I love how you kikes have to project your sins onto your enemies. The Bolsheviks were famous for their rape and torture, yet only Nazis can be the bad guys...
The jews, or the Bolsheviks as they were jew controlled, were more evil than the Nazis.
On some things the Nazis were good, on others they were bad. In the end, they lost because Hitler didn't force GB to a peace before invading Russia. He's like a retarded Napoleon. Fucking the Confederates are a better example of white advocacy than the jew funded and jew manipulated Hitler.
The only real nazi fans these days are glowie or glowie adjacent.
I love how you kikes have to project your sins onto your enemies. The Bolsheviks were famous for their rape and torture, yet only Nazis can be the bad guys...
The jews, or the Bolsheviks as they were jew controlled, were more evil than the Nazis.
On some things the Nazis were good, on others they were bad. In the end, they lost because Hitler didn't force GB to a peace before invading Russia. He's like a retarded Napoleon. Fucking the Confederates are a better example of white advocacy than the jew funded and jew manipulated Hitler.
The only real nazi fans these days are glowie or glowie adjacent.
Oh, right, because you can force peace with a country backed by literally the rest of the world that's under jewish control... Retard 😂
You act more of a fed than anyone trying to push that jewish lie.
Okay, glowie, you're veering into bot territory. I give the last work.