TallestSkil 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are different. Not all the same.


And you can't prove it they all are the same because it's impossible.

Already proved it.

I get that Jews for each other's backs

Thank you for admitting they’re all the same.

it doesn't mean that it's ok for a satanic perverse religion that sees us all a slaves.

Thank you for admitting that there are no good jews and that they must all be exterminated.

But you're still a few levels away


TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

You’re mentally ill and will be killed by the people you worship.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't need to defend my position

Thank you for admitting that your position is a proven and admitted hoax and that you are incapable of providing any evidence whatsoever for your claims. Eat shit and die.

it's the default

It isn’t, no.

Clearly there is no way to prove that all Jews are the same

Holy book says so. Genetic testing says so. Every action ever undertaken by jews in the last 1900 years says so.

And citing that they wish

No one did this. Read before replying.

My position is that different groups of Jews are different.

Your position is false.

There are Khzarian billionaires influencing and war mongering


and there are Jews hooked on weed and internet porn who don't give a fuck about their rabbi.

They do, though. They really, really do. The only jews who don’t support jews… aren’t jews. And your IQ is sub room temperature, so you wouldn’t understand a longer explanation even if one was needed.

it's unnecessary to defend that claim

Thank you for admitting the claim is indefensible.

it's obvious

Great argument.

I get that you can't help jumping around and freaking out when someone disagrees with you


Making huge jumps in logic


Judaism is a mess of lies, they hide their wierd pervert rules in their fucked up Talmud.

But they would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever lie or hide that they all believe the same thing and act in the same way toward the same goals, right?

this non sense of blaming all Jews is self defeating.

Thanks for admitting you want us to do exactly what has always been done in history and which results in jews always winning.

They designed social rejection of antisemitic speech to defeat you before you finish your sentence.

Yes? It’s literally what you have been brainwashed to do and why you keep impotently screaming about how “they’re totally different” and “we definitely can’t blame all of them just trust me goyim!” You’re literally programmed to defend them and you fucking admit it and keep doing it.

And it is just part of the truth.

Antisemitism is, yes.

Because with the harmless jews

Don’t exist.

The harmless Jews

Don’t exist.

I will just let it go and say that all Jews are bad, and some are worse.

Thanks for finally posting the truth. You’ll be fired for that, but hey.

I didn't back that up with a cited dissertation

It’s the default position. You didn’t need to defend it.

by DrLeaks
TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good. Bring on the nukes.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +2 / -1


It literally existed to find and kill jews. You don’t seem to know anything about it.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Given the demographic invasion is there any hope for taking our countries back?

Of course.

We can’t do it politically

Guns exist.

Sure the behavior of certain people is waking more people up but will it reach a tipping point?

No. The only possible solution is acting while we still can.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +1 / -2

Let that holy book and rabbi quotes keep you warm at night

Literally what you’re doing.

snuggle up to your hateful reality

Eat shit? What do you expect to be told when you spew commie buzzwords like this? I’m genuinely confused. What the fuck are you even doing on this website, leftist? Piss off back to Reddit.

where evil billionaire master minds are the same as hopeless screen addicted suburbanites

Why are you talking about two different groups.

, because they both identify as Jewish

lol; your false pretenses aren’t going to save you.

Your obsession with being right


and taking on undetectable position

… Did you mean ”indefensible”? Because I don’t understand what you mean otherwise, and you’re still objectively wrong if you did mean that, since I’ve already defended it.

is the recipe that makes you a frustrating asshole

I don’t give a shit about your feelings. I don’t give a shit about your opinions. I don’t give a shit about your propaganda.

What's worse, is your ego

Project. Your. Own. Inadequacies. Somewhere. Else. Get fucked, you dumbass coward. I have no ego. I have no self-worth. I have no purpose or meaning. Nothing here has been about me except your lies. I have only posted on the topic of discussion. You know nothing about the topic of discussion and your propaganda comments have been objectively refuted. Your only recourse, because you’re a sophist coward or a paid shill, is to personally attack me since you can’t defend your position.

has no chance to learn anything

Said the subhuman retard who rejects first-level sources sight unseen.

when you assume you’re already know.

Nah, I do know. It’s not a matter of opinion or assumption. Just takes a few hours of actually reading a book.

Hopefully you learn about how today's current Jews can range

They don’t, though. You fell for a trick. Enjoy your slavery.

although they are all part of the same Jew club

Thanks for utterly destroying your own claim and admitting that all jews are the same and receive special privileges.

they are just as diverse and different as freemasons.

You mean the jewish organization?

But I bet you think

Truth isn’t a matter of opinion.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Cool, don’t care. All jews are the same. Holy book says so. You have nothing whatsoever to refute this. Fuck off and take your feelings with you.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

[directly quoting is “twisting words”]

Eat shit and die. You’ve dropped all pretense of being a real account now.

claim I said something I didn’t

Thank you for admitting that all jews are the same, then.

TallestSkil -1 points ago +2 / -3

[directly copying and pasting my quotes is “twisting my words”]

This is how mentally defective you actually are. This is what you actually believe.

breaking… context

Didn’t happen, dipshit. I replied directly to everything you said exactly as you said it and cited first-order sources disproving your claims, you have nothing.

you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts

you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute

you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings

you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said

you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said

you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said

you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews

you’re a jew because you want every jew on Earth exterminated

you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying

you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality

It’s all jews. They’re all the same. They all believe the same things. They all behave the same way. Because they are jewish.

Get fucked, shill.

by DrLeaks
TallestSkil 0 points ago +1 / -1


TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Israel did 9/11. Try again on another website.

TallestSkil 0 points ago +2 / -2

Look how twisty you are.

Completely open and forthright about everything being said.

You know that George Soros is WAY different than a regular Jew

Literal twistiness.

make pull your jewjitsu scarecrow arguments

Do you mean strawman? Because you’re completely wrong either way.

in the face of obvious truth


Not all Jews are the same

Thanks for admitting that all jews are the same.

That's the default argument.

No, it’s your unsubstantiated and disproven claim.

And you are the rediculous fool who can't support your claim

Directly linked to the holy book they all read from birth. Kill yourself, retired.

That they are all on on it.

Why can’t you answer my questions.

You're too far

Eat shit, coward. Why can’t you answer my questions.

You didn't

You aren’t the determinant of this.

you can't.

Holy book explicitly says otherwise.

You pick dumb battles, lose, and then pretend you win.


[incoherent rambling]

Thank you for admitting that all jews are allied against all non-jews.

Screaming that no Jew should be allowed to love

No one said this.

makes you exactly the same level of slave as everyone else

“You refuse to serve jews therefore you’re identical to the people who only serve jews!”

Get psychiatric help immediately.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

you’re dumb if you think I need to substantiate my claims

Thank you for admitting that you lied. You have conceded the argument. The discussion is over.

TallestSkil 1 point ago +3 / -2

Thanks for admitting you’re incapable of defending your own claims. Thanks for admitting you’re incapable of refuting anything I said. The discussion is over. You have conceded the argument.

It’s the jews. I don’t give a shit what name you use to cover up for them. The illuminati (created by a jew). The Satanists (modern church created by a jew). The freemasons (an institution created by jews). The Khazarians (which converted to–and were flooded with–judaism centuries ago). The communists (created by a jew). The Deep State (staffed entirely with jews). The Bilderbergers (46% jewish, 18,400% higher than their representation in global population). The Trilateral Commission (41% jewish, 16,400% higher than their representation in global population). The Group of Thirty (53% jewish, 21,200% higher than their representation in global population). The Bankers (on average 50% jewish, 2,500% higher than their representation in global population). The United Nations (created to defend the existence of Israel and fulfill Torahic prophecy). It doesn’t fucking matter what you call them.

It’s. the. fucking. jews. because. they. are. jewish.

We’re done. You lied. Fuck off.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

you’re too stubborn

I’ve never found that to be the case. We wouldn’t be in this mess if more people were at least as stubborn as me.

you think

  1. Sophism is unbecoming.
  2. You’re projecting your own behaviors onto others. Nothing I have said is a matter of opinion or personal belief. You’re incapable of comprehending this because you don’t believe in the existence of objective truth. You’re clinically insane because objective truth is self-evident.

I can find quotes


You don’t have an argument. You have nothing. You have brainwashing and primal conditioned fear in the face of truth that hurts your feelings. That’s it. You can cite nothing from any source that refutes anything I’ve said. Nowhere is there any evidence whatsoever that disproves THE CONTENTS OF THE HOLY BOOK OF THE JEWS with respect to jewish behavior and mindset. They know how they think. They know what they’re called to do. All of them are, by definition, raised from birth on this. There’s nothing you can say to the contrary. Nothing. You’re fucking done, dipshit. Cut your losses and move on somewhere else.

[repeats the same fucking propaganda line again]

Every. Single. Last. Fucking. Jew. supports what “the ones at the top” are doing. All of them. Every last one of them. You, being of room temperature IQ, can be easily tricked by them saying, “Oh, I don’t support Israel’s actions,” because you know nothing about how jews speak. If a jew doesn’t support [possessive noun’s] actions, that doesn’t mean they don’t support the actions themselves.

No jew, anywhere, will ever denounce the actions of jews in banking, in industry, in trade, in government, or in war. Because they all support those things. They’ll tell you they don’t like how it was done or who is doing it. They will never say they don’t like what is being done.

Because they’re all raised from birth to support it.

Because that’s what “being a jew” means.


Get a clue or fuck off to another website. Enjoy your slavery.*

by DrLeaks
TallestSkil 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember what ✡they✡ took from you.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1


Provided direct evidence to texts on which all jews are raised from birth.

you obviously know that's not true from a generational/geographic history

If I know the generational and geographical history, why would I say it’s not true? It’s because I know jewish history that I know it is true. It’s how they’ve behaved literally for millennia.

I'm not gonna waste my time looking up Khzarians

I wouldn’t, either. You can just go straight to the Bible and see where it says “THESE BASTARDS KILLED CHRIST AND SHOULD BE STOPPED AT EVERY TURN” and “YEAH WE KILLED HIM AND WE’LL TAKE THE BLAME FOR ALL ETERNITY” and then turn to the Talmud and see where it says NON-JEWS ARE ANIMALS WHO EXIST ONLY TO WORK FOR US AND WE CAN KILL THEM ANY TIME WE WANT” and “YOU ARE OBLIGATED TO STEAL FROM NON-JEWS BECAUSE THE WORLD IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT.” I don’t need to go to any specific point in history to construct a model of jewish thought and behavior. I can go to the book they all read and see what they believe.

posing as harmless

This is judaism encapsulated.

there are lots of brainwashed, harmless Jews

This is an oxymoron.

who have no fucking clue what's going on.

They do. They really, truly do. That’s why they’re jews.

And your point is that because I believe that obvious truth

It’s neither obvious nor true, and I defy you to provide any evidence of it.

that I'm unaware of my slavery?

You are enslaved precisely because you have been tricked into thinking that any amount of judaism is acceptable to you or your society. Judaism isn’t just a race—genetic, and therefore neurological. Judaism is a mindset and a way of thinking and behaving. Judaism contradicts all other cultures and explicitly sets itself apart from them. The set of behaviors which work to enrich jews definitionally take from other cultures. There’s no symbiosis or benevolent neglect, as seen between other cultures. There’s only parasitism.

TallestSkil 2 points ago +3 / -1

Can't use your own common sense


so you site


other brainwashed idiots.

Jews are brainwashed idiots? The literal authors of the Talmud—the holy book of the jews—are brainwashed idiots?

Jews are not the problem.


It's people who call themselves Jewish

So… the jews. All jews call themselves jewish. The Bible is extremely explicit about this. They’re the problem and always have been since they killed Christ.

and people who don't.

“Judaism is the problem” ≠ “judaism is the only problem” ≠ “no one who isn’t jewish is part of that problem.” It’s not just jews, but it is all jews. Period. End of story. No exceptions. Their holy book explicitly says so.

It's illogical to say a Soros is the same Jew as Larry from accounting

I literally just proved otherwise with direct citations to both religious and secular documentation from some of the most prominent jewish sources in history.

and, I don't know if it makes sense to argue with you


since it seems you have researched and still don't care

Since I have actually done the research—and you have not—why do you persist, in your little sophist brain, to think that you could possibly be correct?

Answer the question, coward.

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