MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

The real problem is when you reach the point where society has adopted the change itself and you cannot even stop without fundamentally having a different experience from the rest of the society.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey....at least this retard can post links and sources....you can tell me to google and post MSM news aimed at Arabic speaking people.....and translate both Hebrew and arabic..... Wow....a scholar you are....yet somehow you have overlooked the ability to press ctrl-c and ctrl-v.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you get you information from Gemini now and trust the facts as they are generated for you....generative search.....that is not anything but fantasy and fumes to huff yourself to sleep on

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure....you just magically know the right translation....look at yourself.....lmao.

The arrogance you are exuding is like the fuzz that forms over an unwashed tongue....

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone famous follows this rule. It's only the exceptions that you see paraded around in full glory so as to distract from how much nepotism runs the world.

It's also why they want to destroy the family unit....it's their secret sauce. They have only supported their family despite all sorts of aweful backdoor dealings and each family member protects the family and benefits from it.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, at this point I am pretty sure it is a cheap Asian call center where they found people who are already inclined to the worst scams, so they offer them this crap. They can hire it privately, and those people don't care about it, hence the low effort yet sustained effort.

Have you see the movie 'Sorry to bother you'. It's very underrated, but it has so many rabbit holes in it. One of the best movies for conspiracy in pop culture imo.

MindlessRationality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Meanwhile.....God Said.....Do not kill.... Pretty easy to see which one is the higher ideal and which is the human one.....

Luke is a boy and God is well God.

You are a boy, I know what reality is and I do not delude myself...ypu delude yourself and seek bloodsheed to sacrfifice for your beliefs in pursuit of spirituality....whereas I have had my mystical experiences come to me and that came from no written word, and I trust those far more than any genocidal loser on the internet who quotes wartime gospel.....

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah....I mean hell. Christians were there before muslims and somehow...palestine is always islamists .... strange....Islamists are funny. 600 years late to the party...spread hate and war....and then the only good thing they did was retain older greek information and developed some additional math, make some nice geometric art, and banish everything else because it was not something they wanted to learn.

Culturally, they never succeeded following their book....only when they worked with others and didn't subjugate...I mean they pretty much spawned the crusades through retaliation.

But yeah...Jews win the history claim.....so that has always been such a shitty argument and bothers me when people use it.

MindlessRationality 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, savage.....sounds like you would fit in well....Dude....you need to get your head out of your holy book and remember what they are for....

I am antiwar. - you are not....that is clear to me. You are anti-israel...

MindlessRationality -1 points ago +2 / -3

Dude sources or gtfo....you need to back up you genocidal thoughts even on fringe boards like this lmao...at least the neonazis do...fucking Palestinians are the worst.....can't debate for shit and scream intifada....

MindlessRationality -1 points ago +1 / -2

So two shit holes.....great examples lol. South Africa is decimated...the government is a genocidal racist war tribe.....yeah wow....do you know anything

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah but that assymetric knowledge these days is not gossip, rumours, or paparazzi style journalism. It's deals that are made by the industry and those are based on underlying assets and infrastructure.

We cannot stop with memes, only shed light, but ultimately the real power is in the infrastructure. We like to imagine that we can push the needle, but that would ultimately mean it results in real action and no longer just speculation and hopeful rhetoric or doomsayers on the other side.

If we are still complaining in a year we have failed....two years ever more....and so on....

The point is not just to walk away on some stoic journey while you try to ignore the skin melting from your bones and call that distraction 'truth'....nor should you aim for the truth past the moment that survival is no longer an option.

Time and place and purpose....not just one. These things are nothing until realized.

Cue: "sounds like violence...." 🤣

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish there was a way of sourcing all the think tanks and their outlets. It would be much easier to know who is funding these ideas. I would like to know if there is any sincerity to them, or if they are just mouthpieces that need to obfuscate the board one more round and push the psyops along.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are a few bad apples and VPN is one of them. There are about 5-10 repeat offenders who mostly comment but do not really post much or they repost to avoid being spotted as easily.

The heavy posters are the main issue because they capture the attention of the new users and get them into their splintered distraction posts, but once you block them the feed is clean, but these guys who work in the comments are different because you still see them when they comment, so you need to make sure you aren't fighting against them.

They will never do anything but gaslight or avoid the central point.

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your probably right .... Secretly you are leaking information between your gibberish designed to be ignored....hiding in plane sight.

MindlessRationality 4 points ago +4 / -0

We must realise that the system oppresses is if we choose to let it take power from us in times of strife....but we never give it away without choice...

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah...but who do you think is interested in getting a shadow government....people who can leverage it.

So those groups are obviously part of the 'shadow' government....

I thinks it's funny when people are like ' shadow government' and act like that is any different from a foreign government taking control.... obviously they do it in the shadows.

I see not one ounce of difference between China CCP, China Oligarchs who want to be free billionaires...India Bankers and Oligarchs...Russia bankers and oligarchs....Jewish bankers and oligarchs....USA bankers and oligarchs.....CFR, CIA, DOD, NSA, MoSSAd, HAMAS, etc.

If they are manipulating the world...it's not really much difference between them........it could be private military for all I care....

The end result is the same...and it's literally just one private club vs another...

MindlessRationality 6 points ago +6 / -0

I had a random cat show up when I was tripping 10 years ago. It stuck around and hung out for the trip and left after the trip ended. It showed up when I was having a bad trip and then saved me and brought me back to reality. I trust that there is something there.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about India and China and EU.......what they don't factor? There are nationalist and communist threats all over there...

Then also Vatican related entities, terrorist Islamists, and Mossad

Then 3 letter agencies...and intel

MindlessRationality 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have noticed that my language skills and interpersonal skills have cratered in the past 8 years.

Sometime between the ubiquitousness of smart phones and the 'shoft form' content and 'feed' based education resources, I have noticed a loss of eye contact in approx. 30% of interactions with those who I am not familiar with, and I have noticed an increased frequency of missed or misspelled words.

The issue is not that I don't know they are wrong...I do not care as much to correct because I can rely on the tech.... I am definitely getting more reliant....so maybe that also is causing me to lose skills and not just replace them..

I should say... I am self aware...but not able to course correct without evicerating the tech

MindlessRationality 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not doxing when it's the legal representation................that's how the law works

.you can sue the owner.....

They made the legal choice to be accountable ....that is how business works.....you know that part where they act as AGENT

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have definitely had spooky moments of intuition that predicted the future.

I imagined finding money and found some, I knew Jan 6 was going to be used against the people, knew that Truckers would have their lives harassed by the government and deleted my social media at the time to avoid ending up as one of the political victims.

I believe that we all influence the future but some of us can better see the gears behind the scenes and know when they affect change.

I also believe that it can be strengthened by interference and weakened as well. I have seen that when people 'believe' in something, it happens when they control the environment. But if someone doesn't believe it stops happening.

I think that belief has a region of influence and if you are a leader you project it far and wide and others can benefit, but poor leadership splints everything and we live in shards of glass rather than a single pane truth.

MindlessRationality 1 point ago +1 / -0

True, as long as it is useful and we can sustainably (as in economically) continue to grow what we need and to maintain. I think we need to change how we invest into projects.

We need two kinds of money. Consumer cash money, and industrial innovation credits.

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