started rioting en masse in late 2022. In just a single city.

All it took was for some people to revolt and only cause material damage to some cameras and street signs.

Just think of this for a second !

Now it is time to push the Overton window harder and faster in the opposite direction.

Register here

Info here

The live exercise will be hosted as a large-scale, international webinar, with viewers joining from all over the world participating by submitting real-time questions in “chat mode” which will be added to the expert’s discussion and addressed online by EIS Council’s subject matter experts.

Strategy: we all chose a name like "anon..." to recognise each other and we feed what we know, bounce off each other questions and throw fact checking onto the normies live until they shut us down.

This is a one off opportunity to change the route of humanity.

This will be epic.


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