I got booted 4 hours ago permanently with the reasoning was i am a retard. Heres the post. I can still like and be bullied by the mod but I cant defend myself.
I think what was really the issue is I was told it belonged in conspiracies and instead of just accepting what I was told I engaged in a respectable discussion and esvpra had their feelings hurt.
This is what I got so far. There are so many ways to rescramble letters so if im on to something in hoping this post can get us a messeage of some sort.
Episcopal = Pepsi Cola.
Lutheran = Neutral.
Catholic = Catch Oil.
Orthodox = Orthodox.
Angelica = Cleaning.
Protestant = Patterns To.
Methodist = Hit Smith.
Baptist = Stab Tip.
Pentecostal = Pence Totals.
Evangelic = Cave Gel In.
Adventist = Net Davits.
Presbyterian = Betray Sniper.
Apostolic = Capitols.
See what im getting at? That Q post 1950 said it goes deeper with the Vatican. The vatican leads catholic which is a branch of christianity. That community would be drooling over this if We can crack the code.
The funniest part is Im such a threat to the mod they had to make me unable to interact to then insult me. I always get told Eff you when I make a very valid point that opposes the argument and happened today. Then I screenshotted it all cause the last comment I recieved was "even though you cant respond to this you are still an idiot because coke and Pepsi arent the same thing."
Thats intresting. I can't interact with greatawakening yet I am still receiving notifications cause people still talking. I got called idiot and retard. I got talked down to because my account is a month old and I was told it belongs on conspiracy then I posted the Q post with my original post and elaborated my point of thought then brought to the attention to the mod im going back to my original concern the mods sre communist spies then they told me to eff off. So I deported all of them kept clicking disrespectful. I think that community has been polluted tbh.
And then you got gates talking about blocking out the sun to cool the planet down. Isnt that how the dinos went extinct? What makes most sense to me is do not interfere and let our immune systems do their jobs and let survival of the fittest come back. Darwins theroy.... Let us adapt to the climate change and lets not attempt to do things to change the climate and make the work revolve around us. Thats just asking for trouble.
Um, HIV came from chimps when the blood of the chimp who had a disease labeled SIV entered the humans body and mutated into HIV which develops into AIDS. Thats what I learned in school. SIV was not a typo either. This was told to me in a 3 hours no break assembly oh HIV awareness my senior year of high school back in 2010.
I had a civil conversation with a racist explaining to me it makes you racist if you ignor the fact there is racism and don't speak up about someones color... Dude seems extremely confused. Tried pulling the discrimination card will me. I called him out on that being uncool and he put his head down and shame and said he knows but the lady pissed him off. What lady did was point on the trash can next to the racist who was putting their trash elsewhere.
That's intresting. Apart of me also thinks that there are trend followers. Due to the current gender identity crisis that sprung up and targeting people under 18. The children are very susceptible to having their beliefs manipulated because they are figuring out basic understandings while growing their self esteem.
I watched a really intresting documentary long time ago about the homosexual gene. Some scientists believe that gene exists and natures way of not over populating the planet given homosexuals still nessessary in our society to function properly because they naturally help bring down tensions in the social aspect of humans.
Well I'll never get to find out. I actively was discussing this in the Q discussion forum and then they permanantly banned me. I didnt break any guidelines or rules so I think having independent thought is what caused them to ban me.