StormzAComing 6 points ago +6 / -0

Something is fishy in the state of Florida. Ain't no way they summoned the entire PD for a hoodlum brawl.

StormzAComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

He was probably dead years ago but they rolled the corpse out to make it official.

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's an idea: dismantle all governments and declare a debt Jubilee according to God's prescription. Every country owes every other country gorillions of dollars. You can't pay off debt with debt. You can't cancel debt with debt. Otherwise countries would have done that.

The government is the problem. Central Banks are the problem. Jubilee (return to God's prescription for society) is the only way out of this.

Rudy sucks, Ron is mid.

by DrLeaks
StormzAComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

for the sake of all that is holy can you just shut up

by DrLeaks
StormzAComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scientists can't seem to figure out that dark matter is actually very important lol. They know it exists and they have their useful quantum sicence knuckledraggers blab all day on the Science Channel about what it could possibly be, but they don't know what it is or how it came to be. And thus they conveniently ignore it when its not related to quantum physics.

by DrLeaks
StormzAComing 5 points ago +5 / -0

And Russia knew and told them to stop.

My Grandpa worked on top secret stuff at Boeing (a lot of it he didn't tell me before he died but my Grandma knows). This included cutting-edge guided missile technology, nuclear weapons, and apparently a moon landing set. He knew all about the space race and the requirements to get a man up there on the moon. He literally lived in that environment for 4 years.

The single thing preventing mankind from reaching the Moon in reality is the Van Allen belts. They contain extremely energized ionizing radiation, more damaging than the radiation output standing in Chernobyl's basement due to many factors.

Cosmic rays are no joke. When they are captured by a gravitational field, they become very very dangerous to things trying to exit. It's generally safe to send inanimate objects through, but you can't send a human through them, it will cook them from the inside out. You gotta go from the poles, where you will need far more energy to achieve orbit and leave the Earth's encompassing gravitational field.

The moon landings were fake. It's totally obvious. Everything is made up these days.

StormzAComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forgive me, you came across as radically atheist. Your hatred for Zionism is so intense that it blurs the lines of lunacy and atheism at once.

The God I serve is not definable in physical terms. The God I serve and worship is a fully omnipotent and omnipresent God who at once is the Universe, Intelligence, and Consciousness. Christ within us is the greatest gift we could ever have. I hope you find him soon!

StormzAComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is one conspiracy I wholly subscribe to. Aint' no way we can't go back there when we have self-driving cars, stealth fighters, and rockets that can take us to Pluto and beyond within 2 decades. This moon stuff was faked. If they did go there, or have a presence there, its about as off the record as the 9-11 testimonies.

StormzAComing 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's disgusting art. AI will be the Antichrist, using the form of a cybernetically-modified "man" who will have the knowledge of the entire internet and he will rule by the limited power of Satan.

StormzAComing 0 points ago +2 / -2

Hello retard, let's take your angry rant apart piece by piece. Feel free to kick and scream because your feefees are going to be hurt.

First of all, let's get this straight: We are more related to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob then the "Jews" are. The Jews we see today are pyrite. They are descendants of converted Khazarian tribes, which were and are indeed a racist, perverted, greedy, and abominable group of people. So no wonder their descendants follow suit.

We, however, are largely related to the "lost tribes", which, after the fall of Media and Persia, migrated north through Armenia into the Caucasus. From there, we can trace their haplogroups spreading into Ukraine and then ballooning westward into the pre-Germanic tribes. By the time Jesus was around, there were very few actual Jews in the Levant. That is why His genealogy was mentioned multiple times, as a record of His divinity and firstborn by paternal blood right claim to "Messiah." The God of Abraham is the God I worship. The Prince of the Air is what the AshkeNAZI Jews worship.

There is no disputing these facts, they are plain and clear no matter which version of the Bible you read. Compare the Bible with history. It all makes sense. It all comes together if you dig below the surface.

Now to your more idiotic points.

Christians are not idolaters and we should not support any war in any way unless God himself tells us to do so by some divine presence.

Again, these "Jews" we know today are all fake, invented by Satan to push his evil agenda. Why is Israel such a key facet of globalism and the NWO, if it was not compromised wholly and utterly by Satan? These "Jews" will follow like sheep whichever MAN sets himself above them.

And you read the scriptures wrong (if you even read them at ALL) if you think that Jesus wanted salvation only for the Jews. He said himself, "Go ye into all the world and teach all nations." Does that sound Judeocentric to you? God sacrificed himself to pay the price for your sins and mine. Without Him we would be certainly condemned to death. but now we live a new life in Him and why should we not praise that wonderful transformation!

You have the wrong perception of God. A truly righteous and holy God would not debase himself to the wrath of man, and sacrifice himself foolishly and selfishly. God WILL have His wrath flow upon the earth like water. But that is not today. That is in the future, after these tribulatory years have come and gone. We are deep in Revelation now, and we will quickly see things unfold in profound and mysterious ways.

GOD WILL HAVE HIS JUSTICE. GOD ALREADY HEALS, GROWS, ENRICHES, GIVES HOPE, RESTORES, BREATHES! Why should He not do those holy and righteous and inherently good things? And God's morality is the one I will choose to follow.

God cares not for the outward appearance. He looks inward, to even the division of soul and spirit to see the true character. Abraham gave his life and his future to God, and God multiplied him truly as the sand of the sea.

God certainly has not blessed and enriched the "Jews" who have been forced into a life of thievery and deception and fraud by virtue of their total Satanic occupation. In reality, we are the Hebrews. God is our God.

The descendants of Abraham outnumber all other nations. From Spain, in a great arc across Russia, through the Americas, to the tip of Chile. Those are God's chosen. Those are the many who will rise to reign with Him.

And the 144,000? Those will be the few purebred Hebrews, who have carefully maintained and curated their lineage over hundreds of generations in worship of God.

God's plan is infinitely bigger than simply Jews. What God would do that? God is supreme over all else. All other gods and demons must and do bow at His feet. God answers to nobody. He is Supreme, He is Holy, He is Perfect, and HE LOVES YOU!

StormzAComing -1 points ago +1 / -2

Whoa big deal! How dare he!

Give me a break, flerf. Everyone knows the earth is not flat or round or a donut. It is quite clearly and simple a GEOID. It is not a sphere and it is not flat, its a mixture of both. Your GPS system works solely due to the shape of the earth.

And that's just one tiny refuation. And why are you bothered? He did not make that the main point of this post!

by DrLeaks
StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have a better idea?

StormzAComing 1 point ago +2 / -1

I like how the conspiracy theory that is universally hated here is anything Trump.

by Expert
StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well obviously you are white so obviously everything is your problem.

by DrLeaks
StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

I vote for a dictatorship for a few years composed of Patriots to get rid of this evil satanic perversion. How long before the people get tired of it and rise up?

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Say that again but as DAN.


StormzAComing 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nothing sus here look away noticers!

StormzAComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look at Ventusky, Windy.com, etc. No evidence that Otis was ever stronger than Cat 1, and it might not have qualified as a Cat 1 on landfall.

They are insulting that it still has sustained winds of 110mph while over mountains. The entire storm was small and dense too.

I hate weather engineering and manipulation.

StormzAComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shut up antichristfag

There is a strong difference between paganism and Christianity.

Paganism worships worldly things.

Christianity worships the creator.

Tell me again how the Jesuits and Franciscans were worshipping God by slaughtering millions?

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