Why is this being down voted? Go back to reddit faggots
Those people dont come here.they get spoonfed from the tv and challenge nothing
The perfect lettering on the trucks is def sus af
Always has to be about honk kong with you.
Are you kidding? All his are work is insane. All cp ritual sacrifice shit
Wow..this guy has perfected the douche look.
You are almost making coherent sentences. Are you on meth or skitoid
Vid has zero info. Wast of time " they arebuiding a thing" wow. Incredible
They value form over ...gain of function lol
5 popups at once jesus fuck what a shit link
"Walls dont work" potato joe
Shut up stay at home super beta cuck millennial faggot
Tru.p not on the real list ...nice try
" im virtious look at my mask! Im helping!"
Like ny isnt destroyed as it is. Might as well blow it up and let it slip into the sea...
Always knew the idiots of the world would lead to my death and not something i did.
You probably did or you did? If english is not your second language you are fucking retarted.
Bill and his shitty science project
Thus is from a salty cracker live stream
Thats why trump had a trafficking operation that kept saving kids? Like incredible sucsessful task force.
For the spelling errors in the title and the soft paywall ...go fuck yourself.