posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +12 / -2

Table of Contents

  1. The soul gene
  2. Overdue genetic interest
  3. War of the sexes
  4. Revolt of the fatter sex
  5. Chimp nationalism
  6. Division of labor
  7. R1ubes
  8. 12 tribes

The soul gene

"Nailmaker: The Reaper, an Isekai LitRPG: Progression Fantasy with an OP MC" by A. Bel features a grand invasion of bestial demonic hordes who cause chaos in the city streets, much like the immivasion underway in the USA. It is clearly inspired by the apocalyptic zeitgeist. However, unlike the hapless protagonist who is protected by plot armor, Aryan Americans cannot afford to indulge in naive sentimentality any longer. I analyze the foolish machismo of the protagonist here; his primary error is failure to think like an aristocrat founding a noble house on his superior bloodline.

Is this the part where I congratulate White Nationalists for being the only hardnosed realists willing to oppose the destruction of America even at the price of ostracism for racism?

Unfortunately no. This is where I offend everyone!

Nationalism will win, inevitably, as it has before. And then it will fail again, inevitably, as it has before. Because it is founded on a lie, a lie for which millions have died in war and famine.

The lie is patriotic national identity. The truth is gene-soul identity.

The Terran Human race shares one species soul, despite our tremendous diversity, which encapsulates a galaxy of life in a grand experiment. (See the Sasquatch Message trilogy for details.) A meatpuppet born without this soul is not truly Human. There are many such soulless on Earth, and many more have non-Terran or non-Human souls, which cannot enter the Human afterlife in Gaia's magnetosphere Spirit Spheres.

I say this to contextualize the fact that one's genetic lineage is closely linked to one's soul family. To believe that genes don't matter because the soul is what counts, is like saying the Earth's magnetosphere doesn't matter because Heaven is what counts. The one is the shadow of the other. Soul came first, then genes. And like a shadow, genes depict the soul in exquisite silhouette.

Overdue genetic interest

Educated White Nationalists have read Frank Salter's devastating calculations on the genetic interest of having children versus stopping immivaders from Congo. But we must go deeper still.

Go to Stormfront, and one will find Aryan ladies holding court, wielding power over discourse disproportional due to their rarity in the movement, queen bees surrounded by orbiters. An intellectual, politicized, aggressive topic such as White Nationalism (or libertarianism) attracts a disproportionately male following. "Refugees Welcome" is where the politicized women are at, generally. Wignats suffer a sad lack of waifu, and such that America provides them is seldom sweet.

Surprisingly, the ladies of Stormfront are still feminists, in no hurry to relinquish their power, or to get down to the business of bearing Aryan babies. Perhaps it is simply self-selection: The ones at the keyboard have no baby on the teat. Regardless, one finds more realism on gender at r/TheRedPill than the staid, Boomer-run Stormfront.

Restoring Hitlerian traditionalism sounds mighty fine, and perhaps if we win WW3, everything will be fine. We meaning Russia, of course. In the meantime, Stormfront spergs can keep naming the Jew ad nauseam, while their dicks stay dry sans pauseam.

War of the sexes

There is a fundamental aspect of this that wignats miss: The political war is fundamentally a war of the sexes. Hitler wins suffragette elections only when Weimar collapse becomes so bad that the little dears decide they prefer macho daddy mustache to pervy uncle Jew. Unfortunately women do not come to this conclusion until the collapse of industrial society has resulted in borderline starvation – and they forget it with dismaying rapidity, once cupcakes resume.

The political war is fundamentally a war of the sexes. Women are XX chromosome. The boar was XY. Women never left the bonobo troupe. They were dragged by rapists into modern humanity by their hair, kicking and screaming. Given half a chance, they will always go back. It is their way of signaling to the heroic rapist, that it is time for another uplifting rescue. The boar signal is up in the West, and swarthy men of the South answer.

Revolt of the fatter sex

White women have revolted, and are revolting. What is a White man to do? Man up and marry those hoes? So Uncle Sam would say, and he's got bills to pay. But would your forefathers agree? Foremothers probably would. She's such a nice girl! Fore-uncle rolls his eyes.

What makes a man, anyway? What is the most heavily-evolved, rapidly evolving part of the Human genome? What makes Humans, Human? The Y-chromosome.

That is because men are expendable. We are the risk-taking sex, taking the casualties to advance the race. Woman is the stable staid conservative, steadily reproducing with winning weiners, no matter whose.

How is Y-DNA evolution mediated? Well, we gang up into packs and kill each other over territory, much like chimps.

Chimp nationalism

Except the chimps are smarter, because they don't believe in nationalism. So they stick with their relatives. This is called being "patrilocal". They kick the daughters out while the sons stay.

Are you offended yet? A chimp would be offended if you suggested he pay bananas to send his daughter to college. Have a turd; he's not that retarded.

The business of a man, it turns out, is exactly one thing: To hang out with your gang of bros and do manly stuff: take territory, hunt game, fuck bitches. That's it. Rap videos optional.

Coincidentally, all these activities spread the Y-DNA chromosome. Nowhere on the list is it mentioned to preserve the "purity" of the chimp race. Catch some bonobo bitches? Fuck em. Orang? Gorilla? Human? Fuck 'em all! The Y-DNA clade loves to conquer virgin terrain.

Therefore, the male wignat's taboo against race mixing is, to put it politely, gay. It is precisely this self-castration, this self-limitation of sexual options, that inspires contempt in his feminist counterpart. If he were to ruthlessly replace her instead, she would recognize the primordial virile rapist in him, and swoon. If you desire the irrepressible fertility of the primal mother, you must embody the ruthless virility of the primal male.

If you would spit in her womb, first spit in her face. Tell her she is fat, stupid and pointless, and that you hope her nose gets eaten by cats because it is hideous. Have a cupcake and die of diabetes, fupa. These are the sweet nothings that precipitate ovulation. Or at least a diet.

Division of labor

The fact is that female White Nationalists are responsible for preserving the vast majority of the White genome, and there is absolutely nothing White men can do to help them in that task, except to perform their own role to the hilt, as avatars of a Y-DNA clade.

Aryan men trying to preserve the White race is like feminist women trying to stop rape culture. It's retarded and inversely effective. How did Hitler's jihad work out? Mongolization of East Germany was lethally vigorous. Meanwhile American cowboys fucked any squaw they could, and somehow everything worked out fine, thank smallpox.

Only Women are White. White means spiritual, ethereal beauty. Only Men are Aryan, for Aryan means honor, and honor comes from balls, not eggs. Only balls dare meet the world, with its cold drafts and cruel kicks, while eggs retreat and await a conqueror. No honor in eggs, no beauty in balls – as the shriveled scrotum attests, and the swollen breast confirms. Everyone likes boobs!

White women do not care that they are losing the White race. Aryan men should not care either, for there are plenty of women eager to replace our foolish feminists. A world awaits conquest on bended knees! Let traitor nations and traitor sisters fall together, while we raise dynasties of Y-DNA.

Now that a man can know his clade directly, he bypasses the middleman who once skimmed his power. He does not require proxies of culture, language or geography to indicate his genetic interest indirectly; he can know his DNA relatives for a fact, and ally with them alone.


What does the USA offer my I1 Nordic clade? Well, the USA currently provokes a WW3 with Russia that threatens to wash I1's native Sweden with a second Mongol horde. I would prefer to see DC nuked instead, and New York for good measure. Conveniently enough that's on the ballot, right under Biden's open borders. Surely at least one of these enterprising combat-aged migrants-for-a-brighter-future is toting a backpack nuke.

I1 Nordics are estimated to be only 13% of the US population. Why should I fight on behalf of the retarded R1b majority? Not my clade, not my problem. Replace AIPAC with ASPAC, and then we'll talk.

Do you accuse me of disloyalty? That's hilarious. The USA is a free nation that enslaves its southern states to participate in the Federal Reserve welfare state, history's largest Ponzi. By its founding documents it should have been liquidated via revolution long ago. Anyone who is loyal to the continued existence of the Human race opposes the continued existence of the US government. To support the USG is to support industrial abortion, which is infanticide. A US patriot hates babies, Humans and Americans. Even the Satanic xeno Cabal would leave more Humans alive than the DEI Feds.

12 tribes

As long as we have nations founded on fictions, the cycle of history will inevitably continue, with its world wars and Weimar excess. There must be contiguous geographic administrative territories. These should be founded on the reality of Y-DNA clades. It would be an agreement between brothers, and clades would hold their members accountable internally. See the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament for a similar system of government.

The best part is that there is no possible way that women's suffrage will ever happen again. Behold, I have given thee a system of government which women cannot possibly corrupt. For it is written in thy very DNA that man's power shall be active, direct and formal, whereas woman's will be passive, indirect and informal. Now go forth, and try not to fuck it up this time.

Here's a handy summary:

  • Holistic genetic interest is a feminine concern, enforced by petty sniping over who's White.
  • He who does not prioritize his Y-DNA is a failure as a man.
  • Jewish insularity is masculine, so they dominate the USA.
  • Aryan altruism is feminine unless it is restricted to one's Y-DNA clade.
  • Y-DNA is transracial. White women will kneel or be replaced.
  • It is literally their loss, not ours.