FondueFerret 6 points ago +7 / -1

Moon landing was fake. After long consideration and many documentaries I've come to the conclusion that it was real but that the footage was staged due to the real footage being unusable.

FondueFerret 3 points ago +3 / -0


"The Dimming" about the climate change scam, how it's a political problem, not an environmental one & that if we want to talk about the climate changing we have to talk about geo-engineering first. Chemtrails and current weather changing tech explained

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

Animals cannot give consent. Find willing human test subjects or don't do it. They can grow organs etc. in vials now but still test on animals. It's abuse and it's not right.

FondueFerret 4 points ago +6 / -2

Shills love trying to divide the community with "not pure enough" trash posts. Don't fall for their tactics. Don't play their cancel games.

FondueFerret 2 points ago +2 / -0

Castreau ...truly looks like his dad! Has this been deboonked yet?

FondueFerret 4 points ago +4 / -0

Expected market crash after Xmas. Potentially natural disaster.

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know. It's not like they ever had to deal with that with their private jets, huge mansions etc. They're living a pretty comfy life. I think they want to rule over humanity, but a different, more obedient kind. Unable to genetically engineer all the masses of people, they might just want to reduce the pop so they can realistically implement their transhumanist endeavors. I don't believe for a second that they actually give a shit about the planet, they'd rather suck it dry and then find another suitable planet.

FondueFerret 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's definitely possible that they feed off our negative emotions, figuratively and literally?

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could imagine they might want to force Jesus or another master to return, like speed up the next ELE for some reason. They might think if they can bring about the end times for this humanity, they'd be the rulers of a new generation of humans and take control from the beginning.?

FondueFerret 6 points ago +7 / -1

The scary thing is that everything is still going perfectly according to their SPARS scenario. Including the vax injuries becoming so prominent that people are starting to realize it's harmful. According to their scenario, the next step will be class action lawsuits & people filing lawsuits, appealing to the government to remove the liability clause. What's next in the scenario? It will become public knowledge that the vaxx is harmful and causes more damage than the virus, which will result in a mental health crisis we've not seen before. It is described how people would commit suicide all over the world, become extremely depressed and lose all will to work / be a "productive member of society". Extensive mental health programs will be launched to help people come to terms with the uncertainty of whether they're gonna suddenly develop heart issues / die and great amounts of guilt will push many to lash out (against themselves and others). So yeah that's what the elite were predicting. so far everything else checks out, they described how the pandemic would go down perfectly. So I do believe this is what awaits us. To what end? Maybe they just want us to suffer as much as possible.

FondueFerret 6 points ago +6 / -0

They are nearing the end of their experiment I& vaccine passport to get to digital ID. Even if the vaccine is eventually deemed more harmful than beneficial, the ground work for digital ID has been set. They may have also reached the desired vaxx numbers to ensure that a big chunk of people will die, getting them closer to their desired low population numbers. Just like Facebook did experiments showing some people only negative content & others only positive content and then observed the mental health of the individuals involved (they didn't know they were participating). Truly if the elite don't give a shit about our lives it could've been an experiment for different kinds of things. Maybe they were also testing the ability of their AI to censor dissenters or how well they could blend in (can an AI become an influencer on telegram?). Maybe they wanted to see how far they could push people, what kind of things would incite pushback etc. There's a lot of possibilities and we are winning is just one of them. However if you look at the SPARS scenario, at the end of it they explain how ppl had to come to terms with possibly of dying due to the vaxx and the emotions that come with feeling betrayed by those you trusted most. So, they planned it to go this way, that at some point the tables would turn and that the vaccine being harmful would become public knowledge. The real question is why.

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

It takes an adult man + woman to perform white tantra. Man and man or woman and woman doesn't work. There is no way around that. There must be no orgasm but careful lovemaking, so we can "harvest" the golden oil that makes us human, grow spiritually and know God first hand. You can't do it alone and you can't do it with a child or animal either.

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just looked it up, they say it could happen naturally due to volcanic activity causing a massive landslide into the ocean. I don't know if they can make that happen with explosives but it's certainly not impossible. We also have weapons of mass destruction that can do that and much more. assuming they have earthquake generators, it would be easier to trigger the volcanic eruption.

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

around January / February I read a "the great awakening" map which included warnings of big solar storms between 2023-2025 that would wipe out most electronics. It's interesting reading about it on MSM now. The map also said at that time we would be helped by extraterrestrials. I don't know if that part is true, but I did look into it and there had been a multitude of articles about such an event already. Maybe it will happen, maybe it won't. But if it does, there's not much we can do about it other than store all the data you need physically, print out / on paper I mean. Don't know if a Faraday cage would be enough.

by pkvi
FondueFerret 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, because they always seem to pop up out of nowhere, like they're first created by some news article about it and then if it gains traction, they'll send some instigators.

by pkvi
FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hello free-will-of-choice, I've read your comments before and I was wondering if you'd be willing to tell me where you draw your concepts from. Do you meditate? Bless you.

by pkvi
FondueFerret 2 points ago +2 / -0

Supposedly there's a rally. Who's organizing these? We only ever hear about them once the MSM claims something dangerous is being planned.

FondueFerret 3 points ago +3 / -0

Passage is not in the book, I checked for myself last week. Indeed wherever this quote is from, it cannot be found in "Verbatim", not even partially. The book is a collection of transcripts of meetings, phone calls and letters and concern the president of France at the time.

FondueFerret 1 point ago +1 / -0

Last week someone wanted to see for themselves whether this quote was fully or partially in the book "Verbatim". He sent me a pdf link to the original French text and not one part of this quote can be found in the book. If you don't believe me, find an English version or get your dictionary out and look through it yourself.

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