RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't think the suit has any real merit, I can understand though why the parents would be upset.

I also know lawyers for huge corporations are fucking dickheads.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Let's take your comment at face value as if it were 100% true, even though you have no metrics on it.

Have a moment of reflection and ask yourself why.

Is it because of a grand conspiracy against you, or maybe is it because of how people perceive your actions, like when you used to post bait, ban dissenters, delete your post and repost it 5 times in the same day.

Or when you'd sticky your own posts, like that 100% bullshit Italy post.

We could see the comments you removed in the mod logs dude, many only disagreed with your post, or called out right wing propaganda.

You keep claiming it's all the same shills, but you'd have to be an admin to have access to that data. So how many real people got hit with your cut?

I know I did for a very bland comment.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Indeed, but I mean in general.

What percentage of plastics do those make up?

But you are right, and another factor to bring up is disposal. Burning all the plastics also releases shit in the air. So we got pollution all around for a few million years from plastic. Good job humans. Wall-E is coming.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Why are you afraid of getting it from the vaccine if covid isn't even dangerous?

RichardNIxon2point0 -19 points ago +1 / -20

At most they would need attendance records. The lawyers are asking for years worth or report cards and other bullshit for only a few of the teachers and students. It looks like lawyers trying to make money through work for other lawyers, as lawyers tend to do.

Can't believe everyone here is on the sides of scummy lawyers for a gun company. Pretty fucked.

RichardNIxon2point0 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Remington's lawyers are being dicks for the lawyer of it, in my opinion, whether you agree with the case or not.


In the volume of pretrial data turned over by bankrupted Remington to nine Sandy Hook families suing for wrongful marketing, lawyers said they found 18,000 random cartoons and 15,000 irrelevant pictures of people go-karting and dirt-biking.

RichardNIxon2point0 0 points ago +1 / -1

They are made with oil right? Plastics. They are made with oil.

And oil is talked about non stop.

Just because you don't read up on it doesn't mean that people don't talk about it.

Case and point: I'm always talking about your mom's big ole plastic titties and you aren't aware. ;)

RichardNIxon2point0 0 points ago +1 / -1

But the buildings started collapsing right at the impact. Check here at 5:55. You can clearly see the top collapsing and the building beneath the impact not moving one bit until the top collides with it.


I just don't see any way to predict or pull this off without some magic.

RichardNIxon2point0 0 points ago +1 / -1

But the demolitions would have had to be at the point of impact. There is no one on the planet that will convince me that whatever setup was there survived the planes and hours of fires.

Do you know the melting point of small wires and circuitry that's required for explosives?

No one would be able to go in and wire it for demolition at that point.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I completely agree with that. This all or nothing mentality does not work for almost anything in existence since life is all shades of grey.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The buildings start their collapse at the EXACT spots that the planes hit. How do you explain that with basement nukes?

The whole top collapsed above the impact area before anything below the impact area even moves.

There was plenty fucked up on 9-11, but no one can ever explain me that fact other than some magical technology, or they rigged the entire building and only set off those bombs (incredibly stupid to think any wiring for bombs or even radio tranceivers would work after sitting in fires for hours.).

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

The concept of publisher/platform does not exist online. That is the law as it currently exists. Your point is irrelevant.

RichardNIxon2point0 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Would you like some snow with your flake asshole?

So many of you love echo chambers and hate opposing ideas that might make you think.

Your fear of ACTUAL thought is worn on your sleeve like a child.

RichardNIxon2point0 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's too many divisions in society as is.

Race, sex, sexual preference, language, color, city, state, country, continent, religion, politics, coke or pepsi....

There's so many divisions and so many people fanning them that we'll never become a Starfleet Utopia in my mind.

RichardNIxon2point0 0 points ago +2 / -2

I just got banned from The Donald for this post I believe. I've never even posted there. I did when it was on reddit once and got banned. They were crying about twitter banning people and my one post of "Ironic considering all the bans here" got me banned.

It was peak meta irony.

RichardNIxon2point0 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think we're a bit far from Minority Report, but I can see it happening.

Fear is a powerful motivator.

RichardNIxon2point0 -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don't agree with censoring text messages either, that's why we need end to end encryption as a standard, but that also provides cover for illegal services.

So kind of in a screwed if you do or don't position.

RichardNIxon2point0 -3 points ago +1 / -4

I was thinking about the Italy one I believe, or the 40,000 embarrassing Powell posts.

How about you just address this instead:

I've never ever seen another mod post the same thing 5 times in the same day. Deleting the previous post when it got not traction, banning any dissenters, and posting it again.

RichardNIxon2point0 -2 points ago +1 / -3

They fall under section 230 which states no provider of an interactive computer service (twitter) shall be treated as the publisher or liable for other people's content.

So this whole platform/publisher debate is not relevant for online.

RichardNIxon2point0 -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm not vaccinated for covid, next time build a bigger strawman when you contribute, it will be worth more that way.

RichardNIxon2point0 -3 points ago +1 / -4

You weren't speculating. You were purposely inflaming with shit you knew was 100% made up about an ongoing situation.

There's a difference posting about MKUltra and something that is literally unfolding that you are trying to influence perception on without knowing the truth.

It might be too subtle for you to see the difference though.

RichardNIxon2point0 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Indeed. But some causes are better than others, causes that help people > causes that hang people.

And yes, there is a middle ground somewhere with laws, too many is as bad as too few (people are fucking animals and sorry, but they need some rules or it's just a zoo), the problem is that no 2 people will ever agree on all the same laws.

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