ForgotMyOldName -1 points ago +1 / -2

Art has always been the realm of the extremely rich, which is part of the reason AI art has been demonized so much. It allows the common man to create art that he'd otherwise not have the time or skill to do himself or the money to hire someone else to do.

ForgotMyOldName -1 points ago +1 / -2

Therefore, I believe the ultimate goal is to prohibit our freedom to assemble, otherwise guaranteed by the First Amendment."

Why bother? Nobody will do anything

by pkvi
ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

No police = facial I’d and global credit credit to buy and sell and move!

You'd need police to enforce it.

by pkvi
ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

Get rid of the police and we'd be able to establish local peace keeping militias and we'd be able to get rid of undesirables.

by pkvi
ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

Retarded idea, it would be easier to just do at check out.

ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

Atomic Heart is the first one to come to mind. Making new IPs is a risk, if the product ends up being trash it won't have loyal buyers to fall back on.

ForgotMyOldName -3 points ago +1 / -4

Fuck Haiti, we should invade and take back what is rightfully a white nation, they commit genocide against us, nothing is unacceptable to be used as tactics against them.

ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh yeah because pol is right and women are retarded kids and you have to use laws to control them.

That's accurate.

The government is a lie btw, imagine being so brainwashed that you want authority to control whether you can do something or not. Men are just as responsible as women for this, if not even more , for their fall.

We legally aren't allowed to discipline women and force them to stay in line and obey us, nothing we can do.

ForgotMyOldName 2 points ago +2 / -0

you are 100% correct. But this platform is corrupted by nazitards. they , just as trumpists, want the state to micromanage their lives. if something bad happens, the solution is to make it illegal in their eyes.

I'd be perfectly fine with a completely hands off approach where the police don't even investigate murders and everything is left to the people but it has to be one of the two extremes, anywhere in between leads to the state forcing you to tolerate immorality.

ForgotMyOldName 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Well IDK," you're saying to yourself, "maybe these poor people really do need justice, even after all this time." Perish the thought! "They" do not give a rat's ass about any such victims, and their hand is tipped by the finish of that quote:

Limited is better than keeping laws like this around, they'll just be used against us when some whore wants us gone.