R_Hak 8 points ago +8 / -0

They want to retire their agent. He is tired of playing the role of a crazy conspiracy theorist. Aka his role is to ingrain in the minds of normies that dissidents are all crazy like Jones.

His parents were CIA. He himself admitted it.

Bill Cooper didn't like Jones. Search for it...

So, Jones has been acting like a cray conspiracist for over 20 years. He is retiring now, and this is the closing act. The excuse will be, prison, suicide, or exile. While in the meantime some other identity waits for him so he can enjoy rest of life.

While at the same time accomplishing the final mission to scare the few courageous minds, that talking freely will cost you trillions.

R_Hak 1 point ago +1 / -0

They want to retire their agent. He is tired of playing the role of a crazy conspiracy theorist. Aka his role is to ingrain in the minds of normies that dissidents are all crazy like Jones.

His parents were CIA. He himself admitted it.

Bill Cooper didn't like Jones. Search for it...

So, Jones has been acting like a cray conspiracist for over 20 years. He is retiring now, and this is the closing act. The excuse will be, prison, suicide, or exile. While in the meantime some other identity waits for him so he can enjoy rest of life.

While at the same time accomplishing the final mission to scare the few courageous minds, that talking freely will cost you trillions.

R_Hak 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Biblical Luciferian takeover of the Earth translates into the Tribulation period, and during that Tribulation period, the number one goal of the fallen angels and their controller, which would be Lucifer, is to basically destroy all humanity.

I don't buy this. Why would the Devil destroy something he has dominion over? retard.

R_Hak 4 points ago +4 / -0

Notice the way he said all those things. It was like he was reading a script. Like he had thought about those things beforehand and just told them without a hint of anger.

R_Hak 1 point ago +3 / -2

Ppl who defend Russia or Ukraine, or the West as better than all others, are STUPID NIGGERS, LOW IQ MONGRELS...

Hating the degenerate west doesn't make Russia any better.

by pkvi
R_Hak 3 points ago +4 / -1

What are the chances all this "scarcity" is pouposefully made to test the reactions of the population to the coming End of oil reserves?

Basically they create a fake crisis in order to test how the population will react in a scenario of reduced energy availability.... and then after they gather enough data and created a strategy they terminate the crisis and try to preemptively implement the strategy slowly for when the oil and gas reserves end for good.

R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I once looked up to him. Now I think he is an actor.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are too low IQ

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

I’m pretty sure all these woke corporation’s have been feeling the pressure we are putting on them by boycotting their product and services.

NO. Wishful thinking. Also you have no data to say that... Probably its the CIA telling them to stop blackpilling the morons like you and give them false hope their "boycott" finally worked.

R_Hak 2 points ago +3 / -1

Its a Trumptard cope in the sense that it won't change anything, and no one relevant will get punished. But the data mentioned and the facts are all true.

R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

If they have to do a documentary with the data, that means that the FBI wont touch that data. lmao

It's already over. Keep your eyes closed, be happy, consume mortgage and other debts you have, produce more children for next generation of slaves... the game must go on.

R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

the issue is not abortion per se, but what having free and open abortions means in a philosophical scale for the way USA thinks.. its a demonstration of personal preferences and pov on how the society should view the world. and wanting to keep it this way is just an expression of how women, in this case the majority of them, being leftists, see themselves, their place in society and their unborn babies.

so it is a public statement, nothing more. but cuckservatives think they will make women good again by banning the public display of their degeneracy. will never happen. only social decay and hardship changes people, superficially... humans are animals, worse than other animals, because other animals cant reason...

R_Hak -5 points ago +4 / -9

I'm afraid you are as retarded as leftists.

If COVID and then Ukraine-Russia war and not Abortion has demonstrated anything is that people are STUPID and will gladly divide themselves into opposing camps even when the reasons for division are artificially created.

This is getting ridiculous at this point.

Some leftists believe it is an important issue, because they are stupid and they are being told so. They are mostly degenerate women, and the males who use and then the males who want to sleep with them speak on the same lines.

Cuckservatives on the other hand have their idiotic beliefs too... Like 15 years ago cuckservatives were celebrating how based they were for invading foreign countries on multiple FAKE false premises. Also celebrating the Patriot Act, also de facto instaling the Mask mandate (it was the Trump admin who started it!!)

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

I haven't taken a vaccine since.

You took enough.

by pkvi
R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

Fucking nigger jew.

R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

until the system collapses.

that is the ultimate cope. worse than hoping God will judge them in the afterlife...

what are you doing to make the system collapse? stop being a rat to the system. stop your greed. get some land. dont buy stuff you dont need. dont feed whores attention. don't legitimise the system. undermine confidence in it whenever you can. make sarcastic, ironic comments you will be surprised how easily you can influence ppl with sarcastic comments not directed at them but at the government or others..

by pkvi
R_Hak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know a bunch of retards who wanted to demonstrate how white they were and sent their dna to them, or that other company... ahahhahahahhaa

R_Hak 0 points ago +1 / -1

Alot of Americans have been vaccinate and left sterile.

Where is the source for that?

Its ok to have doubts and questions but stating things like that, without an inch of proof is silly, dangerous and makes us look bad. Source??

If Americans are sterile, it is mainly because they are fat aka morbidly obese, because they don't do physical activity and because they eat supersized portions. And also because your women are whores who spend their most fertile years whoring around and think of having babies only after 30 y old. 30 y old a few decades ago was considered a Point of No Return for having babies aka being too late.

Not mentioning all the types of radiation we are exposed too.

So blaming everything on the vax is a big coping mechanism and is delusional and won't help anybody solve the real problems.

R_Hak 0 points ago +2 / -2

Oh, waiting for cuckservatives to point out "the hypocrite leftist"... as if they cared... lmao

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