TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nazi = AshkeNAZI = non-sheepherder jew = Khazarian aka fake Jews

The term Nazi was a pejorative term to make fun of Hitler and say he was being controlled by the AshkeNAZI Jew population that filled the ranks of his Secret Police.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is a MAGA forum, so, yeah we are here.

by DrLeaks
TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

No we won't.

Communists aren't people.

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's shit. Very shitty shit. Satan is listed like t different places. Jesus is in the "realm of darkness" and it says he was fathered by some demon thing. Just. No.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sigh.... all this misdirected energy, and half-cocked logic. You've written a novel of mistakes I'm not even sure I have time to untangle for you. Let's see... surely my fiancée will protest my doing this for you as she hates me being "in my phone" but here goes, from the bottom up:

  1. Lutherans firmly believe that communion is a "mystery." Is it transubstantiation? Does transubstantiation happen in your throat? Your stomach? Or is it referencing the fact that the carbs in the bread will be absorbed into your body's fat stores and the alcohol goes to your bloodstream, you yourself being the body of Christ? According to Lutherans, it's indeterminable and unimportant.

  2. Lutherans do confirmation too. I'm a confirmed Lutheran.

  3. The five solas are as follows: sola scriptura (Scripture alone), solus Christus (Christ alone), sola fide (faith alone), sola gratia (grace alone), and soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone).

  4. There is nothing shady about MLK Jr and Sr changing their names. It was done out of religious respect for Martin Luther. MLK Jr was extremely religious and eventually caught on that it wasn't black vs white as much as it was those who have money taking advantage of those who don't. He was shot like a week, maybe a month, after switching his rhetoric.

Stop simping for ChatGPT and do your own research.

I do not physically have the time to point out every error in your posting. Please take some time to consider how to sharpen your critical thinking skills and scientific method of looking at the world.

Anon to anon, I say these things to you out of love.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, no, I'm taking you seriously bro. Here you have me. My brain is a sponge. Show me.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay cool use some math and demonstrate the world is flat. I'm sure it will be super easy for you bro.

Oh and how thick is it bro? Are we talking a mile? Hundreds of miles?

And who went to the trouble of making a gigantic disk-shaped planet when it is logistically about 99999999x easier to make round planets?

Also what material/methodology is keeping this disc-shaped behemoth from crushing into itself and becoming a crunched-up roundish pile of garbage?

Also who lives on the other side?

Come on bro. Math!

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like a very romanticized and noir narrative you have there with no facts to support it....

tilts glasses I PROMISE BRO.... IT'S SUPER SERIOUS Harley rockets off into the distance

Just give me some actual information. Three supporting details, ya know.

I think we can't go to Antarctica because of the Nazi alien science base.

You think we can't go to Antarctica because the government doesn't want you to see you could fall off the planet.

How would gravity even work on a flat earth?


You people.

So if the world is flat then how thick is it bro

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't try to "Emperor Wears No Clothes" bully people into going with this horseshit.

"If you were smarter you would look into this stupid idea"

The math for a flat earth doesn't work, even vaguely.

Please present any and all arguments/evidence/facts in support of a flat earth.

I have encountered nothing but tard shit.

Oh by the way flat earth movement was virtually nonexistent until a bunch if us on 4chan decided to sarcastically support the movement as a troll because 1. Poe's Law, can't tell if serious or trolling when it comes to Dumb Shit on the Internet. 2. People are fucking stupid.

The Earth is Flat folks can saddle up right next to the Birds Are Not Real crowd, we got them too.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is the relevance of the earth being flat?

HOW does the earth being flat change ANYTHING?

I've consumed a lot of flat earth media. Including the documentary where someone gives them money and a camera crew and resources to, lo and behold, prove themselves wrong.

Show me how it's anything more than low-level autism.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol you do realize that even if the world was flat that changes nothing? like they absolutely are overstating the costs of their stupid rockets for money laundering purposes. even though the world is round.

just like Westinghouse overstated the costs on numerous projects to build nuclear power plants and even gave foreign countries access to our uranium. even though the world is round.

flat earthers on the .wins fall into two categories: idiots and shills. My good friend likes the flat earth theory and he also likes heroin, i'm guessing you can figure out which category he is in.....

the wins were born out of the jan 6th banning of r/the_donald.... and r/the_donald was created by us "Q anons" before we had Q and we were just the top anons.... we created t_d to serve as a raid on reddit, we created the republic of kekistan just before this. t_d was actually an afterthought as we were performing raids on facebook... the original Republic of Kekistan was so lit we had like a quarter million members and rapidly increasing before they banned us. even on Leftbook we are craaaaazy popular.

but what i was getting at is this is a Q forum so you look kinda silly saying the earth is flat, Q even addressed it.

now if you had some kind of evidence that would be kinda cool

but you don't

cuz it isn't

but it's irrelevant cuz it's all a simulation

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +3 / -1

What I like to ask flat earthers is this.... what would be the relevance of the earth being flat?

I hold the universe is a simulation. Not that it matters.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro this does not make sense.

Practice your English. Google translate isn't good enough, apparently.

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

The most autistic thing I read today, you lost me at "the sun will explode"

TDanonDJTJR2024 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are standing by with plenty of firearms and ammunition. Guard active. The same fucking day we lose faith in the plan you get blood in the streets, everywhere.

We are cranking up the heat on the normies. They can cope and seethe and pay $8 for a gallon of gas and $3000 for rent until they wake the fuck up. This is an Awakening event. WE will be fine. WE are strong. We have always been strong, we will always be strong. The people hardest hit by this heat will be the narrative believers, and we want to give them every chance to wake up.

Why are you trying to urge people to take action when you're not doing so yourself?

You're either a glowie or a coward.

If you don't fucking believe in the plan, what's stopping you retard?

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol you do of course realize the whole thing was a global IQ test and not one of us patriots was at risk of accidentally volunteering to be genocided.... he gave a speech in Cullman Alabama and I was there.... such a random city, in the middle of red territory, no point in even coming to Alabama as our support of him was steadfast.... the choosing of Cullman was comms... the Culling of Man...

At the Cullman rally he praised the vaccines. We loudly, passionately booed him. Thing is tho, his praise was tongue-in-cheek. Our booes in fact were also tongue-in-cheek. By booing him we were daring the mainstream media to cover that, and also taunting them because here is their dream footage, Trump getting booed by his 'unwavering' supporters, but they can't report on it because they don't want people to know why.

Trump knew this would happen. Q knew this would happen. The masterful orchestration of this ordeal transcends the ability of Trump, Q and all of the world's cooperating whitehats. There have been many points where it is only GOD who could possibly understand what is going to play out.

I have nothing but pity in my heart for those who do not know the truth; that God is in control, we are on a good course, Trump is God's instrument, the military is God's instrument, Kekistan is God's instrument, the most fire memes are in fact inspired by God, the God of Kek rings true, Jesus Christ loves dope memes, no copium is needed for we are sustained by His dopamemes alone, even the swamp rats are unwittingly carrying out the will of God(some of them wittingly and with a gun to their back), God is in control, Q is in control, Trump is in control, WE are in control.

If you really think the operation is a failure and Trump is a traitor, what exactly is keeping your rifle from firing???? Because there are a fucking LOT OF US READY TO ROCK AND ROLL. And we don't agree with your pathetic sniveling.

By the way I had no trouble getting through security with a giant red Q painted on both sides of my face. Toward the end a security guard accosted me regarding the Q, saying to wipe it off. I informed him it was for senator Quinn or Quincy or something, there was some lady there campaigning with a Q last name. She had a whole like lifted truck with her name on it parked at the front and a giant flag. I said the Q was for her name and besides removal would be near-impossible because it was make-up level paint and not merely washable face paint. He shrugged and walked away. Hehehe.

TDanonDJTJR2024 1 point ago +1 / -0

How is there this communist never-Trump nonsense creeping onto our site again?

TDanonDJTJR2024 3 points ago +3 / -0

Praise God for this fucking IQ test vaccine I hope they all fucking die