two things:
- that guy is as gay as a summer picnic.
- a covid epidemic faked in 2020-2019 was used to cover up a bird flu, probably faked, epidemic in 2022-2023.
what complete bullshit. Even by today's standards of top shelf bullshit, that is really, really extreme bullshit.
one of the funny things about this is that OP actually thought that someone would believe this bullshit.
OP is another fucking moron
You've noticed nothing.
I have four sons and have used wifi since its inception. I also sleep near my phone and keep it in my back pocket when walking.
Yes (if your are to be believed)
All of this is a fear-mongering device to keep people dumber and controlled,
All of this is ... same as things like flat-earth and Sumerian Aliens.
Idiocy. At least you took your boosters because the tele-screen told you to.
I am using my penis.
Buy an EMF detector (like I did) and test your various devices, including bluetooth airbuds (nada).
I never - well, maybe once for a few minutes each month, but practically - never ever put my "laptop" on my lap. I dont' think anyone else should either (on their lap(s), I mean).
With my laptops, there is only a few nT away from the devices, but the whole devices are +V elevated when charging, and I get that elevated static voltage increase when I touch them (that is not radiated via EM, that's touch).
My fridge, fucking hell.
But yeah, long term exposure. The official limits (something insane like 200nT for 8 hours or st) should be ignored, like nearly every government announcement.
The only positive is that intensity falls off as the third power close (1m ) to the router and (separate mechanism) the second power any reasonable distance away from the transmitter.
- Keep your wifi router physically away - a couple of metres, or more.... I reckon.
- a wooden wall absorbs 50-75% of the signal. This (other than the fridge in my case) will be the strongest source around, so having a wall between you and the router is a good for minimisation.
Your wifi network card is sensitive, will handle a weak signal (until it does not). That would be a good minimum-intensity point , just where your signal is about to start dropping/re-sending packets due to weak signal.
The world waits for:
- Iran
- Hezbollah
- Russia
- Hamas
to save the west from the Israel's and their americans, once again.
Well, looks like "they" (the super-evils) have been planning this since . . oh, Feb 2022.
Pheew. It's not only me.
yes, some people have been listing all the things wrong with this probably-intentionally-sloppily-done shooting, but no one (yet) had actually come out and shouted it: FAAAAAaaaaakkkkeeee!! Fake Fake.
I will presume, for now, that the guy is actually dead - I'll look out for a reasonable funeral.
another great post. Thanks, thank you.
You should post these as a substack column. Many other people, like those out there in substack world, would like to read them.
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum
I'm able to use common sense, math, and scientific method to disprove your theory that the earth is a globe in space.
No. you have been given multiple maybe 15 or 20 opportunities to demonstrate your retarded moronic claims. you have passed up every one of those opportunities.
your latest opportunity to demonstrate where the edge was of your fake non-existent Flat Earth, you ran away from citing your own ignorance. that is the only thing that you have: your ignorance.
compared to me where I used readily available observations to demonstrate that the claimed diameter of the earth is the observed diameter of the Earth given the distance of the horizon from a person standing on a flat plane such as a sea surface.
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum.
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum.
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum.
Do you have knowledge that proves the earth is a globe
my and all observations correctly point to the world being a sphere , as it is. as with every one of your sentences you are dishonestly pretending that I did not demonstrate that my observations and anyone's observations demonstrate that the world is round, spherical.
it is too difficult on this low quality forum,, to follow through long comment threads.
as you are just a completely dishonest Flat Earth moron - though you have demonstrated that you know yourself that it is fake with your attempt to dishonestly and incorrectly use what you know is the refractive properties of the varying densities of air to try a faked demonstration of the misplacing of items just over the horizon - I cannot be bothered dealing with a moron dishonest Flat Earth parasite.
if this forum was more functional, then I might continue mocking each single dishonest sentence that you write. but this forum is technically very poor and it is not supporting in-depth interactions. and you are a worthless parasite who probably would be better if you were killed. so I am not going to continue with mocking you. but I'll continue to mock any piece of shit flat earther, whenever I encounter any of you parasitic scum.
repeat this one more time:
Satellites hang from fucking balloons
just so we're clear what is going on here.
what you do have is endless endless stupidity , one post after another.
what's neither you nor any Flat Earth retard has ever ever done is present even a single demonstration that could suggest that the earth is flat.
ok try this:
- where is the centre of gravity of your pretend Flat Earth? is it directly beneath your feet, because it is directly beneath my feet, and I don't see you here (or I don't smell you here anyway)
Yeah, but you have to reply until I give up, so you can get your fag bonus.
What, another $2 or something?
I get it: Compulsive liars with no self respect become flat earthers.
My question was:
Where is the edge of your (pretend, non-existent) Flat Earth? The last answer one of you fools gave me was "The Antarctic Ice Wall". Can you improve in stupidity on that?
your answer was, (get this):
There probably isn't an edge because the idea of a giant sun and huge planets and infinite universe is all institutionalized bullshit.
You don't know where "the edge" is. OOOOooookkkkay, that's not completely retarded. Nope, not at all. Also, check out the "probably" and "infinite" in your answer. Bad psy-op FBI-fag hire you.
Observation shows a flat and stationary earth
Funny how you - and all FE Faggots - keep these "observations" to yourselves.
I gave you a testable, reproducible observation, comparing the observed horizon to the calculated horizon. How about you share one of your a testable, reproducible observations?
"You're intellectually lazy." No.
"And you have come the wrong conclusion about how refraction and perspective works. ". No
"You're just another flat earther who doesn't know it." No
actually you told me what I need to know.
I wanted to know or have a confirmation that you flat earth morons are completely fake and that of course like everyone else you can see that the earth is the sphere that it is.
your attempt to use the refraction through the Earth's atmosphere caused by the different densities of air, thus misplacing objects just over the horizon, in the same way that the sun setting or rising is misplaced, this tells me that you flat earth fake morons do actually know and are just faking.
thanks for the confirmation, that's just what I needed to know.
say your thing about balloons holding up the stars again. one more time. come on , 1 more time.
say it.
no respectable person should believe anything written in politico, and no person in their right mind will believe anything written in politico.
if there is a more reliable source then, maybe, it can be evaluated on its merits - this story. if it's only in politico then it is fake.