I know there is no right answer, and secret societies can't all be publically known.
Just wondering who/what people think is the top of the bad guy stairs.
Example: Deep State, when I think of the ultimate highest group, it's the one in control of the US.
Completely open and forthright about everything being said.
Literal twistiness.
Do you mean strawman? Because you’re completely wrong either way.
Thanks for admitting that all jews are the same.
No, it’s your unsubstantiated and disproven claim.
Directly linked to the holy book they all read from birth. Kill yourself, retired.
Why can’t you answer my questions.
Eat shit, coward. Why can’t you answer my questions.
You aren’t the determinant of this.
Holy book explicitly says otherwise.
Thank you for admitting that all jews are allied against all non-jews.
No one said this.
“You refuse to serve jews therefore you’re identical to the people who only serve jews!”
Get psychiatric help immediately.
twisting my words into quotes I never said, dividing my sentences and breaking my points out of context, adding your ' thanks for admitting..' reel .
You have more in common with Jews than you think.
This is how mentally defective you actually are. This is what you actually believe.
Didn’t happen, dipshit. I replied directly to everything you said exactly as you said it and cited first-order sources disproving your claims, you have nothing.
It’s all jews. They’re all the same. They all believe the same things. They all behave the same way. Because they are jewish.
Get fucked, shill.
You just twist words and then cheaply claim I said something that I didn't. Then you deny it while doing it again. Unaware of yourself.
Eat shit and die. You’ve dropped all pretense of being a real account now.
Thank you for admitting that all jews are the same, then.