Not every last jew can be part of the conspiracy
Yeah I used to believe that too, but I have seen too much since then. You aren't wrong by statistics alone, but the amount of innocents is small enough to be negligible. What every jew IS "apart of" is the Tribe. And they will put the Tribe first above all else, which is seeking the ruin of humanity. Even if they don't on a pornography company or a transgender reassignment clinic
Of all the segments of the population from which we had hoped to draw new members, the "conservatives" and "right wingers" have been the biggest disappointment. They are the world's worst conspiracy-mongers - and also the world's greatest cowards. In fact, their cowardice is exceeded only by their stupidity.
The current conspiracy theory being circulated among conservatives is that the Organization is actually in the pay of the System. We are hired provocateurs whose job is to raise enough hell to justify the repressive counterrevolutionary and anti-racist measures the System is taking. If we would just stop rocking the boat, things would be easier on everyone. Whether they believe that theory or not, it gives them an excuse for not joining us.
--William Pierce, The Turner Diaries, 1975.
I'm sure this is just a coincidence
First day on the internet, huh?