Fluffy_Indigo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It takes a VAST conspiracy to get these diversity & equity jobbers placed all over. Did any of you hear about diversity & equity bullshit when going to college? I didn't, it certainly wasn't a class of courses I could take, certainly weren't job fields for it.

And yet, in the last four years, these people are everywhere now. In every corporation. In every field. In every position of power.

by pkvi
Fluffy_Indigo 7 points ago +7 / -0

lol no joke that's a serious claim to make without dropping at least a link to some funky website story

by pkvi
Fluffy_Indigo 10 points ago +10 / -0

Gotta love selective enforcement of their own rules / laws. That's tyranny for you.

Fluffy_Indigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Full of military aged fighting men just waiting for their orders from the uniparty when they need a major distraction from the fraud system we're uncovering.

Fluffy_Indigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep, me and my boss both got sick two weeks ago. Was like a bad sinus infection. Lasted a week, started with a sore throat but moved onto mucous / sneezing / fatigue for the last four days.

Neither of us have or will be vaxed but we're convinced they spiked us coming into the store.

Fluffy_Indigo 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm still pissed we don't know how long they produce the spike proteins and how easy it is for them to transmit them to everyone else.

They could be walking factories of death churning out never ending mutations of the spike protein.

Fluffy_Indigo 6 points ago +6 / -0


Doesn't prevent you from getting it.
Doesn't prevent you from spreading it.
Doesn't prevent it from mutating.

So, what's the point in getting it other than enriching the pharmaceutical companies?

Fluffy_Indigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

When people who took the vax start dying in the real 2nd wave (like all of the test animals) they will use those deaths to blame Trump and try to undermine not only his 2024 campaign but everyone he attempts to support as well.

by pkvi
Fluffy_Indigo 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm not worried about them shedding the virus, I'm worried about them shedding the spike protein that their bodies are now mass producing.

by pkvi
Fluffy_Indigo 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh some stuff did actually happen. A few reporters and leakers were blown up and killed over it.

Fluffy_Indigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take note, any so called republican candidate that won't mention stopping this is just delaying the inevitable and may as well be a democrat. In March alone over 175 of my home towns came across the fucking border. That is insane.

Fluffy_Indigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

The shit the public does in restrooms is unbelievable and honestly no one should have to deal with or clean up what happens in there.

We don't have a public restroom at my work because people shoot up in them, smear shit on walls, piss on everything, it's fucking gross. Fuck the public. Sucks good people have to go through what you did but there's a reason for it.

Fluffy_Indigo 38 points ago +38 / -0

Dude, reddit was compromised years ago and r/conspiracy was taken over in 2016 when they shuffled a ton of mods out and put new ones in. Welcome to the fresh .win though.