Remember when Israel claimed 40 beheaded babies by HAMAs and that turned out to be a complete lie? What else is Israel lying about? Why would Israel lie about such a thing? MOSSAD logo is "war by deception", the Hamas attack was a false flag by Israel so they can purge the Palestinians
CNN is a MOSSAD front. Dana Bash (Jewish) and Jake Tapper (Jewish) will be hosting the presidential debate and making sure no critique of Israel is made. Not that there really would be any critique as Donald Trump (Jewish In-laws/Grand Children) and Joseph Biden (Children ALL Married Jews) are avowed Zionists.
Previous CNN Hosts: Recall Jeff Zucker (Jewish) ran CNN's for years, and Wolf Blitzer's (Jewish) Situation Room, Brian Stelter (Married a Jew). Larry King (Jewish)
Current Schedule: Kate Bolduan (Jewish Convert), John Berman (Jewish), Christopher Wallace (Jewish)
Holocaust education is mandatory for new FBI agents.
Short term yes, but long term the goal is to merge the US, Canada and Mexico into a single country/block/economic entity just like with Europe. This will facilitate the NWO (one world government), which will be run by Jews with headquarters in Jerusalem.
Mexico just elected their first (Jewish) president. The upcoming debate between Biden, children married {Jews) and Trump, whose grandchildren are (Jewish).
The first debate between Trump and Biden is moderated by Dana Bash (Jewish) Jake Tapper (Jewish). Jake Tapper actually speaks Hebrew he is so Jewish.
Not sure why youre shilling for biden. Download the form 4473 and read it for yourself
"f. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside."
Where do you see the word CONViCTED in the above question?
Remember when Biden made up the "Office of President Elect" after stealing the election?
"In an odd "pro-gun" way, I hope he gets off"
fuck that. these are the tyrants that want to confiscate your guns. The tyrants that will shut down a gun dealer for a minor mistake on their application. These scum deserve no sympathy.
good content