She pleaded guilty you fucking cretin
Cool story, pedo.
The EO church is decentralized and doesn’t believe it’s bishops are infallible.
Neither does the Catholic Church
Orthodox Priests are constantly exposed for being pedos.
It's refreshing to see how retarded you are.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Enjoy your pedo cult.
Grifter gonna grift
Religious people are all not right in the head.
Finally a sane person
The full version plays 40 minutes with interviews of experts in the fields of mercury toxicology, environmental medicine, politics and dentistry. It is available from the IAOMT for $14.95 + $4 shipping.
The head of Russian Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ, not some bureaucrat.
Can I get an appointment?
Anak Krakatao has been erupting every few years so what do you want to tell us?
I can literally make a fake twitter post about any topic I want, take a screenshot and post it here and you would just eat it up if it confirmed your bias.
Telegram Source Instagram Source
And as usual, no source that shows the actual data for your claim.
Such a surprise.
It is fucking hilarious how this site is just a place where retards circlejerk over screenshots from other sites.
I had 3 and before the 1st, your cretins already told me it would kill me.
Still waiting.
So what the fucking crime?
Because it's a screenshot of a twitter post with no source. Everyone can make that.
Are you really that fucking gullible?
2 more weeks, months, years, decades, generations!
The pandemic is really a godsend for you retards. You can now until the end of your life blame everything bad that happens on the vaxx. Fucking cult, that's what this is by now.
As usual, you are just making shit up. I really wonder why.
You aren't posting articles. You are posting twitter screenshots.
Fucking imbecile
How do "we" know?
Let's see a source
Did you by his nft? Please tell me that you did.