posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +12 / -3

Table of Contents

  1. Programmed delusion
  2. Y-DNA honor
  3. US clades
  4. Clan compound
  5. Pedophilia
  6. Who's White?

Programmed delusion

Bonobo Communism, Chimp Fascism or Orangutan Libertarianism? | Biology for WW3 | Substack

Feminism is just the bonobophile ethos, which abhors chimp patriarchy. Likewise, rightism or conservatism is just the chimpanzee ethos, which abhors bonobo dishonorable degeneracy. Lastly, libertarianism is the orangutan/Neanderthal ethos, which flees population density to escape apex predators such as the tiger or government.

What this means is that regardless of his position on the political spectrum, a Human will tend to be delusional about the biological validity of opposed sociopolitical alignments. CSR Triangle Theory means that Competitor, Stress-Tolerator and Ruderal strategies are all valid and eternal.

Pedophilia is a Ruderal strategy – quicker reproduction at lower quality. Humans are descended from bonobos, which are matriarchal pedophile homosexuals. Thus bonobophilia is an intrinsic feature of the historical cycle. Any chimpanzer rightist who fails to appreciate this is merely doomed to repeat the cycle, ad infinitum ad nauseam.

Nature does whatever works. You can either get with her program, or you can get replaced. White rightists are currently being replaced due to their delusional beliefs about race and sex.

Let's start with sex, since it's the obvious one. Feminists are retarded, because bonobos are retarded. Bonobos have no territory, hunting packs or warfare. This means the collapse of Human civilization back to mud huts.

So why did White men fall for giving women the vote? Because bonobos are extremely good at the social status and resource redistribution game. It is their specialization. Persuading men to give them things is literally a woman's job.

Y-DNA honor

Men failed to understand that the Y-chromosome is the basis for honor and territory. The Y-chromosome is the section of the genome that is held accountable when one tribe gets conquered by another. The women of the tribe become warbrides and continue to reproduce; the men don't. Allowing women to influence politics means that the state will be conquered or collapse, because bonobos do not have territory and cannot wage war.

The White rightist reaction to bonobophile misrule is strong and growing, but its theoretical foundations are still false and therefore doomed to cyclical failure. Its two main populist pillars are White nationalism and anti-pedophilia, both of which are self-defeating concepts.

The genetic reality of Human race is visible on principal component analysis plots such as the ones on Thuletide's infographic page:

Race science infographics archive [biology, genetics, anthropology, etc] | Thuletide

Relative to the Judaeo-Communist Great Replacement, of course we are all Whites. As the Bedouin say, "I against my brother. I and my brother against my cousin. I, my brother, and my cousin against the world." WW1-2 demonstrated that Whites are not unified; we are all in competition. Who won? Israel.

Delusion, whether altruistic or antagonistic, leads to death. Only reality-based politics can avoid this fate. The problem with "White nationalism" is that neither Whites nor nations exist. The genetic reality is Y-DNA clades and clans.

The Bedouin proverb is correct because it says "brother", not "sibling". The women are not involved, except as property. Someone from a different Y-DNA clade is not your brother, nor your cousin. English doesn't have a word for "paternal cousin;" it needs one.

US clades

The USA is only half R1b European, with a variety of other clades making up the remainder, both European and not:

Race, Ancestry, and Genetic Composition of the U.S. | New Geography

As soon as R1b Americans gave away half their sovereignty to XX chromosome White women, they guaranteed that they would lose the other half.

I am I1 Nordic, not R1b. The original USA was an R1b country. They threw it away.

Giving it back to them is not my job. Doing so would violate natural selection. My duty is to my own clade.

Clan compound

Leviathan always hungers for more power, devouring every vestige of resistance in order to expand its bureaucracy. The empire oppresses the nation, the nation the tribe, the tribe the clan, the clan the family, the family the adult, the adult the child, the child the pet, the pet the chew toy. Such is the way of our uncivilization.

The atomic foundation of the state is not the nuclear family, as pathetic American conservatives suppose, but the clan territory. Anarchic states such as Afghanistan rebuild themselves from fortified clan compounds, defended by machine guns and RPGs.

You can wait until such a living arrangement is an absolute necessity for survival, or you can get a head start. The businesses founded during a Depression dominate the decades to come; same for clans.

As the Jews demonstrate, it is not necessary to inhabit a fixed territory, as long as one maintains clan cohesion in other ways. You do not need an RPG to get started, unless you think yourself less capable than a Jew.


Parasites are nature's way of eliminating weak hosts. It should be obvious by now why R1b Americans lost the USA to Jews and the swarthy horde. R1b did not even know its own identity or recognize the game being played, instead believing in delusional abstract notions such as equality and liberty.

Peace and justice are the benefits a good clan secures for its men and their dependents. They do not come from a government, which can only destroy them.

The atomized rightist White man now rages against bonobophile Clown World, and this rage particularly focuses on the pedophile Cabal ruling the West via mutual blackmail. However, the ensuing sporadic vigilantism is self-defeating and actually strengthens the elite Cabal, forging weak degenerates into disciplined cadres led by apex parasites.

This is like taking sporadic antibiotics to develop antibiotic resistant plagues: a bad idea.

Unfortunately, rightists cannot help themselves. They go right on doing what doesn't work until civilization collapses into barbarism, where honor reconstitutes itself in the crucible of combat.

In general, it is a bad idea to execute pedophiles and sodomites, because then they go closeted and reproduce successfully with women, perpetuating their genetic tendencies. The way to squeeze them out of existence is via vigorous clan competition. If a clan produces pedophiles and sodomites, hold it in contempt, reducing its future reproduction. This motivates clans to root out their own corruption; one cannot hide from one's brother.

Bonobophiles are weak and cannot withstand direct chimpanzer competition, so they try to undermine it with all their might. This is why they are always Communists despite it never working. It is a sociosexual strategy, not an economic one.

The US state has suppressed clan competition to such an extent that the concept of a clan hardly exists anymore, except as a joke about large family gatherings. Nevertheless, the ruling families are still clans, because the elite does what works.

Who's White?

Anti-pedophilia and White nationalism are popular Schelling points, and we must exploit them for all they are worth, but we cannot expect them to provide a stable foundation for a future state.

Anti-pedophilia runs into the problem of juvenile female sexual aggression towards older men, and becomes a feminist vector of degeneracy. Instead of letting fathers marry girls off early, they fuck around with shiftless high school drug dealers, becoming jaded bonobophiles who reinforce the leftist ranks.

Other people's children are not your business. A tree does not uproot the neighboring weeds, but grows upwards until they wither in its shade. Let your family tree do likewise to lesser breeds.

White nationalism results in the more altruistic White ethnicities being exploited by the less altruistic ones. The American attempt at a melting pot has gone poorly. This is self-evident. See the Irish problem, for example.

This solves the debate about "Who's White". Being White is for girls, like skin-whitening cream.

Women are beholden to their holistic genetic interest. Men are loyal to a clade, by which we live and die. The Y-chromosome is the most heavily evolved part of the Human genome, because it undergoes the most intensive natural selection, meaning the highest casualty rate.

I absolutely advise White women to advocate for their race. They will make wonderful wives and mothers. Ladies, demand White wives for your sons, like wise Rebekah, who said: "I am sick to death of these daughters of Heth." If your sons marry foreign women, those bitches will despise you, and you will regret it bitterly in your old age.

However, my clade can just as well find wives elsewhere, if White women decide they prefer cats and STDs to children. Paradoxically, this attitude is the way to increase abysmal White fertility. Non-neediness is the only male attitude a woman can respect. She wants Genghis, not Goebbels.

Strive your utmost to play for your team, your clade. Otherwise you waste the legacy of the men of your clade who strove to bring you this far – both the winners and the losers. Y-DNA is high-variance, high risk and high reward. Soldiers know that the artillery falls at random, and accept that risk so that their side can prevail. Your clade is your actual team, not your country; never betray it!