Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

This case is an interesting microcosm of race.

It's funny because back in the day, in the formerly WASPY white Northern states and America's hat, the Italians, Europeans/French/German, swarthy Eastern Europeans/Ukrainian /Semitics/South American etc all looked ambiguously non-white and foreign. People didn't know where they were from or what they were- they were just brown people- this woman could have been believed to be Feather Indian.

In the current day, they can blend in more but back in the day, Europeans were considered non-white.

I don't think they were discriminated against but they might have felt weird, isolated, inferior, being around so many white people.

If this woman is Italian, I can see why she latched on to the victimhood of being Indian. Canada is legally a race-based country and you are treated differently under the law depending on your bloodline and language.

Trudeau #1, the Frenchman who hated whites/English, instituted that Constitution by threatening the state/province leaders. But never forced the French province to sign... the English states have to give money and fund the french state and put everything in French language, despite having more Chinese speakers by population. Meanwhile in the french state it is illegal to put English words in letters larger than French words and many people were prosecuted by the strict language police.

Trudeau #1 also enacted the only martial Law in Canada due to a bunch of French Communist terrorists (before Trudeau #2, who did it during covid lockdowns)..... causing the mostly white English population to be stripped of their traditonal freedoms.

Trudeau #2, despite being half white/ English also displays an intense hatred towards that part of himself. Another example of when mixed people have hatred towards whitey/English culture.

The cultural war is more specifically against the British American Empire and the French have long subverted and worked with nation wreckers.

Again, a microcosm of how race has shaped the struggles and issues of the modern day... despite race now being invisible.

And a funny look into the not too distant past, when Italians/Europeans weren't white. 😂😆 Now even north Africans are considered Caucasian, lol. How far western society has shifted, while most other cultures (Jewish, Han Chinese, Muslims, etc) have become even more racist!

It is the World versus the British American Empire and its universally accepted morality. What will happen when traditonal values and freedoms are dismissed, allowing the foreign acceptance of slavery to take a firm hold?

Remember, even the saintly Indigenous tribes practiced slavery and extreme torture.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1


Maurice Hilleman, a researcher at Merck, was the first to discover that both Salk’s and Sabin’s polio vaccines contained SV40. Hilleman then performed an experiment that terrified public health officials and, within several years, made SV40 one of the most studied viruses in the world. Hilleman injected SV40 into newborn hamsters, finding that ninety percent developed tumors under their skin as well as in their lungs, kidneys, and brains. At the time of Hilleman’s discovery, Salk’s vaccine had been injected into tens of millions of Americans.

Sabin’s vaccine hadn’t yet been licensed in the United States, but it had been given to more than 90 million people in Russia.

During the next few years, studies of SV40 were reassuring.

To make his vaccine, Salk had inactivated polio virus with formaldehyde, which also inactivated SV40.

Further, researchers found that although SV40 caused cancer when it was injected into hamsters, it didn’t cause cancer when it was fed to hamsters.

Sabin’s vaccine was swallowed, not injected. And none of the children inoculated with Sabin’s vaccine developed antibodies to SV40.

Apparently, the virus just passed through the intestines without causing an infection.

Researchers then compared cancer rates in children who had received SV40-containing polio vaccines with unvaccinated children.

Eight years after receiving the tainted vaccines, the cancer incidence was the same in both groups. The same was true fifteen and thirty-five years later. And it was true for children who received SV40-contaminated vaccines in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Sweden.

By the mid-1990s public-health officials were confident that the inadvertent contamination of polio vaccines with SV40 in the early 1960s hadn’t caused cancer.

The false claim that polio vaccines caused cancers has now been put to rest. Toward the end of the Lex Fridman podcast, RFK Jr. said, “There are many times that I found that I've made mistakes, and we correct those mistakes.” More than a dozen studies have shown that the SV40-contaminated polio vaccines in the late 1950s and early 1960s never caused cancer in people. Now is your chance, Mr. Kennedy, to correct yet another of your false claims about vaccines.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Look at the difference in language and information between the above article written by (apparently?) Real Indians. Versus the msm Guardian fluff piece. https://archive.ph/b3m8S

Always amusing.

“Buffy has lived her life as an Indigenous woman, and as such, has experienced all of the ‘lived experience’ that goes along with it- the good and the painful. What is gained by targeting her at this age?” wrote Robyn Michaud, an Indigenous studies professor at Conestoga College. “My heart hurts.”

Redrum647 2 points ago +3 / -1

Makes you wonder how many of these celebrities and activists are fake/psychos or govt run psyops.

And why these racially ambiguous people like Obama (Asian? African? Indian? Part white? Hawaiian? African?) and this woman hate white people so much when they were blessed with an upper middle class+ white lifestyle.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

It could be that Big Pharma somehow faked or altered the data being reported in these polio vaccine studies.

Or is it just that the entire generation was exposed to so much toxic chemicals that an increase in cancer wasn't displayed?

Trying to figure out the real info.


Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Interesting post.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Didn't that guy who was VP at Pfizer also come forward and actually literally state this? I forget his name, UK guy

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Spice girl?

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Message internethistorian on here or check out his posts. I think that's his name

He has a torrent.

Or make a main post asking for him or someone to share and they probably will.

Or someone might know the new occult/conspiracy forum with more people. Even 4chan night have it

by DrLeaks
Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Talks about Muslim groups planning to attack US jews. And CCP attacking US lol.

Aka the US govt FF

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I knew a girl who used to do those ear devices for people. She said the new versions all have wifi and other tech. Not very healthy for the brain.

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Where were his wife and kids? Can they just hit in Qatar? Or were they in Gaza too? Who brings their wife and kids into a war zone? If so, his fault tbqh

Redrum647 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh, I didn't know the cameraman was killed too.

Tbh, I never followed the whole issue because I thought it was the typical leftie protest that we see all the time. Also I don't care.

But the online response was odd - always making fun of her being squashed like a pancake and making cruel jokes.

Maybe she was wrong to try to help, but she didn't deserve to die that way. Can you imagine if the US had deliberately squashed a black guy and then made fun of his death?

Redrum647 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you have any recommended reading on this? How to get into the realm of the ego and avoid the law of rhythm swinging back so we stay in a good state? Thanks!

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, tbh, the foreigners I've spoken to - everyone from Mexicans to Russians have a bettee concept of freedom, liberty, civil rights etc. They understand abstract concepts. So what demographics do you think will dominate? Mexicans are too bad.

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

Good info thanks

Redrum647 1 point ago +2 / -1

I was also shocked that they just continued to get the shots even though one of them was recalled fairly early, I believe for causing heart issues or blood clots. Maybe the Astra zenica one.

Didn't that make them question the safety of the other vaccines since AS has been touted as safe?

I shouldn't be super hard-core critical because prior to this I had assumed some vaccines were more or less ok and useful. But I was ignorant and wrong. Didn't do my research. Although the Thai German doctor says that tetanus shots are good. And I assume rabies ... not sure of any others that are still said to be useful?

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