Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was being a major a-hole. It was a holocaust denier joke.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

6 million sounds a little high.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a theory on the covid test. The nasal swab was to see just how much fear them powers that be could gin up with the MSM. Nobody wants a large cumbersome object jammed up their nose, so it's a good way to measure the percentage of the population that still buys in to the babylonian idiot box narrative. Now the anal swab is where it gets interesting. If the new POTATUS administration asked the population are you a right winger? I would imagine most of us would just lie. However, if you make shoving an enormous q-tip up your butthole the "woke" thing to do, all of the leftist crazies are going to line up to drop their drawers. Anybody not taking a pogo stick to the pooper will be on Biden's enemies list.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were only interested in terms because molesting adults isn't a thing

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 5 points ago +5 / -0

Honestly, anybody that didn't see this coming and make the appropriate life changes is in for a wild ride. We might have enough time left for this to be helpful, so I will share what I did. I run a family business started by my dad 40 years ago. This business financially provides for mom, dad, grandma, myself, my wife and kids. After 40 years we sold it. We moved out of a blue city/ state and in to a deep red business friendly state. We bought a similar business from a man getting ready to retire. Because of the tax advantages and the lack of illegal immigrant competition our profits are 250% higher for approximately 33% of the hours worked. We also sold our homes and purchased 3 rental properties and one huge home to live in. My monthly nut to cover my wife, daughter, and myself is now $500.00. My financial position is incredibly strong and my business is recession proof because I provide a state mandated service to successful businesses. We have emergency food and a pretty decent garden. There is a small dairy farm and farmers market a mile away. This life requires sacrifice, and we get on each others nerves sometimes, but nothing TPTB can do will break us. If anybody out there is reading this, I highly recommend making these moves.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is that the protocol for the new butt swab test?

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 3 points ago +3 / -0

Found pete bootygiggles alt account.

by pkvi
Side-o-Beef_Curtains 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mr burns from the Simpsons is president.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 5 points ago +5 / -0

We call this model of mask the "Kamala Harris"

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's why they are called useful idiots. Always so surprised when the evil they serve devours them first.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

So.... Chelsea clinton ?

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ever notice how NPC's are always focused on their anus? A pretty high percentage of anti Trump kvetching online ends in "and then he will be ass-raped in prison!". Covid hits and what sells out first? Toilet paper. The NPC's first thought when they hear about a deadly global pandemic on the (fake) news is "how will I clean my asshole?" It's very strange.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya, but is her dick bigger than Michelle's?

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 6 points ago +8 / -2

Gonna be lit when donald trump sends the based pillow man to smother joe biden's old ass with a pillow.

Side-o-Beef_Curtains 1 point ago +1 / -0

So two FBI agents controlled all of congress? Damn!

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