Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The vax worked in culling the majority of the retards in the developed world, but the africans proved to be surprisingly savvy to the killshot.

Hence the engineered mass starvation. Europe, the US and Asia will be fine, but Africa is already feeling the effect of 50 years of chimp dictators stuffing billions of dollars worth of foreign aid in their pockets in stead of building out a sustainable food supply.

But are we REALLY sure this is a bad thing? Do we REALLY think it's a terrible thing that humanity will have to go on without billions of low IQ apes flooding into our countries so we can continue to support own replacement, rape and murder?

Some times it pays to ask yourself the hard questions...

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks, I never heard of him before, looks like he was involved in the New Thought movement.

Fileiro 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't worry, we will be the only ones not dying of aids...

Fileiro 3 points ago +3 / -0

The walking dead deserves everything that's coming to them.

by pkvi
Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

NFTs are currently the better money laundering vehicle over traditional "modern art".

That doesn't mean crypto won't end up eating the entire financial system because the technology is so much more efficient than the centralised finance tech used today.

Fileiro 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nice. I love their little word plays, with all that gematria running through their brains all the time, they just can't help themselves.

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most likely explanation is simply that Trump is in on ('trust') the plan, the one where at least one faction (Bill Gates') of the secret societies guiding mankind's fate have decided to cull as many hylics as possible through voluntary injections with a deadly substance (the 'vaccine').

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lauren Southern (not her real name) is a jew herself. "Simonsen" is a jewish surname in Denmark.

No goy is ever allowed near a camera or microphone today.


Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

What a great way to make one's self-selected suicide by vaccine count for SOMETHING.

A few "Kamikaze vaxxers" should be enough to teach the Regime henchmen to think twice about 'just following the science '...

Fileiro 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trudeau always struck me as a bordeline legitimate retard, but apparently he's of the finest french catholic aristocratic stock and the favoured candidate to president of the coming North American Alliance by our Phoenician overlords... 🤷‍♂️



Fileiro -1 points ago +1 / -2

A 31 year old male going after a 16 year old female isn't technically pedophilia.

A hundred years ago it was called courting, but that was when courting led to life-long marriage, unlike today, where a 16 year old female is pushed towards casual sex with hundreds of strangers, applauded for aborting the logical outcome of such degeneracy and finally celebrated as she turns 18 so she can legally enter full-on prostitution on OnlyFans.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

Transvestigation is THE most shilled conspiracy that I can think of.

Which pretty much confirms it to be true.

Also, the Cult of Cybele never died out, it went underground for a couple millenia and is preparing a very public return soon, hence the push for drag queens and kiddy trannies everywhere.

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's what the Blavatsky crowd claims.

I honestly don't know why they exist. Maybe there's something to the idea that they are a sort of side-effect of a finite number of real human souls being reincarnated over and over, but more and more 'surplus humans' being generated that the souls can't fill out due to their fixed number?

It's all very intrigueing and perplexing, but I DO know that the vast number of these NPCs have become a serious threat to those of us that have woken up, as in they are actively trying to kill us with their injections and their whole sick beast system that they seem to love and cherish so much.

And I tend to take it personally when someone tries to kill me...

Fileiro 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's a valid theory.

Personally, I feel very deeply that the Gnostics were absolutely correct in identifying these 'hollow people, leaning their heads together, stuffed and filled with straw' as Hylics.

They're simply not human souls, they're just meat puppets. I have suspected this since early adolescence and nothing in my half a century here on earth has disproven this suspicion.

So, the logical conclusion is to embrace this NEW-New World Order because the other "new" world order was just the same OLD world order that has been in place for the last 12,500 years, of secret societies and hidden ruling elites directing humanity in this or that direction.

Maybe it's time.

Fileiro 14 points ago +16 / -2


Hitler was right?

Fileiro 2 points ago +2 / -0

The (CIA)witch says she must be 'somewhere over the rainbow' and 'not in Kansas anymore' and then gets zapped with an electrochock from her 'magical flying broom'...

Seems pretty MK ULTRA to me.

Fileiro 11 points ago +11 / -0

Fenbendazole, Turkey tail and Reishi mushrooms, CBD oil, Amygdalin vitamin B17.

Start your research there. All of the above remedies have solid science backing them as serious cancer fighters.

Try to get your mother outside in the sun, to the beach and into the forest. Spending time in those places also have healing effects, make sure she eats fresh organic fruit and vegetables every day for antioxidants.

God bless.

Fileiro 4 points ago +4 / -0


Turkey tail, Reishi, Maitake, Lion's mane and a bunch of others are highly anti-carcinogenic.


CBD oil and THC for those living in jurisdictions where public health is still allowed.

Vitamin B17 (Amygdalin):

Apricot kernels, apple seeds.

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