MountainViolinist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bread is fine if you freshly mill it. When you remove the germ (nutritious fat yolk portion) is when you have to reintroduce minerals and vitamins back into the flour in order to prevent serious nutrient deficiencies.

MountainViolinist 2 points ago +2 / -0

The issue is you're never getting the whole grain. Whole wheat is flour + bran. When you mill your own grains from the whole wheat berry you get the full nutrient profile, especially the endosperm. The germ is like the egg yolk of the grain seed. It's game changing, and how people used to eat bread when it didn't have the problems it does now. It's also much more filling and tasty.

The endosperm is where the fats and vitamins are. Enriched flour is a thing because many years ago they found that the industrialization of wheat removed the products that weren't shelf stable, and had to reintroduce the vitamins and minerals because the health was that impacted. Completely unnecessary with freshmill.

A mill, and a bread maker, a sack of wheat berries and you'll have healthy nutrient dense bread you can't buy, except from a farmers market from a baker who does fresh mill.


MountainViolinist 7 points ago +7 / -0

3 meals a day is an agricultural/ industrial society phenomenon. Periods of fasting and feasting are what our bodies are designed for.