Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're on the same multiple account. You're called retard, read that name, only a retard addresses themselves like that, and you have a profound sense of autism. Learn how to spell.

Don't be so obvious, what does that even mean. It's obvious you're on a multiple account, acting like a nigger. Why are you a nigger? Dregan_Ya?

It's no wonder you're fake and gay and retarded, and antisemitic. It's because you're a nigger. I mean why else can't you spell Dragon? It isn't a horse either, ya.

Where do these dipshits come from? Where on Earth. I knew America was dumb. But that kind of autism, autism, on this forum is reaching catastrophic proportions.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

The fluffer is you, turning to bullshit now.

You're a cliche. Your hate stems from your ignorance and your creed and your conflict.

God was simply an excuse.

I don't work for anybody else.

Let's use that logic. If anybody supportive of Israel is a Jewish. You must be a terrorist working for Iran.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're a dumb fucking cunt. Read your name. Where did it come from.

You're giving nothing least of all any intelligence like the origin of your name. Dumbass

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What. More nigger bullshit. You didn't even deny it. See that's why you hate. It had nothing to do with God. He's just an excuse for your hate. You stupid nigger.

No, I am not a Jew. I am not religious. Born a Christian. Now I am not a fool to have found God in this planet full of hell.

I mean read this forum. He is the source of your hate. I am no fool to pretend to be godly. I am not. I am tolerant to those who tolerate me.

You're just a nigger. All you've been is a nigger. Read what you wrote to me. It isn't racist. You're not a master race. You're an individual, and a nigger. No race implied.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What? Speak properly. Not in nigger. You are a nigger, right? Is that blasphemous. Good, fuck off nigger.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Thought is more. Some fucking nerve. Or did you just struddle out the random keyboard from a novel turned computer game. I know your other account it's obvious. I know your other account as well. No point, you'd deny it. I see you. All of you. You're a multiple account. You keep making them and they're as dumb and ridiculous as your last attempts. It's your lack of any experience and upbringing and common sense. Shit for stupid for shit. You lack in depth. The depth you provide. Go on read it. It wasn't topical. It didn't debate. It trolled because so fun making multiple accounts. Like another shit for stupid Redditor.

You're that fucking dumb little kid, thinking they're so clever for being a dumb little kid. Creating another account to fucking taunt. It says the same shit. Grammar police. Who does that. Most can read English fine and are permissible. Not that dumb little kid. It thinks it's so funny being a dumb little kid.

Grow up you sad cunt. You have no brains and right away you give away your stupid little tells.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Let's do that again. Turn to bullshit now.

Did it scare you? Does it. Do you fear or embrace your God. Doesn't he only punish. What have you found. Duty. What has he given you? Arrogance, or happiness?

Tell me your sins. You only hate. All you've done on this forum. It was never love.

Even if you could love, it's never enough. It pulls your soul right out of you. Until all you're left with is a husk. Empty. You wouldn't be here otherwise. So it's atonement? But all you've got is disdain.

You're a cliche.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Oh it's another idiot using a multiple account. Thoughts more was rich. Until you niggered it.

No, it's not on my smartphone menu. Why should I find it for that post.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Can you speak properly.

Protestants caused divorce to become stature. Henry the VIII.

But divorce really became spread in women's rights. Working, voting. Although it was the destruction of religion. By the rise of the TV, becoming the popstar, and the celebrity. Until today matrimony lasts a very bad average. Western culture is the worst in the World. So is its home ownership.

Hippies, killed marriage. That era, the average dropped, until today it last for about 5 years. Celebs about 3.

Jews as a demographic have very high matrimonial status. The same with many orthodox religions.

Full blown retard in here. Never seen so many mongos. Everything is a jewspiracy.

China has terrible marital status today as well.

I am down voting retard topics now. I won't down vote users. But if your dumb fucking topics are as dumb as this, or they're fucktard autistics memes; They're getting DVs. Get an education or use Google. Sick of this crap being posted by retards from Reddit.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

You're a faggot. There's NEO not 1. Already suggesting a multiple account. A childish one. It picks a dumb movie reference. Amusingly it hasn't even watched the movie, you look for truth, or debate it. You don't, you're a dumb stupid retard shilling shit. You post dumb shit all day, everyday. The dumbest shit in here. Out of everybody. The dumbest. It suggest young, stupid, and foreign.

I haven't spammed shit. Unlike your ignorant deflection and your fucking autistic memes.

You don't think. If you did for one second instead of shill you'd have an answer. But you cannot read either. Nor can you communicate.

Instead, answer how many accounts are you operating? Read your dumb meme. You're literally a dummie, a retard. On the scale of retard what are you scoring. Top 10 booger eater, drooling, in a puddle of shit. That Neo after the machines ate his brain.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

More sub level shills.

Was Ukraine triggered in the Arab spring? Why.

I wish there was another genius. In there. Somewhere. Somehow. But I don't think it's the same band leading all the lemmings. Rather it's causality. Simple tactics playing out accross a much larger theatre, as any sides keep engaging. It keeps causing, and reacting.

The same band at least means an intelligent design. Instead of madness. Nope, it's madness. As it draws more and more into it.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

What is a dregan_ya? It sounds fake and gay and autistic.

There's Dragons. It doesn't need a Ya. What are you? A retard obviously.

What was the narrative. No it's not a dregan. It was WMDs. Aren't terrorist this anyway. ISIS only emerged. Since ISIS there's now militias. Where were those arms coming from? Who was rearming Saddam?

Why did Europe integrate millions? Look at it right now. That stupid dumb narrative doesn't think. Sure it serves a few purposes. But it stopped thinking a long time ago. One is in fact the topic. The climate peace guys. Guys. Please the climate. Peace.

Can you as a student of warfare or history think of those reasons. Redundant it never learned warfare. Instead it often assumed. Of course when it becomes a bigger problem it reacts. At that point it's a bigger problem.

I still like to think there's Pied Piper. Somewhere here. But it's a fucking anecdote.

How many dumb accounts are you operating?

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Autistic Intelligence. A.I. Humans aren't thinking. They lost that capacity. No sooner are they fucking robots. No, the robots sooner fucked them. Autism. Mass autism today.

Free Palestine. It is free, it can fuck off. They're not Palestinians either.

No thought today. A.I has programmed them. They have heaps of information. Instead they do what with it. What have they done with their ability to think?

Look at your sentence.

Ep0ch -6 points ago +1 / -7

You're such a dumb cunt. Operating from another multiple account.

What are terrorists? WMDs correct. They mass murder. They plant bombs.

Iran was enriching. Syria was trying to acquire a nuke. Libya had a program.

So when Saddam invaded Kuwait and his army was destroyed. What was Saddam doing? Logically what was Saddam doing?

Until the war didn't even matter what narrative it was about. If he did or didn't the danger was what. What was that danger? We all know it. You're shilling from somebody who knows it. He was rearming, those guns were what? Where were those arms rearming him from? What was that Intel.

Go fuck yourself and your stupid low level dumb shills. They convince nobody. The biggest problem was making that dumb narrative. The biggest problem is integrating dumb idiots today. The left thinks it can sweep everything under a rug. Guys it's okay. Instead of just doing it. It didn't need a narrative just a response.

Sure enough it has to convince idiots, and then those idiots need to question it every 5 minutes. Those idiots then come up with Netflix. Until it's alright guys, get your jab.

But the World didn't stop because they put on a Movie

You don't understand that World. At all. You understand dumb little narratives most are counter OPs. Not that I give a shit. We're in conspiracy. But it's your low level shilling. It's bugging the crap out of me. An agenda. You have no rationality. Yes I hate the jab, and the dystopia since, and the bullshit. All the bullshit since. But every single time I hear no WMDs, you're a stupid cunt. Look at it, look at it not from those dumb shills, thinking, there was a lot more to it. A lot more. It hasn't stopped. Not now, and not today.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hahaha. What. Hang on 1 second. Palestine was never a country. It was never a nation. It was a provincial territory and it was stolen from Jewish land.

When this so called Province collapsed. Syria and Lebanon also acquired former Palestinian land. Jordan I am not sure of. However a nation called Israel emerged because Palestine refused to mark its border. It want all or nothing. It refused to be separated, it wanted to rule it, even the granted Israeli lands. So when Israel refounded its nation it evicted some squatters off its granted land by international charter.

Palestine has since attacked Israel at every single opportunity, as it has done so, it has gotten smaller. However it has not stopped the Palestine gaining more population. It is the biggest anomaly in history, every other nation on the Planet in conflict loses population. Every single one. Not Palestine.

Would you like to tell everybody why this is?? It's their attitude. Like yours. You see these big dumb protests they aren't Palestinians. Just a bunch of assholes demanding bullshit.

Until you tell me the consequences of bullshit.

Why aren't you protesting for Nepal, or Tibet, or India, or the rest of the so called globe. Hell even Poland and Austria etc etc. Because you're an asshole. You assume a dumb fucking narrative. Most nations moved on. Most have put any differences beyond them to extents and reasons. Not the asshole. Oh no. They demand Israel is not Palestine. News flash. It isn't. It attacks and the result is only war. In war what happens.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Tallest skil, has an inferiority complex. He feels very small. He compensates but calling tallest a skil. Because he's marginalised. Wahaaaa he cries. Every post makes him smaller.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

What do you propose?

The only way it's solved is by? It should've been done before the World cared. It would've healed by now. Now it's an exercise in knotting it more. Until somebody slices it anyway.

Or convince the mindset can come to truce and terms. Because it doesn't.

What's the endgame. I ask myself this everyday I wake up today. It's a horror to live in. Even at home. Who wanted to grow up in this World. It rams nonsense down your throat, piling dystopia, fake news, and another hypocrite to try too contain it. But it's still at that point.

This needs a big right hook. Hard and fast and then it's done, deal with the fallout. It won't be resolved otherwise. It will be back at it 5 minutes later. These leftists now simply profit off misery. It hasn't solved anything else.

It won't, rebuild Gaza. I mean I give up. Put them in retreat. Instead of whatever the fuck that Biden is. Hand Attilia the Hun money keep paying him money as it collapses, finally it scrounged together a legion as it completely fell.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Hologram. Effectively a TV. It's not quantum teleportation. It might become the basis for a hologram, but even that's projections.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It looks like climate change. It's definitely an Octopus. How much more climate can it change. She obviously supports the Octopus.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6

Then why are you airing it. 6 million Palestines haven't been killed yet?

Did do you think as a hypothetical comparison they should?

Is that why you made the topic?

Should 6 million Palestinians be killed? They're saying they're martyrs. But it could mean countless more killed. So many more.

Think about it. Let's suggest Hezbollah attacks, or Iran. How many will get killed, all because you tell me? There's this Palestinian sympathiser. You're comparing. So I am asking you?

How do you think this resolves? Tell me. Do you think Gaza rebuilds and guys guys look at it, it's marvellous, and it doesn't do that again in the next 5 minutes. Do think Hezbollah stop attacking? What about any other militias?

How many will die because of the Palestinian sympathy?

Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8

Listen to Palestine. That works. I still don't think it's had its holocaust yet.

Ep0ch -8 points ago +1 / -9

Yea pull my leg.

Right now there's a stupid left. It thinks it can sweep it all under the rug cutting a deal for 5 minutes. 5 minutes later it's back to Gorgon's knot. We all know how to solve Gorgon's knot.

Half the news right now is avoiding it completely. It is producing a bunch of fake news. The other half is pandering leftist nonsense, trying to contain it.

At what point has it held up those hostages? They all knew the risks, and many at this point would rather see vengeance.

But that's nonsense too. In the fact they won't enter until it's pulverised. Until then there's a bunch of amusing anecdotes.

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