Disconnect from god doesnt have to be difficult to reconnect. If the bible is correct over 7 billion people will be going to hell. All you have to do is be of service. In the book of matthew jesus says the greatest among you is of service. When judgement comes we will all be separated into two groups. Those that were of service and those that were not. Did you give food, drink, clothing, shelter, tend to the sick, visit people in prison (this one is difficult but easier if you go to prison to meet these folks)? Jesus says if you did these things then you did them as if those people were Jesus himself. The second group is asked the same question and they respond no and are sent to hell. Im still working on this. Im not sure if service is just asking people if they need food and providing or if they ask and you provide. Met a guy in jail he got out right before this last snow storm. Called me saying he was afriad he would die, be in jail or a hospital. I said i could buy him a tent, etc. he said that wouldnt help. I told my mom she said lets buy him a bus ticket so he could get home. He lived in Iowa and was in Virginia, so I bought him a $300 ticket and gave him $600. He made it there and called to thank me and that he had met up with his family. Dont care if he pays me back but he says he will. Not sure if this is me being of service since it was my moms idea that was grandeur their mine. Guy didnt ask for the ticket either. Thats all you have to do is be of service. Not enough people do this anymore. If shit hits the fan hopefully people will be open to this. Shit people do gofundme for random people.
Not buying it. Like Cuba gov can mandate everyone to grow their own foods in their yards, and cities could demolish buildings to create city gardens for same purpose. Problem is someone always wants to make money off of some waste they produce. Floride in the water comes from smoke stacks. Over fishing comes from lack of gov regulation seeing how they get subsidized by tax payers. Cut back and the fish will restock themselves. Farmers are already making their industry better. USA manufactory plants are super old. Can be rebuilt to update tech. The ocean bio traps more carbon then the trees, so farmland and trees isnt as big of an issue as dredging the sea floor.
Maybe its not enough for one seeing how the season is almost over if another one happens in the playoffs or in super bowl then it might be like WTF. Hasnt happened in NBA or MLB so if they can make it through the end of the season they can hide it under the rug. If this happened to this guy in the off season there would be no story.
I thought this was based on cameras watching and scoring and now i find out there are 9 karens writing things in a book depending on your location. I can easily see how to get points fast. Just team up with people and make sure your infront of the karen doing good things.
There is no unified belief among people who do not believe the earth is a sphere except that it is not a sphere. Since you havent talked with everyone you cant clump them all together. Observations shows that it is round but that doesnt tell us it is a spherical ball. Three satellites placed around the world looking at the moon at the same time can not determine a sphere shape. Its not possible to see even 1 degree more of any moon mass to suggest it is a sphere. Why would you use the shape of the moon to explain the reality you live on? You have to observe what you live on to determine that. Simplest question is if the earth is a sphere what is the calculation for the radius of the earth. Heres one from sacred geometry who believe that the moon and earth share a 3:11 ratio to one another. Moon is 3 so the earth would be 11. Do the math with me and compare to actual numbers. Moon diameter 1x2x3x4x5x6x3= 2160 miles or 8x9x10x 3 = 2160 miles. Earth diameter 1x2x3x4x5x6 x 11 = 7920miles or 8x9x10x 11= 7920miles if you work better with pictures take a look at squaring the circle. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=squaring+the+circle&t=iphone&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-6O8JypmB1Yk%2FVf2EnOqpILI%2FAAAAAAAATWo%2FJCxQYHXn0HQ%2Fs1600%2F150919%252BSquaring%252BThe%252BCircle.jpg
Its simple before “going into space” math nerds drew pictures and then just decided their 2D could explain the 3D world, but when they got higher in altitude they realized that it didnt and just thought it better to tell everyone they werent stupid and everyone went along cause we are all stupid. The world is based on sacred geometry becus its easier than accepting the truth. Other than an orange there arent many spheres, cubes, dodecahedrons, etc. music through vibration has power but at what hertz? Could possibly heal people with a certain hertz, but we cant have that. The patterns planets make in the sky are just entertainment when we arent stressed from predators or looking for food, but now people are stressed for different reasons and most just say yes the earth is a sphere and dont look ip. Those that do look up some of them are questioning their observation and wanting a discussion about it.
They also push the goal post in this vid stating that the moon is in the earth’s atmosphere. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aPBVGXdsR0I
I agree with you people dont do enough research. No one seems to be able to explain how the r value is created by using angular measurements which tend to be used to determine where we are on a flat plane. Simple stuff. Cant determine distances to sun and moon without the r value.
Does the reality you leave disappear? Or does the meat suit leave replaced with an NPC? Can those in the other reality realize that there is something different about you? Will all the people you know in one reality be in the DR
The summarians used a base count of 60 which is why we have 60 minutes in an hour and 360 degrees in a circle. Like a lot of globes and flat earthers say “youve never had an original idea.” The same can be said about science after the summarians. No sense in reinventing the wheel, or question the math. Just like all our science is based off of sacred geometry.
Which leads us into future sex. The pitch. Are you going on a business trip or a get together with your friends. Are you lonely that your partner has left and your all alone. Well now theirs “product name.” Connect via wifi and have sex in any local with our portable sex devices and blue screen tech that will allow you to have sex anywhere. (Shows pictures of the beach, a garage, an alley, W/E.) devices are safe and easy to use for women a inner toy and for men an outer toy. Easy to use and easy to clean their “product name.” Devices sold separately.
Orthodox dont care about antisemitism. Secular do becus without the label jew they are just like everyone else who get called a name.