by pkvi
Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

how is this 1/40? I got 1/34 fatalities from all the cases presented here. This needs more context

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you turn that symbol upside down you can see that it is the face of a serpent wearing a little hat and flicking out its tongue which is an inverted cross

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm not familiar with it. I've only heard of it, and have meant to become familiar with it but haven't gotten round to it yet.

I just don't believe in ANYTHING we're told. We have no representatives in the halls of power. They have monopolised everything and promoted gullible automaton idiots into middle management positions who would never ever question authority because they are godless people having been persuaded to atheism by the same people, never realising that they only drove God out of their lives so that they could take Gods stead in their feeble, malleable minds. Yuri said that amongst the first things the subverter does is to mock religion and drive it away from the society, make it undesirable, sycthe down the moral pillar of the society - which explains how we have trannies everywhere and backwards theories and people trying to rebrand pedophiles as MAPs etc.

I just don't see that ANYBODY in any powerful position is able to stop them. We're sitting ducks.

Janschology 8 points ago +10 / -2

so stupid. They all think Putin is a good guy and you know what? I prefer the cut of his jib over that of our western leaders who are pretty much openly communist (or communitarian) but lets be real - the things they say are only for our benefit and to continue the charade whereas the things they do tell the true story (if you can find out what they do).

The Russia Russia Russia narrative has been discredited in the eyes of those on the nominal 'right' but is there no truth to it? Putin is on video boasting about the completion of the infiltration, Yuri Bezmenov warned about the Soviet infiltration of the west. Russia is very close with Israel who own practically all of the worlds cyber and cyber security. Russia and Israel are so deeply intertwined. Israel and China are in cahoots too. Russia, Israel and China all working hand in glove along with American traitors to bring America down and usher in the NWO (which is the sole purpose of the United States anyway).

All of these apparent global enemies have one friend in common - Israel. And Israel steers all of these countries and powers.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

how braindead do you need to be to not realise what a willow in the wind you're being?

How basic is your logic above. Trump was merely a tactic in the long game. It was in Trumps name that the US and whole world really was destabilised.

You think he's on the opposite side of Hillary? Why did he hush his crowd up from chanting 'lock her up' after he'd won the election by telling them 'that works great BEFORE the election, now we dont care' and then even expressly said he didn't want to cause the Clintons any strife. He even praised Hillary.

BLM was created under Obama but they obviously couldn't rip up the country while he was president so what happened? They wheeled in Trump as the polarising figure, giving them their flimsy justification. Trump didn't lift a finger to stop anything.

In fact, the fact that the only statue that Trump intervened in happened to be Albert Pikes should tell you all that you need to know about where Trumps loyalties lie - he's very much of the Masonic order just playing his part in the completion of the great work in the realisation of the NWO.

Trump started the ball rolling on the Trans women competing against allegedly 'cis' women by personally ordering Miss Universe Canada to permit shovel-handed Jenna Talackova to compete in their secret tranny pageant. And now look - men competing against women everywhere. Have a closer inspection of Lara Trump for instance. Also, as creepy as Biden is (and he is creepier than Trump, granted) what Trump has said about his daughter and some of the photos of them together are way beyond the pale, completely disconcerting, disgusting and wholly inappropriate.

Trump led his supporters into the trap that was laid for them on Jan 6th. Trump created Warp Speed which includes the infrastructure for health surveillance which, surprise surprise, aligns with the NWO agenda. Trump locked you down, is responsible for the shitty vaccines - even begs for the credit. And plenty more besides.

Bill Cooper says you only get to be a 33rd degree Freemason when you do some important thing to aide completion of the 'Great Work'. Trump can enjoy his 33rd degree now.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

Maybe it's actually Russia all along, via Israel. Israel is chock full of Russian influence.

Whilst Israel is hugely influential in all the big power blocs and is the techno capital of the world after silicon valley, it is most closely aligned with/controlled by Russia, according to Brendon O'Connell.

It is Israel who steal American tech and transfer it to China and Russia but Israel is apparently the property of the City of London and the KGB. I don't think China are really the string pullers at all. It would appear that they may have their strings pulled to a large extent by Israel and therefore CoL/Russia.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, the REASON they demonize it is in order to build its credibility with those who don't trust their mainstream drugs. So what they do is revers psychology 101.

It's like those 'Doctors hate me' type advertising.

One way or the other they want you hooked on their pharmakeia.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

don't fall for all the alt drugs nonsense. The alt drugs they push are still drugs - just like the alt media are still the media.

If you don't enter their traps through the front door, they goad you in through the back and you'll think you're rebelling and have outsmarted them.

Janschology 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump just endorsed Zemmour for President of France - he's also Jewish. What is going on?!?!

Janschology 4 points ago +4 / -0

After Trumps comments about Israel RIGHTLY owning congress and his obvious close ties to Judaism and Chabad Lubavitch, and his close ties to Freemasonry, what do we think is really goin on with Zemmour?

Janschology 2 points ago +3 / -1

He can talk. Why does he not mention the WEF and the Great Reset? Oh, that's right - it's because he's one of their young global leaders.

Janschology 5 points ago +5 / -0

To give the appearance that they aren't part of the same club who started it from afar.

Janschology 4 points ago +5 / -1

yip. I'm so glad someone posted that somewhere because it put into words what I'd been suspecting this whole time. It's quite obvious how easy it can be to establish credibility within conspiracy circles simply by having the media ban you.

Why so many people (and I'm thinking particularly about Q anons) don't realise that such a pavlovian reaction can be easily weaponised against them and has in fact been written about and recommended by the king of Behavioural Scientists Cass Sunstein in his paper Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure is really quite nauseating and astonishing all at the same time.

All of the cultural events have a synthetic vibe to them. The 'Freedom Convoys' the 'Yellow Jackets', the immigration protest in Pollokshields, the Everard Vigil, you name it.

Coronacircus has done a very good job of commentating from outside the paradigm/mental framwork they all want us to operate within although, when you see just how much this invisible enemy controls (all heroes and villains and all the cultural levers on both sides) it becomes difficult to envisage how this could end in anything other than them getting to radicalise millions into voluntarily entering into the threshing machine by the hundreds of milliona again, a la the World Wars and other 'Pandemics'

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