I noticed you didn't factor in time for breathing and eating. So did they starve to death or asphyxiate?
Do you know the difference between round objects and spherical objects? Round objects are flat. Globes are spheres.
Now as for your implied Question. You can have a relatively flat livable space, on a massive planetoid, surrounded by an impassible ice wall. Similar to the floor beneath your feet, surrounded by the walls of your studio apartment.
I am recommending against that.
Blagh, blagh blagh. Elon Musk? Blagh blagh blagh. Real conversation. Yadda yadda, yadda. Join the discourse.
Well now that you have determined that you have no free will.
Take your rule #34 porn elsewhere.
I have. No carpets. No plastic dishware, all cotton cloths. No liquids out of plastic bottles. Just a few bags for produce, and my socks that are 24% polyester. It was actually easy. It's been a year now.
Correct. There is no we here. As in 'we' are not going to seed chaos for you.
This reads like bad controlled opposition fan fic. Could we not do this tomorrow? In advance, thanks.
"Well, seems they even didn't understand that most tissues of our body are made from organic polymers, i.e. plastic, just natural one"
I'm sorry, but it seems you are the one being loose with your definition, not them. Nobody calls polysaccharides or protein polymers, organic plastics as you have right now.
Of the 45 Billion cameras on this earth, I own exactly zero of those. So, no. I could not. And I don't know about your reading comprehension. But, for some reason people in this thread are confusing 24 hours with 365 days. And misreading night for day. Which at this point, seems intentional.
It's ten now? I was wondering about the current number earlier.
"where did you see the OP advocate for complete societal dismantling?"
Lets start here.
And by "we" you mean an organized rebellion where someone is in charge and picking targets? Sounds like a system, in need of building. I wonder where we should base such an organization. Needs to be very close to the target, possibly even inside. I know! We will lick peoples Egg McMuffin's and call it a day after posting a tic tok video of ourselves. Done. Big clown destroyed!
Anyone can grift that, using any logic for any means. Try not sucking. Try being human.
So, should we start by burning down the local McDonald's?
There are many systems, some must be fixed, while other's destroyed.
Or as I've always seen it, an extra point of vulnerability.
"At age six, Winfrey moved to an inner-city neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her mother, who was less supportive and encouraging than her grandmother had been, largely as a result of the long hours she worked as a maid."
Amazing. This account could only have come from Oprah herself. Who throws shade at her own mother for working.
And then:
Winfrey's first job as a teenager was working at a local grocery store.[50][51] At the age of 17, Winfrey won the Miss Black Tennessee beauty pageant.[52][53][54] She also attracted the attention of the local black radio station, WVOL, which hired her to do the news part-time.[40] She worked there during her senior year of high school and in her first two years of college.
Literal black privilege.
Or more. Whatever.
First! Most important Friend post Up voted!
Best Post ever! Up voted! First comment!
Of course you weren't talking to me directly. You were being ambiguous as to if you were speaking to me or of the video's creator, as you did here. Which makes it easy for you to claim either at a later time. Such as now.
As for the miss-quote gimmick with my little pony. You need to tone it down by at least 60%. Make it less clear that you are a spineless troll, so that those around you will fall for your shtick. ㅤ ㅤ
Oh, here is how I knew. I was simply echoing back generic ludicrous insults, similar to the way you called me "controlled opposition". Feel free to pin that gold star to yourself. Because you are the real genius here.
Everything in this city looks like a school or an apartment complex. Many seem abandoned.