posted ago by Jmadness ago by Jmadness +10 / -2

Below I believe adds value to Q research as post 1950 explains a lot and says it goes deeper. Im not trying to mislead anyone thought I was posting a valuable post with potential for further discussion but instead sentenced me to being censored and bullied by the mods.

My original post it...

If you rearrange the letters of Episcopal you get Pepsi cola. For some reason I just woke up from a nightmare involving demonic ritual and physical pain that involves what happen in the nightmare to my earing holes. Then for some reason after waking up I started looking up branches of Christianity wanting to rearrange the letters to see if a different word can come out and if nothing see if all the branches of Christianity put in a correct order makes a statement. But I'm half asleep hoping if anyone else sees what I am potentially getting at. Minds matter.

Pepsi is cokes competitor. Anyway I was having real concerns and no way to message the mod privavte so tried getting their attension. But communists dont like christianity and Episcopal is a branch of christianity. Thr Q research spends time research Q to decrypt thought this was an important realization and was hoping that discussion added to meeting of the minds see of we can get a message from decoding branches of christanity in some form. So I hope I'm welcomed here. I post in good faith.