Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's everyday. Not every 10 years. Unless you're talking a larger regional war? Those aren't all Israeli outside of conspiracy.

Today is is different. This time what happens?

Can the Gaza Strip be allowed to harbor its miscreants, but they're effectively that population. It simply prevents larger war. But it hasn't?

Who knows. If it was me or anybody else. It's not attrition. It's primal. And it has just turned Medieval.

Another problem is in videos linked by Hamas of straight up rape and torture. Are international recruits, international arms, international training.

You're suggesting Israel perpetrates it on itself just to solidify support. No. Any escalation has continued. It will continue while Gaza is that harbor. No entry means no entry. If only it were that simple.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There goes the Gaza Strip. Why does it exist?

5000 rockets later? Umm there's nothing left Chuck.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0


Read the fucking names. Look read them. Totally bullshit. A farce. They might as well have called them Peepee and Poopoo.

I have linked the Scythians Wiki where a lot was copied. Read the names on it. Historic named.


A hoax

Stolen copied from the Scythians wiki

It was just recently made. Within the last 2-3 years.

It was edited last night by a Jew. Jewish username just edited last night. Or an imposter posing as an ethnic jew. Not Israeli. Russian/European Jew.

It's a fucking hoax.

Why do you stink? Obviously you're a retard. It explains it.

Judaism wasn't present until the 1300s. Speculation before that, but without much documentation. This is directly on the Ukrainian Jewish website. Ukraine had all of 4 cities then. They were all being raided by the Khanate.

Next time use your head before making up bullshit. The stuff of toilet graffiti.

The Slav population is fully documented with the spread of Christianity.

A troll farm pummelled the Web with its bullshit. It happened when we integrated retards onto our Web. Specifically Ukraine. The last few years. They've created an obvious hoax. Look at those names. Compare the Scythian Wiki.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Khazaria is a hoax

Let's fucking do this you dumb stupid shit for brained retarded little piece of dog shit

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Also the Wiki is complete nonsense on them. Literally just edited.

It has stolen its history from the Scythians and the Tartars.

A complete Psyop. The names of its leaders are baloney you can see it right away. It has copied its info from historic wiki of the above. A troll factory has pushed its narrative. It's complete bullshit.

This has all been done very recently

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You don't have a source. Wiki is a reference. You've got blasphemy and superstition. No historical reference outside of fantasy.

You speak in acronyms.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You literally did to insert some bullshit on this forum. KM are psyop. They had no regional claim there historically. When did Judiasm spread, after Christianity. But Kiev like Moscow was plundered a few times by the Khanate. Tartars and Mongols, like the Huns before. Moscow centralised Slavic rule after it converted, by a patron Saint of royalty. Her Grandson centralised Moscow. Much later Vladimir beats the Mongols. Peter the Great makes a deal with the Khanate. Then Catherine the Great the Tartars breakaway from the Ottomans, giving Crimea as a protectorate. Judaism is after Christianity 930 AD, supposedly, guesswork. Specifically in 1300 AD. Read it on the Ukrainian Jewish website.

The nomadic horselords and otherwise go back a very long time. Over a thousand years before that. I've linked it. Almost 2000 years. The Scythians.

Who are KM? What are they. Nonsense.

Today you're talking about a what? An International cartel that was what KM? No. Fooey. Stinky. Yes there are resources globally like Caspian oil. Ukraine wasn't producing until the 70s. But what are a KM. Complete bullshit.

I am sure they've put some tags up in Kiev for the locals. It's the kind of thing you see graffiti in the toilets.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're dumber than dog shit. Hence your bullshit name. Your bullshit fucking retarded remark. It's your smell. It stunk. It raised my heckles right away. That stunk.

Your dumb comments afterwards.

Instead of being intelligence. Like at least debating your erroneous stench. You try to tell me I'm the idiot.

See why I called you one? It's fucking obvious.

Explain. KM. I provided the history look at the fucking maps. Read. I am arguing the Map is wrong with Alexander on the Pontic steppe. Because the Scythians, horselords are there in the time period, traversed by the Huns, Iranian Hun connection, to the Xiongnu, would've been by Alexander going to Kyrgyzstan. Later the Roman Empire is right there. Armenia and Crimea. But Odesa is a Greek name.

But we have some bullshit. KM. By an idiot. Who cannot argue intelligently. Instead what have you done. You've shat yourself. Somehow you're blaming me why you stink?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trudeau stole it?

I am 100% not clear on this press. It seems out by my Google.


Australia has the biggest gold reserves, followed by Russia still in mines. https://www.statista.com/statistics/248991/world-mine-reserves-of-gold-by-country/

There is very little gold on this Planet that has not been surveyed unless it's perhaps in the Ocean, or somewhere still in Africa. The Moon supposedly has gold on it.

South Africa has had the largest Gold reserves, but not anymore, but it still produces gold, and it was responsible for a massive amount of the Planet's current stockpile. Almost a third of it came from South Africa at one point.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who do you mean? Please? I'll confirm they're not.

My style of writing is bad because of the Smartphone. Bad grammar, sentences, due to this horrible KB. Edits after posting, instead of moving the cursor. Also because I am lazy, it's not dyslexia. I can make perfect grammar. If I really try. KB layout see. Puntuncate instead of comma. Author's discretion. Expect well I get it wrong. Badly at times finding the comma.

Regardless I hope the content speaks volumes. Adeptly.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Here are the Huns and a proposed and documented link between them and effectively the Mongols


I can submit a link with Alexander the Great in Kyrgyzstan as well. http://cdn.thinglink.me/api/image/568078906557464577/1024/10/scaletowidth/0/0/1/1/false/true?wait=true

I don't believe that crappy link above because the Scythians, and the Iranian/Persian Hunnic people. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/oct/20/new-exhibition-to-explore-the-mythology-of-alexander-the-great-british-library


We all know he was a Macedonian traversing the same route as the Huns who came from Persia. Oops you're dumb. You didn't know that. They came from the East/Persia before settling in Hungray. A stone's throw away from Macedonia. Ah let's Google the Sythians who were before all that. No TV. Here look https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scythians. Do you see the pattern of the Khanate. Horselords. Ah let's check on Nimrod for another confirmation. A mighty hunter who rebelled. Hmm sounds nomadic and mounted. He is Gilgamesh. But we won't go there.

I'll ask again where the fuck you came up with nonsense? KM. Anybody exercising their brain can read history.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Judaism is first recorded in the Ukraine ah look at that date. 930 AD, guesswork, specifically 1300 AD.

How the fuck has anybody come up with Bullshit? There you are repeating nonsense. Utter fucking trash.

Why the Psyop?

The Tartars were sacking Moscow in 1300 AD.

Do you see the fucking problem? It's completely fucking Bullshit.

The Slav population however founded Moscow by conversion to Christianity prior. In fact were canonised. Turned Saint for the spread of Christianity there. They moved capital to Moscow. Faced off the Mongols, also the Tartars. Before the Tartars joined Russia breaking away from the Ottomans much later.

Ukraine look at a map was what size then? Otherwise it was part of the former Roman Empire.

I don't need to know anything about idiots. They're dumb.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Egypt has effectively doubled its population in 30 years.

I don't think he'll get re-elected.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Watch it. There's your KM. A psyop. A comedy.

They never existed. You're confusing tartars, or cossacks. They weren't Jewish. Yes Ukraine has a Jewish population. It gained it when?

So what are you doing? Tell me. Break it down. Even an idiot can work it out

Look it up. Don't watch TV but has an Internet. Look it up. Tell me this. When Judaism spread to Ukraine. Not bullshit.

There you are assuming a completely different history as. Why is this today. Odd almost bizarre. But they have been there for awhile. Not as long as its tartars. No.

So tell me why you're shilling a Psyop? It's almost ironic.

It is amazing I do agree. Dumbfounding. How anybody can be so? Tell me this and why.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. I am only me. I am only myself. This is my only account. Just me.

I have no idea what that is. Where is the entire post with its link. Common sense says it isn't Israel. It isn't sung in Israeli. So why would they be singing it. There are several reasons from films, documentaries. Or the probable explanation it simply isn't.

Why was it posted who knows without all the context. I am not making a X account. Why I've asked.

However in the Ukraine, any girls and women are dying in numbers there. Young, middle aged, and old. Conscripted and sent to die. No longer auxiliary and medicine and production and distribution. Literal service. They had them at the start, but these were patriots and volunteers. Until it's conscription.

They've lost so many lives, so many have left the nation. The population is about half of what it was.

The sick thing is. It never needed to get here. What it is now is there's no reprieve. A stalemate. It will keep dying, and for what. Pointless agenda. Absurd fantasy. Until what. How does it resolve?

I have never supported anything to do with this conflict, because my nation is only funding it. Not fighting it. It is a corrupt nation. A nation that has not had the capability, no matter how much it's been funded. The only thing money has bought is arrogance.

Until it is this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2eMkth8FWno

It's absurd. Utterly absurd. I have understood Russian claims, because it would be no different if it had been Scotland. It has been no different. Except for this topic. But hell it did the same to Catholics once upon a time ago.

It doesn't mean anything else. Except warfare. Obvious agenda.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes and no. It was funded by the NSA, and other finance brokers, and foreign nations, if my memory hole serves. Funded like any other outsourced project. As a consultancy. I am sure I watched interviews by a news cast with such claims. Are they factual?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know, agreed in a perfect world. A godly world. But in a world full of sin. Sex becomes decadent and a perversion. It seeks what cannot, or it seeks whatever it finds. It does not love, birth, life, it demands, and it takes.

I fundamentally don't agree with Trans. End of. No debate. It's education which has corrupted. It is wrong. It's completely perverted. No matter their instincts or dysfunction. They are not. They are greed and depravity so tainted it is rot. They should be fully outlawed everywhere.

But it isn't even about those idiots. I keep saying this. It isn't about them at all. They're nothing more than dumb props. An experiment in social conditioning. It what's behind them that you should be worried about. It is A.I.

That agenda is cloning, it is making robots, it is experimenting on humans in ungodly ways. Sure it thinks to find the grail. Eternal life. It wants to play God. But it divides us.

What's worse. The worse thing about it. Nobody sane or otherwise can have a say without being crucified for not letting that crime and depravity take place. An assumption that fundamentally isn't. No matter the supposed defect. It isn't natural. A crime like theft or fraud or rape. The very same sexual harassment and mutilation and rape.

Far worse when it spews hypocrisy about other forms of consumption, and their potential cancers, etc. Why are Trans celebrated?

Yes agreed far easier banning it all, but arguably any other sex would take place, a human isn't born sexually capable, it seeks whatever it experiences. Trans wouldn't. They aren't natural. They are aided only by medicine experimenting. Any agenda sooner births abominations for consumption. No sooner are there our rights, biology being granted to robots. Imagine it in another 30 years. Fully synthetic robots. What are they, they make them into what? Another perversion. This is where that agenda follows. Unless we all say no.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I agree. It has become absurd. Utterly absurd. Especially on this issue.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is that, a comeback after Schofield, shoring up credibility, adding another freaking lefty narrative of the constant victimhood of women.

But it has been otherwise political, previously, as this nation has turned barking mad, and those numbers are in the gutter.

Seriously who'd not want to kidnap her? Oops. Fantasy I am sure.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

They hate bullshit. Hate it with law and order almost Islamic in that regard. But they're Christian. Conservatives. Who'd blame them. Their laws. Not bullshit.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It stinks of bullshit because it probably is.

Political. I'd imagine. They've been knocking out that ITV time slot for a quite awhile. Dominoes one after another. Scandals and crap. It appealed to which viewer. As any politics have become as scandalous.

But who knows with psychos. Except there's the obvious anomaly.

A kidnap plot, by an ex fatty, he didn't even get there. How does that work. It was foiled before it was even attempted or happened.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. That was a cataclysm. The story weren't no Eden either. It was a much different tale.

There are several versions. But they amount towards; Warfare. Corruption. The advancement of our species by E.Ts. Or an impact.

Effectively it simply became competing factions civil warring over ideology, and heritage. Until our planet bleeds.

A simple paradigm, founding its greatest cities seeped in conquest. From Rome, Babylon, Cario but it weren't called that, the Indus and many others. They all share their own versions. It didn't originate from the bible either. But their birth.

Until Eden is simply a metaphor.

Sometimes and I don't mean to be harsh but this forum has a real closed minded view with its association. It simply repeats a script until it is also being fooled. We see it with the KM stuff, and more like flat Earth, its notions on the Templars, and more. You do their biding. Wipe out history. Replacing it with troons for all they care.

That narrative inserts, replacing history, cementing a fake claim. Who knows what that history was it is becoming erased. As you run afoul by not gaining knowledge.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Hahaha. What's A.I weapons? That's so dumb. It's autistic

Ep0ch 2 points ago +5 / -3

Why is this a conspiracy?

The Philippines has law and order. It includes not offending it

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