by DrLeaks
Flyin_Lion 3 points ago +3 / -0

As soon as hear lispy fag I immediately disregard anything being said. Why would anyone think that it's a good idea to put one on a news source? Moving on....

Flyin_Lion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listen, you hook-nosed beasts are not superior to the white race. Just because your tribe is more devious and ruthless it does not make you better; it makes you vile and disgusting. So your people have lied, manipulated, schemed and taken advantage of white peoples kindness, generosity and, admittedly, naivete for as long as you've been tolerated on earth. Many of us are aware of your bullshit and many more are every day. Expect a great awakening. Expect a goyim revolution. Israel for last. Where We Goy 1 We Goy All. 109.........?.

by pkvi
Flyin_Lion 0 points ago +1 / -1

Infrared cameras do not detect heat.

Flyin_Lion 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suppose anything ordered online, 80% or otherwise, is in the database.......fuck. But if it's not serialized and they can't find them if they were to look for them, are you really in a database? Fuck.

Flyin_Lion 5 points ago +5 / -0

I believe every conspiracy until a normie can convince me otherwise. Nobody believes something for no reason. If more than 20 people are discussing a "conspiracy theory", there's probably something to it. If more than 1,000 people are discussing something, there's a 99% chance It's true. Those 1,000 people have researched the issue more than the next 5,000,000 combined.

Flyin_Lion 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can still have guns...just don't tell anyone. Can't find a private seller? 80% it.

Flyin_Lion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or don't, you know. Either way you'll be fine.