Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes Id like some sauce on this too! Sounds interesting. Good conspiracy videos are hard to find these days.

Edit: Found some

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man. Need lotr to be real. Lets go back to those times.

I would rather fight Orcs. Knowing who our enemies are.

Than fighting coalitions claiming Orcs have rights too and Im a bigot for not wanting to integrate with them. T_T

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the Nazis were always controlled opposition. It was divide and concor tactics to destabalize all of Europe.

It doesn't matter which radical side won, fascist or commies.

The only reson I believe they (US & Britain) inevitably chose to side with the commies was because Imperial japan was allied to Nazi Germany and thats a frightening pair. Too hard to controll Japan.

No one ever really goes after the ringleaders in war. No one was actually mad at nazi germany. They played their oart nicely.

The elitist Jews dont really care about little Jews either. Remember. They had Jews helping Hitler.

Theyre all two sides of the same coin.

Idk its early so I may also sound goofy aswell lol. Your post did not however.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elon is a jester. Hes allowed to make fun of the elitist. They need some controlled opposition afterall.

The elitist also know their projected beliefs for the normies are totally ridiculous. Theyre tools for controll, not anything personal. Its not any skin off their ego for Elon to poke fun. Its a threat to the narrative if anything, but Elon is immuned.

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great theory. Makes a lot of sense.

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

He later said her regretted ever writting that song and criticized the extreamist activist on the leftist side.

Also read the lyrics to Revolution. (Paraphrasing)

"You say you want to change the constitution, why dont you free your mind instead."

"No ones going to listen to you while you carry around pictures of chairman Moa."

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

BB needs to stop giving the propagandist narritive ideas lol (jk)

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when the media started purging open discussions on their websited and started promoting discussions on twitter. Everyone was doing it, from talk shows like the view to freaking charlie rose. Twitter became an important chunk of their shows.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. The big red arrows really cut through all the facts and logic this time around.

Miztivin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jesters use to be the only ones allowed to make fun of the kingdoms. Elon Musk is a jester. (So is trey and matt from south park for an example.)

The elitist know theyre being ridiculous. They aren't stupid. Theyre appealing to & manipulating the radicals. While also patronizing them.

In other words. Someone in their inner circle isnt beyond making fun of their stances. They know its retarded. Its a toold for control, nothing personal.

Thats my theory anyway. Maybe im wrong and he is just some lucky ass based guy. He does get treated kindly by the media tho, along with no social media bans, not even shadow banning.. Certainly raises a red flag.

Either way. Tesla, and starlink, are a terrifying, potential monopoly of a force. I do worry about that.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah so just brainlet. Thanks.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah thanks.

Miztivin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Woooow. Suspended the account and everything in less than an hour. Over the target.

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Omnicron enhances immunities against delta
  • Omnicron should thus, abolish delta.


Weird way to word all that.

Miztivin 6 points ago +6 / -0

About supply chains. Mayhaps they think its cute to change the window to match the theme.

by pkvi
Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

This makes me glad I'm a struggling hermit. (Struggling because I force myself to socalize as its healthy for me)

If I lived in a cucked state like this, I simply would not participate. Thank god my family is all based too. Or id be one of those shut in nutters with lots of cats and itd be justified.

I don't understand the desperation to conform, to be socially included. Sometimes its a curse, at times like this, its a gift.

Miztivin 7 points ago +7 / -0

I agree but im under the belief that Trump beat the odds and it broke them. It really really comes off that way.

Hes not a perfect man-god. Hes human. But he still trolled the shit out of the deepstate.

Miztivin 7 points ago +8 / -1

I want to add operation warp speed prevented the deep state from taking 5 years to make the same shitty vaccine we have. Remember. They were absolutly projecting that.

Imagine it taking 3 - 5 years to come up with this same bs. Everyone would be so depsrate for normalcy, wed all take it. Wed all assume it was tested. FDA would have approved it.

It would have all been bs and lies because as soon as Trump spead up the process. Every other nation followed suit. Meaning they already knew! They already had the vaccine and the tech they wanted to use.

Miztivin 2 points ago +2 / -0

My friend lives in Oregon and he says the homless population is crazy. Its alot of 20 - 40 year olds too. Addicted to drugs, ruining everything. His county pays 2 million a year on cleanup alone.

He sent me a video today of a methed out homless woman (30s) harrassing people in a parkinglot. Lol

Oregons policies has created this problem. It incentivises it and its the tax payers footing the bill for it.

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same. Lol I know the feeling.

by pkvi
Miztivin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Eh. Her defense is running with, "shes a woman and Epsitine was a man so shes automatically the victim and not at fault."

This is what they are projecting.

Idc if she was a vicitm as a child, just like Rittenhouse pedo was a victim as a child.

Doesn't justify shit.

Few Adults are truly victims. Especially in a free society.

Adults are responsible for their actions. If theyre too underdevloped, then they need to be locked up because they're dangerous.

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

1 Corinthians 13:11

Stop allowing commies to infantalize socitey! America & Christianity is based on personal responsibility. (Not saying you guys, just, frustrating. Alot of well intentioned ppl fall for this.)

Miztivin 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the hell. What does that mean? Can't they leave? Quit?

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