Kek_Johnson 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oil is the second most abundant liquid on earth. The term fossil fuel is just wordplay. The idea that dead dinosaurs is just plain silly. The term that should be used is abiogenic hydrocarbons.


by pkvi
Kek_Johnson -1 points ago +1 / -2

Most of the planet is covered with water. None of the water is carbonated. Therefore the earth is flat.

Kek_Johnson 8 points ago +8 / -0

U-Haul truck rentals to Greater Idaho suddenly intensifies.

Kek_Johnson 3 points ago +3 / -0

National Socialist Workers Party = Nazi

Kek_Johnson 3 points ago +3 / -0

Those are tiny blood clots creating that. Fuck that shit.

Kek_Johnson 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I lived in SF years ago I was at a gathering with friends drinking good beer and smoking a bunch of hash oil. The pipe passer who gave me the pipe thought I knew it was loaded with a shit ton hit of DMT. I've been there and back. It's like having one foot in this dimension and a foot in another. The beings in the other dimension notice you when you notice them. After about 5-6 minutes I snapped back with no hangover or burnout. I did have a slight PTSd; I felt like I was psychedelically whiplashed to a different universe and back to where I was in an algorithmically programmed grid of fictional reality created apes smart enough to destroy their own planet for a few thousand years.

Kek_Johnson 3 points ago +3 / -0

It isn't by any legal or functional term a vaccine. It's a synthetic pathogen. Fertilely rates have dropped like a rock. Makes the body think the fetus is an auto immune disorder and rejects it.

Kek_Johnson 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only 0.04% of the atmosphere is CO2. Of that 97% is made by nature. True science fact. Look it up. The idea that you can a tax small business out of business to change the temperature dial on the planet is crazy.

Kek_Johnson 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do an image search for "Biden health secretary" and you'll see why within 7 days they are trying to get us to stick stuff up in our buttholes.

Kek_Johnson 4 points ago +4 / -0

The 40% was a murder-suicide. That leaves a total of 3 covid deaths in a county with a population of 15,734.

Kek_Johnson 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take a look at the word COVID as roman numerals. Take out the O , because it isn't a roman numeral, and you have CVID. Put those numerals together in the way they can be used a s a roman numeral and you have DCVI. DCVI = 606. 606 is the computer error code for "reset"

Kek_Johnson 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all know the difference between a critical thinker capable of a civil discussion who has a difference of opinion and a troll. All here welcome civil dialogue no matter what. The trolls can get a free ride compliments of The Trebuchet Helicopter Co. for all I care.

TDW is not in charge of this .win. Nor should it or ever be. There are some similarities but there is a lot that is different TDW and CW are two different animals and I hope it stays that way. i don't expect to see thread about Supreme Court rulings here and I don't expect to see treads about Canadian and Israeli military generals talking about being in contact with aliens over there.

.win celebrates the freedom of expression and the freedom and the dissemination of all knowledge.

BTW I know it might look like a Trump circle jerk over there but there is quite a bit of criticism of him in there as well.

Here's my favorite Trump conspiracy theory...


Kek_Johnson 19 points ago +19 / -0

On the TD we got to see Hunter naked, getting a foot job while smoking crack. Yuk. No Spez here. Post away my fren.