They're creating new methods that only they will have access to and making it impossible to leverage their tried and trusted techniques now that they've become more common. Isn't this just the same thing as making paper currency hard to counterfeit? Let's just acknowledge the similarity here that it's all fake all the way to the top
Watched the rest of it and I'll find you this point- seems super suspect.
give up on trying to stop it and use legal means to address your grievances. You need the government after all
It's like they know the solution is anarchy and a legislative reset. It is odd that they describe the mechanics in so detailed a fashion.
i mainly buy farmland CD
Almost as if they want to misdirect away from what's going on in real estate law. What have they changed here related to estate and trusts recently?
You changed your objective. Originally you asked what the theory was and now you're asking what is correct. Stop asking for a straw man if your goal is simply to create an effigy. No one is here to stroke your ego through being subjected to rhetorical traps
Literally fascists. Hard to imagine now even though we all went through it. They never quite fit to the stage where anybody who disagreed with them automatically tested positive. But remember this possibility lurks below the surface
There was an empire that existed in what is now parts of Mongolia and Russia. Probably remnants of Byzantium. After a conflict (eg Napoleon possibly) history was rewritten and their history has been erased. They were the Silk Road empire and had colonies in the new world. Evidence is found in similar architecture and technology. There was a series of mud floods that buried many buildings and helped tptb to disguise the past. Explains the dark ages
The flights were all between Palm Beach and New York City airports
It's a false equivalence. He never went to the island and they were in the same circles. Trump has addressed this and even went so far as to distance himself from him after his Epsteins initial accusations.
I'm not talking about Congress. They're already completely captured. Are you new here?