What are the odds that it’s vaccine aids?
Abraham was a treatise against human sacrifice which was the norm at the time. Which makes it a very bold and progressive move for its day.
As someone who’s left a hospital in nothing but my underwear I endorse this message
My reading of this is that it’s “more effective” during the first 180 days than after. As in it doesn’t last.
It’s like the waiter saying enjoy your meal, “thanks you too” just fucking cracks me up more than the meek pronoun policing.
Nobody thought of using courts until some asshole named cliff sounds plausible and not a stretch at all
You say that but your entire account is made about Jews
As with most things, you absolutely can without it, it just requires standing up for yourself, but if you want your financiers to be happy you put on the cap.
Seems fake and gay to me.
The days are in “reverse” to your perception because before creation there was darkness, think about nothingness then “let there be light”. Make sense?
A boat can move upon the face of the water but you’re seriously concerned about how the Lord hovered, moved, or brooded over the water of the earth?
You can’t answer how or why the Big Bang happened, the best scientific guess for the building blocks of life on earth is directed panspermia, aka aliens, God(s), or we don’t know. Simulation theory is becoming popularized because of how ordered and created our universe appears. Darwinian theory is struggling as well. Your science has a lot of faith in it as well. You are following a religious doctrine and you weren’t even aware of it.
Yeah the word fuck didn’t exist as an English word until around 1310 or something. Swearing is about how your word should be enough, if you promise to do something do it, honor your word, don’t try and get the Lord involved to make people trust your word more, just be good enough on your own. It’s an encouragement to be honorable and trustworthy.
The Bible forbids cursing as in magic, invoking the lords name in vain, using his name to swear oaths or allegiance. So swearing on the Bible or swearing to do something “as the lord as my witness” type stuff.
Another thing my personal savior is about is forgiveness. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
I’m a Christian thank you very much. There’s only one Lord and it’s my personal savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I take the Bible literally. Christians are not bound under the their covenant, we have a new covenant established under Christ. There was Noah, then Moses, then Christ.
Literally zero Christians have been decapitated under this Bush era bill. Seems like some ceremonial bullshit and the US Congress bill does not mention decapitation. You’re just fear mongering Christians versus Jews which is pretty typical of the formula we’ve seen play out for over a hundred years. Try harder.
So your instigating Christians without being one yourself? Sounds kinda... Zionist of you
Live by the sword die by the sword
The cia also pushed this, let’s not just take the Russia blame game.
He’s a fucking helluva fighter and exciting to watch hit people, but I’m not gonna give him much beyond that. Him and one of his NFL brothers have both popped for steroids so the family genetics plus the family secret sauce seems to be working for them.
Yeah, but he also got drunk as fuck and crashed with a car full of hookers.
Another time got drunk and high, crashed into a pregnant woman, resulting in her arm being broken. He ran away from the scene of the crash, ran back to grab a stack of cash, and ran away again. He left booze and drugs in the car.
Popped for steroids, multiple times. Once blamed it on gas station dick pills lol.
He also got caught on probation for said pregnant lady crash “drag racing” and he first tried to tell the cop he was taking spray cans from kids, like the video you mentioned, then for some reason he kinda threw his daughter having autism in there, then got upset.
Props to him for doing something good, but he typically “does something good” precisely when he needs to for court or his career.
No wonder Jon Jones lives there.
I can’t believe Jews are talking to each-other online, wow, eye opener
The Brits are one crafty bunch. They didn't leave their colonies without leaving behind puppets disguised as freedom fighters (at least where I live). If only people could see they never got independence.
Absolutely, they left behind all their freemasonic lodges, our legal system (BAR), then got control of our currency.
The top power players in international banking are Jews, Christians, Muslims, atheists, and luciferians, because power and money corrupts all equally.
Which concluded blood sacrifice, human sacrifice permanently for adherents. The blood and body of Christ as sacraments of wine and bread also allude to this.
So Abraham was a treatise against human sacrifice, and the Lord gave the ultimate sacrifice which fully sealed the practice out of Christianity. When you hear Jesus died for your sins it’s implying that you don’t need to kill yourself, animals, or other humans to get salvation. The Lord picked up the check, paid the bill, and nobody else needs to try and “pay” in that way anymore.