LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, you added a quote about rabbit starvation to a scenario where it did not apply, stupidly.

Dysentery is normal during a siege with suboptimal nutrition and sanitation. It kills especially quickly without salt. I do not recommend trying ultra-low fat with terrestrial protein sources anyway, so the scenario is irrelevant. Saltwater shrimp fat can be safely consumed after light cooking, and is one of the most healthy complete fat sources available today.

you> Dysentery has nothing to do with salt nor does diarrhea.

Another spectacularly stupid statement that can get you killed. See oral rehydration salts.

While both foods are low-fat, shrimp contains over two times more fat. Shrimp provide less than 2g of fat per 100g serving. Shrimp also have a fat profile that is preferable to scallops, which contain predominantly polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Shrimp vs. Scallop | FoodStruct

I will check agains the FDA: shrimp is 1.7% fat; scallops has .49%. So I understated the ratio; shrimp has 3.5x more (and better) fat than scallops.

Hm, there is considerable variance here though:

My method of cooking loses no fat; grilled shrimp would not work. I avoid farm-raised shrimp, whose fat is much lower-quality. The worse the ingredients, the more food one needs.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's a limit on how low on fat you can get before getting malnutrition.

I'm well aware. This method does not work with scallops, which have less than half the fat of shrimp.

If you can't research the science behind that claim on your own there's no saving you.

I've been doing this for years and don't require saving from your ignorance, which would leave me still sick.

Soldiers dying of dysentery during a siege is normal, stupid. They had no salt.

The second quote is about rabbit starvation, which you are still too stupid to comprehend is caused by a no-carb carnivore diet.

The diet does not cause diarrhea; it stops it. That is the whole reason I use it.

Basically, the opposition to this diet is coming from dogmatic midwits who can't reason their way out of a wet paper bag.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are welcome to explain how it is either of those things.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

The link you gave literally states what I was saying

Clearly you are logically impaired. The quote states:

diet deficient in fat and carbohydrates

If it were or, you would be correct.

Icebound Inuits consume no starches, which is one viable extreme. The other extreme is my method, which consumes minimal fat. Both are viable. One does not rabbit starve if one has carbs, because rabbit starvation only occurs when "almost all bioavailable calories come from the protein in lean meat."

Your claim on the amount of fat necessary to live is unsupported and false.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +2 / -0

You'll need to eat a shit ton of shrimp a day to not suffer malnutrition in the long run.

False. I eat about 1 kg of frozen shelled shrimp every two weeks, which is about 70 grams per day. I eat two handfuls of rice for every one handful of shrimp. The cost for organic shrimp is about 17 USD per 2 weeks. You do not know what you are talking about


Protein is limited to about 1/3 of energy, but there is no such thing as carb poisoning. Thus one may get most of the rest from carbs.

Why not just use animal fat or olive oil

Fat is harder to digest and carries fat-soluble toxins. Concentrated plant fats were not part of the ancestral diet. There is no such thing as hypoallergenic fat. Thus it is completely unsuitable for an elimination diet.

Storing carbs to survive the winter is something even squirrels do; humans certainly did so.

I doubt the cardiovascular healthiness of high-fat "paleo" diets for non-Inuits; see psychologist Seth Rich's death from (probably) butter overconsumption.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no need to replace fat or proteins; both exist in shrimp. The issue is that eating only shelled shrimp would probably result in rabbit starvation. The solution is carbs from rice.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because they have no carbs. Carbs and fat are interchangeable for calories.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

I do not accept Judaeo-Communist linguistic revisions, or lying accusers.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +1 / -0

It won't be reciprocated yet, so break it down to patriarchal clans instead.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well, I suppose it doesn't matter whether you're crazy or boring.

LeoLittlebook 0 points ago +1 / -1

I looked over your account and reckon you're not schizophrenic, just an Illuminati deliberately obfuscating his meaning.

LeoLittlebook 1 point ago +2 / -1

Does a man in Norway with R1b haplogroup share kinship with a black man in Brazil with the same haplogroup

Yes, they literally share paternal kinship. If R1b is too gay to take Brazil, that just leaves more for I1 Nordic.

Y-DNA is passed down almost uncannily from father to son with only minor mutations every 500 or so years?


Chimp and human Y chromosomes evolving faster than expected | Science Daily

The first comprehensive comparison of Y chromosomes from two species sheds new light on Y chromosome evolution. Contrary to a widely held scientific theory that the mammalian Y chromosome is slowly decaying or stagnating, new evidence suggests that in fact the Y is actually reinventing itself through continuous, wholesale renovation.

Feminists hate the facts: Men are the most evolved.

Men more evolved? Their Y chromosome is | NBC News

The NYT denies it, and Wikipedia spins it away:

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +3 / -1

Absolutely. One must use various forms of common sense to filter out enormous amounts of bullshit to get to the truth on this subject. That's why I congratulated you on thinking.

It's about a lot more than just the gold, by the way. Also, nobody uses "robots" for mining, unless you consider disposable insectoid Grays to be robots, which is fairly accurate.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +3 / -1

What we do in secret echoes in eternity.

LeoLittlebook 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm sure even pedo rat egregores are redeemable...

LeoLittlebook 3 points ago +4 / -1

The asteroid belt is ancient. Doubtless it has already been heavily mined, and what remains is owned. It is also a dangerous environment.

The Anunnaki obtain Earth's gold in exchange for the equivalent of glass beads. They'd be stupid not to take that deal. They can always use more gold; they are an expansionary species with a biological need for it.

At least you are thinking.

LeoLittlebook -1 points ago +1 / -2

I wouldn't know. The future is not fixed, and publishing one's predictions about it obviously tends to change it.

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