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randomly claim distances with no proof
you are gay
We must mine CBDC to be free from CBDC.
I'm sick of this fuckin jew
Yes tax billionaires more. Do NOT increase minimum wage automatically with inflation.
rubs hands furiously
Erm actually no one gives a shit
Redpill: ALL lottery payouts are like this. Payment for pedo ring work.
44% of homes bought in 2023 were bought by (((investment firms)))
I've read through the JFK files. Have you?
Everything important is redacted.
The justice system will never work again. "It's AI bro" is the new jewish excuse.
erm actually you are technically wrong and this is why we must ignore the war crimes of the jews and focus on frivolities instead
Do you think nuclear power is fake too? Dual AC unit house, power bill $70/mo.
Do you understand why they want you to think nuclear power is fake?
The real reason why "80%+" of the population was reported as vaccinated.
Boomers have 0 issue enslaving younger generations to pay for more cruises.
the stock market will continue to go up, because if it doesn't the geriatrics running our failing nation will lose power.
false. There are millions of racists being raised today.
you are gay