Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Where are the tapes? Intelligence records. Israel records.

Fuck off, didn't happen. Or play the tape. It would've been taped. Also show the evidence. There would've been evidence.

Egypt stinks.

Easy to blame Israel for the aftermath. It is blaming Israel for the aftermath. It's what is happening here.

Not sure whether they like the current government either.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'll Google and sleep on it. I love a good doco sending me to Nod. Thanks I'll flick through it.

I picked hidden patterns of creation. Others umm.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I am saying 90-100% the Jewish Talmud came from Babylon. The Babylonian Talmud was written first. Any source was the Epic of Gilgamesh. It stands to reason, Correct yes. Let's do Moses. Etc

Except there's Mt Ararat. Mt Ararat hasn't been proved, despite a huge regional anomaly there.

Enoch and the Plaides however is also Greek, and Babylonian and.

What are we basing it on. You have a school of thought engrained into psyche. It destroyed the evidence until more and more that was lost became found.

Isn't one of Solomon's demons a Hindu God? The four headed. What about. The Babylonian what are they called, those winged lions things, what about the sphinx. Oh shit. Do you get it yet?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The only problem is Mt Ararat. It is not the mountain in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

You want to look at it from multiple sources and conclude there's a huge anomaly there.

There's an even bigger anomaly somewhere around there, either the Urals or Caucasus mountains on a formation of bedrock in the caves that simply isn't natural. It is in deep in those caves. A geological anomaly it would be like a side of Yonaguni ruins buried into the caves deep.

Then you find the same reports hitting the entire globe. Survivors from the mountains. Etc etc.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It's a hoax

Read the Epic of Gilgamesh. The oldest tablet in existence outside of the Tayos Caves. And a Russian stone Tablet.

Oh look it's the same story. No it's not the same story it's the story it was taken from.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Who makes this shit up. It's like a child shoved crayons up their nose. It wants you to believe in the Jewspiracy. Everything is the jewspiracy. It makes the jew more powerful. Does it have another point?

Subliminally it propagates the jew more. I don't understand the rationality here. Most of that is utter nonsense. A child with crayons in their nose. So why is it inserting itself. So it empowers Jews. Not reverse psychology.

Where perhaps it causes deception. By passing the blame onto them it deflects its own terror.

I give up with that bullshit.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Hang on. I call bullshit. What happened a few months ago with tension in Sanai. Didn't Israel strike Egyptian military after it fired on Israel or something.

Didn't terrorists fire on Israel before that from the Sanai?

But they're providing Israel with the Hamas intel. While Israel government changed. At the same time providing Gaza aid.

Hahaha. Hang on.

Can anybody tell me why this story is spun if it's untrue? It might true I don't discount it. But there has been recent tension in the Sanai. There has been a change of government in Israel and other politics. Why there's the narrative?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Regardless, how many hacks, how many are internal breaches. What percentage? More than half. Others have often been exposed to malicious programs or content. Keyloggers, viruses, scam pages. More is often internal breaches, employees.

But we are talking about its solution. It was medicine based on ancestry or your dna markup. Genetics. It sold any solution online and potentially had clinics offering various treatment.

Is your DNA on file today. Watch the freaking Xfiles. Hahaha. No. It largely is outside of another start up, by your medical providers, some of this is combining more and more into your data profile today crosslinking. They pull up your name, there's your data, including DNA.

The vax passes, it's there accessible everywhere. Instead of it being more problematic.

Didn't the Russians accuse the USA of this prior to the Ukrainian conflict, getting Russians DNA on file? Look it up. What did they say. Find it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're insane find it. What are you even asking? Think about your question and ask politely. I am not your teacher. I am not your analyst.

I say something it's because I have understood it to be factual. I have formed an opinion on it, and I am suggesting it. I don't make up bullshit. It's me commenting.

Not stupid lunatics you've sourced conspiracies from repeating movies.

David Icke quoted Fauda. That girl used a line off Fauda. It projects. They had sensors on the fence. But being rushed like that come on.

Instead right now the other side are using a common tactic employed, it deflects. It causes what? Tell me what it causes. Any idiots are falling into it. A troll factory pummelling silly narratives to cause what. Let's suggest a huge war erupts. It was all Israel's planning. They planned on being attacked? Potentially by how many?

Who knows how this turns out. Except it's war, and it's a big problem for the region

I am not your source. I am another person commenting.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Rape there was the victim being defiled in the back of the truck. Dead. What happened prior. Only suggests it was the same. Various statements regarding. The rave was eviscerated, obliterated, 260 dead. Many were younger people, many girls. There was another SDF taken in the boot of a 4x4, when she got out she had blood a big patch on her arse, and smaller the front, there, how, as well as some much smaller open cuts on her arms and face. She was yanked by her hair into the side, full of men, grabbing at her breast, and slapping her face, they did stuff. Bad stuff. I don't want to find more. It was obvious. What happened.

As far as what they did when cornered. What they were doing prior above. But that Israeli death count increased dramatically.

Type in MIA into Google regarding, you'll find hundreds missing. You'll find the death rising and the injured.

There was more. There were clips of executions. This topic. I am not looking for it. Sick.

I had said it when it happened. There was rape and torture.

Besides many of this dumb forum people like you, think, group stink. It stinks with the same bullshit mode of thought. Most of you have concluded Israel false flagged. Nobody sane would've envisaged. This. You have your dumb pariah where anybody not sharing your sentiments is attacked for not sharing in your alternative version of reality. You're only trying to trap.

But you can find. I don't know why you don't. When you do, you then shout CGI. Or whatever. Stupidity. It makes me sick. I have been sick.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It makes no sense like most hypocrites today.

They don't live in the same World the rest of us all do.

Their idealism is not the same values that grant giving us our society. Until it becomes a risk. Nothing improves. It gets worse.

It's a notion of feeling sorry for everyone else except the citizen, because it simply demands funding.

It has become madness. It used to be simple why did it become difficult.

It is largely due to the media, gossiping incessantly, and crucifying everybody else who has anything to say.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Another horrible startup. It's offering medicine in regards to your background. But that file exists anyway today from your birth. This was just another Medical provider bulk collecting info for medicine and consultancy regarding your genetic makeup, and probably compromised internally.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think government has become neutered. It wants to act and tries to act at times but has been held up on policy not made by its citizens. International committees, and supposed groups, who do not act in accordance with national law. My comparison, what happens to you, without your permits, try it. But the media and other scoundrels play up the situation into absurdity they benefit from most.

Without the cellphone specifically, and the internet, this never existed, towards the extent of today.

Who is propagating it. They don't care about anyone else. Just funding. Yes there are idealists in positions of civic duty, but they are unanimously not the citizenship vote. Vote on it. Nobody in any national demographic majorities or otherwise would adopt it. Simple referendum. Everybody agrees on migration if it integrates by work and permit and regulation. Some might disagree. But nobody is against structured migration. They are opposed to this. It is a loophole that is tantamount to theft.

The simple solution is the same law imposed on you the citizen the aforementioned example. You are returned and fines are imposed.

No fines, but simply return them. It stops right away. Bus ferry plane. End of. Sure cloth feed treat, if required while in departure.

Imagine it. I am going to America or Europe without my passport. Try it. What happens. What happens if you get through, you've perpetrated a crime, and it really costs. You won't do that again. So where indeed is this absurd hypocrisy. It has become insane. It doesn't live by the same laws governing us.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have a ferry right there, to take them right back. Simple effective. End of.

It would be exactly the same if you didn't have your travel permits. Deported. Returned.

Why do you as a citizen, pay, fined, imprisoned for breaking international law. But this loophole is exploited? Until it is nothing but absurd ignorance. They don't integrate when a crime is taking place. It hasn't sought legal passes. It has stolen.

The state doesn't care after it deports you. It's not its job to house you, it simply puts on the next departure, you pay for and any related fines for being a thoughtless asshole.

Stop it. Have a ferry right there to return them. Provide clothes and food and treatment. But send them right back. It ends immediately.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

They were raping, women IDF, to death and other girls. Then they started beheading as Gaza got hit. Most hostages taken weren't for anything else. Except ISIS type tortures.

The deaths went up massively from first day to day two. They detonated, suicided, went on mass killing and capture sprees. Holed up with hostages. Etc etc.

There were still pockets with fighting on any incursions. This might have stopped but I think it is still ongoing.

I heard reports of hundreds and hundreds MIA.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, you do, dogshit. Wasn't it an archiac practice. Salting feces? It used to be before treatment of salts, flow into the sea. You offer bullshit. Hence you're so salty.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Nonsense. This is older than that. Sure it goes back much further.

No, fundamentally not. Iran had a chance here. A real chance here as well.

It chooses war. It rejects normalisation to be perpetually in war. It is the rejection of normality, in the region. Instead perpetuates a constant state of conflict.

The Saudis considered joining Brics. Think they still might. It doesn't matter. They trade lots with China and etc.

But as the leaders of Islam, Mecca, they want stability. Normality. Who doesn't. Look at the West, combined religious populations, and even government. Even Russia. No it doesn't work there, so much conflict. It's a nice dream if everybody gets along. It starts somewhere.

There was even combined worship being proposed, shared religious buildings. Absurd, but in generations and decades who knows. They literally built this premises in one of the Arab nations there this year, alongside potentially allowing the construction of synagogues. But yea it was some kind of a combined temple. They also offered to insert Israel into the education system.

Of course they wanted certain concessions, and likewise understandings.

Who knows if it could ever be normal. But there was a shot at it, being tabled. Now, sadly, it has flared into its conflict. Peace becomes distant, or that notion of it in the region. Sure individual partnership can be made. But it isn't quite that normality. It chooses sides.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. They stolen an assumption. They are biologically not female or male. Theft and fraud. Pretending to be something they're not. It's worse when they attack everybody else who says they're not. Try it. Put on a Policeman's clothes start arresting people who suggest you're not a policeman. What about a doctor. Or anybody else. Criminal yes.

Worse they've committed crime. They rape people. Non consent. They haven't told anybody what they are. They're pretending to be something they're not. They've committed sexual harassment read the topic. They've mutilated their genitals.

Wahaaa why can't I put on Policeman's clothes and arrest people. I swear. Girls first of course.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know what a Palestinian is. They lived somewhere and it was called something ruled by somebody else called the Ottomans. It was sparsely populated because it was almost always in conflict.

The majority of any supposed Palestinians were never born there either. They simply converge into the region for the purposes of conflict.

The region 1947 has gained from under two million mixed population to a total of about 15 million mixed population. 5.3 million Palestinians, and 9.3 million Jews. No where else on the planet has had that growth in conflict.

Ukraine has just halved its population about 20 million gone. It won't recover to 40 million in decades if again. We do this everywhere in conflict. Except Palestine.

I don't know what a Palestinian is

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Careful your Sharia law is sizzling and I can smell the camel breath

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

You're dumber than shit.

They had the Iranian weapons.

Iran had motive. It claimed as much in Normalisation regional peace talks.

The Saudis were normalising ties with Israel for a few reasons one them was nuclear program and plans for making a big city on a few borders there.

The talks were having success for the first time in history there was any notion of potential long term peace.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a provincial state.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Read my other comment.

War going it started by Hamas. As normalisation with Israel was on the table. The acceptance and proposal.

Iran strongly opposed it then. Palestine was sidelined. It was presented. A storm occurred. Now. What happens. A pipe dream.

Why would they Israel you mad dumb cunt ignite that? There are potential reasons there are some. But none as strong as the opposition to it by its hardliners.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Iran said last week any normalisation with the Israeli zionist regime would be reactionary. The Saudis in those talks sidelined the Palestinian delegation as normalisation with Israel was poposed and planned. It was in the effect of potentially being historic. History's first. Normalisation. The acceptance of Israel.

Iran had increased diplomacy prior with the Saudis. But this is fraught with regional hostility. However peace was being presented regionally. The summit was Normalisation and regional stability from its nations.

There's more there. Saudis are seeking a few things by it. But. Go find it. It explains more intent. I'm not speculating, they're obvious. Why it was pushed as a peace plan by America and others.

However you're literally a dumb cunt for the sake of being a dumb cunt.

Why would they jeopardisd that? It is potentially jeopardised, it has just flared.

What does normalisation mean now, or tomorrow, or anytime soon. If the Saudis accept it, Iran gains how many allies, and power over other hardliners?

What happens to respective Arab populations and mosques throughout the region? They'll potentially flare.

On what Planet would Israel jeopardise that, and why wouldn't Iran throw a spanner at it? They'd been planning it for longer. Longer than this press. Hamas had been preparing for awhile.

Hezbollah are massing. As well as other groups and militias. There's only escalation. The region will not find peace. Not soon.

Meanwhile you ignored the clear evidence of Iranian weapons arming Hamas.

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