FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2


The first definition is death within 28 days of the first covid positive swab date. The second is death of someone with a laboratory confirmed positive covid-19 test who either died within 60 days of the first swab or, if covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate, died more than 60 days after the first swab. PHE will now publish the 28 day figures daily and the 60 day figures weekly.

This has been the standard since the scamdemic began, all around the world. Test positive for covid then die from anything within 28 days of that positive test, and your death certificate says "died with covid" and it gets put into statistics as a covid death. That's why those of us who trust the science are so adamant about the difference between dying "with" and "from" covid. How many have died "from" covid?


The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.

So only 6% of people died where covid was the only thing wrong with them. The other 94% had a whopping average of at least 4 more comorbidities (such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart problems, etc.).

by pkvi
FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Maybe if she got eaten by a bear it might be natural causes, but we all know what the real cause was.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's not a label (unless you want it to be, but why would you?) but a descriptor, one that honestly doesn't need to exist. Is there a descriptor for people who lack belief in leprechauns? Lack belief in flying pink unicorns? Nope. However the vast majority of the world believes in some kind of deity, so a word was invented to describe those who lack belief in a god.

So do you lack belief in a god?

Edit: Shit you're a covidian.

I'm triple vaccinated so is almost everyone I know.

None have suffered from any lasting side effects.

When will we die? Any predictions?

Dammit why are most atheists liberal retards? https://scored.co/c/Atheist/p/141rjThFxK/atheism-is-at-war-with-psychopat/c

Use the logic and reasoning you've demonstrated here and apply it to the covid vaccines. c/nonewnormal

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Those videos are so obviously faked, just look at the edges as it pans. You people are in the running for being as dumb as theists and germ theory deniers. Goodness help you if you're all 3.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

most flat earthers know more about astrophysics than people who believe the earth is a globe.

Actually they don't know anything which is why they're a flat-Earther. It may sound like they do, but almost everything, as it relates to the shape of planets, is wrong.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

This is a cool video on rocketry, but you'll never convince these people. They've put years of their life into this stuff and they've been lost to sunk cost fallacy; the idea of that time being wasted is a threat to their sanity and so they don't even entertain it.

This also perfectly describes why people refuse to see all religions and supernatural beliefs are a lie. They can't admit they've been believing and living for a lie almost their whole life.

FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

As a Christian you're supposed to support Jews as they are god's chosen people.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Astrology is even more retarded than (modern) religions.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Nah he needs to step off the edge of his flat Earth.

FishyMan420 2 points ago +4 / -2

What took you so long? Either she did it behind your back which is a no-no, or you talked to her about it and told her the dangers and she did it anyway which is an even bigger deal breaker.

FishyMan420 1 point ago +4 / -3

His dick's name is "United Nations".

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Sure, maybe it did happen, but not 6m Jews were gassed. The math doesn't add up.

  1. Not all Jews were gassed. Many were killed in other ways.

  2. The math does add up when you include all the countries and areas the Nazis occupied. The Nazis didn't kill Jews in only Germany. That's where holocaust deniers get tricked, because if it was only Germany then you would be right, the math doesn't add up. But it wasn't only Germany.

FishyMan420 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Anything is possible

Wrong. Only that which can be demonstrated to be possible, is possible. Burden of proof is on the one making the positive claim. Since we have encountered absolutely nothing of extraterrestrial life, let alone intelligent life, alien abduction is not possible. That doesn't mean it is never possible, for science is always open to new facts and evidences. A person merely saying he was abducted is not compelling evidence.

You could argue that we simply don't have the evidence to prove aliens exist nor that alien abductions are real, but that doesn't make it impossible nor inarguable.

It does mean their claim is false until they present evidence it is true. Look up Russell's Teapot. It is mainly used for the claim of god but can apply to anything in a similar scenario. There's little difference between a person who claims he had a spiritual experience and a person who claims he saw aliens.

That's not necessary. That which has occurred under circumstances could occur under the same or similar circumstances. The fact that life exists is proof that life can come into being.

Indeed, but that still doesn't make alien abductions possible. Because it's possible that interstellar travel is impossible which would make aliens visiting another solar system impossible. But we have no proof of aliens, no proof of interstellar travel, and no proof alien abduction claims have an ounce of compelling evidence.

You use ad hominem as the only support for your claims.

I haven't made any claims (except that some people are retarded). Instead I've only pointed out the lack of compelling evidence for the claims of alien abduction and that until aliens can be proven to exist (such as we pick up alien radio waves or other communication) it's not possible.

but suggesting that none of the tens of thousands of unexplained UFO encounters even COULD be related to alien lifeforms

With no compelling evidence that even a single of these UFO sightings is the result of extraterrestrial intelligence the only logical conclusion is that they aren't.

the probabilities of intelligent life as well as space-faring societies existing in the galaxy are both reasonably high.

I do believe that based on the precedence of intelligent life evolving on this planet and the incomprehensible size of the universe that there exists intelligent life somewhere else out there, based purely on probability. However I, nor anyone else, can make such a claim as fact because there's no evidence. Space-faring is not possible until we can demonstrate it to be possible because currently travel between the stars is limited to our imaginations rather than reality.

by DrLeaks
FishyMan420 -1 points ago +1 / -2

I bet you also think the Bible is proof the Bible is real.

by DrLeaks
FishyMan420 0 points ago +2 / -2

He probably thought she was a little girl since she's so short. Otherwise she's too old for him.

by DrLeaks
FishyMan420 0 points ago +2 / -2

I only see 1 kid. There's no picture of the supposed advertisement for this event, so really we only have this Twitter person's word. For example, you can bring your kid to the hardest R rated movie, doesn't mean the movie is meant for kids.

I'd be very happy to get angry at this, but I'm not a mindless npc. I need more proof.

FishyMan420 -7 points ago +1 / -8

The Bible states it's ok to marry and fuck virgin little girls https://scored.co/c/Atheist/p/15IXfzfvVY/

The Bible also describes a flat Earth https://imgur.com/puEcmnP

So unless you're a pedophile flat Earther, the last place to look for information about the universe or morality is the Bible.

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