He was doing unethical medical experiments. Remeber all the pregnant women?
People think they get away with shit like this. They never get a follow up to see if they got shot a few weeks later.
She may be the only child singer who didn't get fucked with, because her parents bent over backwards for her. I have been a fan, but I'm not a stan. I learned much watching so many Swift movies on Christmas.
Example: she supports LGB, yes. She has stated she has to consider if her dancers will be safe when she agrees to perform in certain countries. But, In Miss Americana they paired a bill about DV with LGBT. Of course the woman who gets stalked, and had to sue over a grown man grabbing her ass when she was still under age supports that.
It really shows how we need to keep our bills single topic. I wouldn't have known that if I wasn't paying attention during the movie.
I'm done so ads. But,, this very clearly states that I'm documenting the theory.
Extremism in anything is an issue mwntally.
Before 1/6 people were more willing.
I remember this. It's more obvious if you took French in hs. I had to type it phonetically.
I was told stop doesn't work anymore. It tells them it's an active number. I send them on to at&t, and block them. If you've gotten different results, that's curious. Databrokers aren't included in the spam call laws,
Yes. They send this
AT&T Free Msg: Thanks for providing us with the content of an unwanted message. Now, reply with the sender's phone number so we know who sent you this message.
And then this
AT&T Free Msg: Thank you, we appreciate your assistance.
I can always tell when my data has been sold again, I once said that I hadn't gotten any spam texts in a while... Then I got them in the same fake name.
You clearly have no idea that Dan Winter was great friends with Vincent Bridges, and they made videos together.
Keep up before you start throwing shade. Those of us with intelligence wouldn't anger angels.
Why do you Slander the hard work of Vincent Bridges? He's passed, he can't defend himself. Why bother posting something you don't understand? Do you even check the definition of the words you use?
Nope. You call everything Lucerfian, and refuse to look at the materials. Like a slave in the cave. Don't cite sources I know very well, and their sources too, if you don't want me to comment.
Very Christ like of you.
Cain, and Able proved you wrong.
On att forward to 7726, and then cut and paste the number to them. I get the spam to go away, and then it is very clear something would my data, because it come back. I started using different fake name so I can figure it out.
It's for spam texts. Now anyway.
The fallen angels gave us reading, and writing. ( the seven sacred sciences) Stop using them then.
DC is a business district. They gentrified moat of what little is residential in it, 20+ years ago to flip it's voting base. By that I mean they tore down all the apartments, townhouses, anything that could be considered, " Low income", and replaced it with high end. This effectively flipped the vote.
When I was in high school it was normal for people to be from DC. Not so much anymore. And, if you look at DC public schools they went full covidiot again.
In an interview, Maryland State Archivist Elaine Rice Bachmann said the idea that the state’s records need to be “freed” is inaccurate. The records were always available for people to search using computers in the archives building in Annapolis, she said. If someone needed a copy of a record or a certification of a record, they could get it sent to them for a small fee.
State archivists have to be careful with public records, Bachmann said. Posting documents online en masse can lead to privacy violations or make it difficult to correct a record that is discovered to have an error. In addition, she said, the agency doesn’t have enough computer server space to make accessible the enormous number of public records generated over time.
I'll just cancel. The way I order, it's always more than the dollar amount for free shipping. But, it's a shame I hadn't used them in months before my local grocery store stopped carrying items.
I'll stick to Dr. Steven Skinner over an anthology that removed so many books. Including the Book of Enoch.
ADL needs to RaaS out of commission.
I read the heart doesn't pump blood, it pulls it.
The vegan diet works for Alzheimer's, it makes sense they'd use it for this. I'm not up to date as the rest of the comments. But, it is not different than putting a strike patient on a low sodium diet, or an arthritis patient on an anti inflammation diet. Ayrvedic medicine complements western medicine.
There are also elimination diets. This puts you on broth, and clear fuilds for a few days. Then when you feel better, you add simple foods kike soup. If you can succeed, you step up foods, and then when you get sick... You found the issue. It fucking sucks.
My personal experience with doctor prescribed diets was migraines. I was handed 9 pages of after visit paperwork, and told I had to find what items on the list were my triggers because not everyone has the same triggers ( joy).
The only thing I'd like to remind you is that I'm constantly commenting that all diets aren't for everyone. This situation is probably not just vaccine side effects, some medications cause the same ailments they're prescribed to relieve. My guess would be this .
I have been reading for years that he's the only president to lose money in office. They cited, they had numbers. This is just someone running their mouth, but they don't back it up.