Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

Who said anything about RFK disclosing anything?

He’s not in a position to disclose, imo.

But he is finally publicly pointing the finger. That’s not nothing.

Why now?

Iknowitsu -5 points ago +1 / -6

And I’m sure it’s not because you’re forcing them to do this.

You honestly sound like a naive parent to me. Just my opinion.

Reading assignments is one thing. Are they going on their own and checking out books for fun from their schools library?

I highly doubt that.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +3 / -3

You didn’t make a single rebuttal.

You just asserted your opinion without providing anything to back it, including a sound logical narrative.

Why don’t you go back to hate larping and poisoning the well?

Then there’s the obvious bad faith argument invoking Q. Who the fuck is talking about Q, other than yourself?

Bad faith arguments from a suspect account.

If this narrative upsets you, then it’s probably worth discussing in more detail.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +3 / -4

I don’t trust Musk and think he has ulterior selfish motives… but I don’t think he’s an evil NWO insider like some here.

I don’t see the CIA purposefully shutting down mockingbird. Could be a pivot of sorts but I don’t think so, personally.

Anyways, the reason I’m even thinking of this stuff now is the community notes that popped up under Swalwell’s attempted attack on trump for the Jean Carol defamation stuff.

And with Tucker looking to join Twitter… soon this function (community notes) will replace much of what the legacy mockingbird media was doing.

Iknowitsu -3 points ago +2 / -5

The kids aren’t reading those books.

They read what they need to do the assignment.

Or they’ll look up cliff notes or something similar.

Don’t be the naive parent.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Why don’t you hop on some more alts fedboi.

Why the filler comment?

Iknowitsu -2 points ago +4 / -6

I’ve seen several instances where people are outraged just at the presence of a book in the library.

I see what you’re saying, but if you deny your kid a phone, they’ll simply access one from their peers.

Iknowitsu -6 points ago +2 / -8

Notice that he didn’t go into a white supremacist tirade like a complete retard, for absolutely no reason!

Iknowitsu -2 points ago +2 / -4

You could honestly sense buffet panicking here lol.

Was a great sight to behold.

“Silence him, I say!!!”.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Interesting theory. Musk definitely is playing the role trump used to play, on Twitter at least.

A bit different, but similar.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

If you think two posts is spam, what does that say about you?

Imagine being that retarded and inauthentic and thinking no one will notice lol.

Iknowitsu 0 points ago +2 / -2

Are you? Biden is the low IQ pedo who gets bought off for small time deals.

Biden is literally a pathetic pawn with no real power. Just a figure head.

by DrLeaks
Iknowitsu 2 points ago +4 / -2

Pretty great to watch.

Buffet has clearly never heard of the Streisand effect.

You can tell he was starting to freak out. A very telling reaction. A guilty reaction.

Iknowitsu 1 point ago +3 / -2

I think mbs was set up by a holdover from the previous Saudi administration.

MBS could have killed the guy in 1000 ways and I’m supposed to believe he chose a place where the entrances and exits are covered by cameras?

and in Turkey no less? A country looking for leverage over him?

It was a set up. And I’m always a bit surprised people don’t question the whole bonesaw MBS thing.

Iknowitsu -1 points ago +2 / -3

The Genie Energy Coalition was neutralized by appeasing a faction of the isreali element of the coalition and giving them the Golan heights. People hated Trump for doing this, but it allowed that geopolitical coalition to be slowly unwinded.

Once they got what they wanted the coalition lost the support of their most important regional partner (isrealis) who was more motivated by local security and resources issues, than the desire to destabilize Assad and build new pipelines to Europe, to compete with Russia.

And now you have Saudi Arabia pushing back against this plan as well, and clearly mending things with Assad, and even taking some steps to do so with Iran.

These are all positive developments. Imo the globalists plans are being openly challenged.

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