Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Lebanon as well a few got hit. Dead. In the recent exchange.

It's war. That security force is in war. Unless it's using proper escort, forget it.

The problem look at it. They could be anyone.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don't think anybody understands that whole story. Instead it is constantly used as a narrative where a cover up occurred to defuse it.

Therefore it's a problematic point of controversy.

I don't think there will ever be the whole story on what that Intel was. You have a slight version of it from one side. Importantly, not the highest ups. Only a concentric narrative emerged after investigations.

A narrative occurred where it has holes.

Regardless, constantly using it as talking point is redundant, outside of any causalities. It has occurred in warfare constantly, the term, friendly fire. Except this wasn't. There were bigger risks and actions that caused the incident.

The ship didn't defend itself either. Laughably it Yankee don't. Sailed right into the thick of it, dropped its battle readiness, and expected to be umm umm, not get hit. It won't repeat it. Never drop battle readiness in a war zone. Those coms and protocols have improved dramatically since.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

So tedious today. At what point are they not being politically correct? I give up with lefties. Give up completely. Red X on it as well. Guys it's TV promise.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Another nigger. Why are you a dumb nigger? Why are you a dumb nigger? Gloves are off. I tried being nice. I have explained. Yet all I get are dumb niggers.

The canary what is that.

The claim of 40. Isn't a claim of less. It is refuting the number. 40 all in one place.

What was so hard to differentiate. Instead of being a dumb gibbering spastic. What are you factually finding.

What's a digger. You took a crap on it? Now it stinks of your own bullshit. Where you're such a retard you have no perception.

The facts are there are worse individual claims. Yes they killed babies. How many hasn't been determined.

It ain't that other dumb Russian video of their own children. You can see them with guns around babies. Disgusting. Their own children. None are crying. Despite being held by masks?

Tell me, why you've been like this. It is you and group of people, gangstalking, a group stink. Then I read those names. Literally bullshit. Read what you called yourself. Factdigger. Pure autism. I wouldn't complain, until you put a gun to my head, dipshit. All you've done repeatedly.

Clean it up. That problem is you. You don't accept another opinion. Just your dipshit.

I can link the BBC today with witness statements saying they killed children. I won't it looked like a crisis actor. But they've changed that narrative. Of previously trying to debate it. Do you want to find it. The fact checker is refuting there were 40 in one place. It hit the Internet a ward was overrun. It was. But 40 was an exaggeration of what occurred. It was likely worse in some press.

Who knows the complete number of children killed. There were a lot.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Everybody? You're a nigger. Everybody. Ohhhhhhhhhhh. Everybody.

You post dumb topics. The topic you post are so dumb they make retards look like the have more intelligence. Everything and everybody.

The Jewish media. Guys, the Jewish media. As he posts, Hamas.

Which mutant ninja hero? Because you're the retarded one. You fuck animals. Your username says you bam turtles? You fucking retard

Don't take a shot. You'll come off. It didn't need to go there. It kinda did. You did that. I do realise.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Hyperconjecture. The ramblings of unsubstantiated musings.

Somebody said something somebody else overheard and turned it into hearsay. OMG there's a bunch of woke people. I thought they only came out on Halloween?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

To move it causes it?

But certainly it has changed time since its former reading. Over a year ago.

It should be one chime left.

A theoretical counter. But that count has increased by current events. Theoretically.

A pointless creation if it doesn't read concurrently

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It looks like Netflix Movie. I didn't see any kidnapping on clip. Just random feed of something suggesting something. No confirmation.

Where is gun. Who. No struggle on bike. It could be anything. It was a feed that appeared, somebody suggested it. But if you look at it. What is it??? Looks like Netflix. All the demographics together. Supposedly some Cannibals. Did they do anything to the white guy? What is it?

Who gets on a motorbike, a girl might and yes you might walk with a gun in your back. But that looks like a movie. It doesn't show much. It might suggest it. But it could be anything. Then you see a bunch of combined demographics. It's getting more far fetched. Except there were a few there. Perhaps high value. But it looks tame to what occurred. Most were significantly wounded before capture, blood on them, resistance, and were bound, or dragged. Obviously there were many taken. But they stole everything, cars, trucks, everything. Sitting on a motorbike how does that work. Not a captive.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Yea, I put some boogers on a chalk board

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

Why are empowering them? Oxymoron. Everything the omnipotent Joo controls. Look what you did there.

No. I don't think Europe had any idea. They didn't get the memo. Cannibals at Dawn.

I don't think anybody did to be fair. At all. Apart from the cannibals.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

No. Anywhere else on the planet. I mean anywhere.

If mutant zealot cannibals emerged from their underground lairs to rape, imaple, behead, capture, and feast. They'd be killed.

It's a horror movie we've seen it countless times, the cannibals die in the end.

No movie, it's the last of the cannibals.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not at all. Based perhaps. Because I draw a line when it comes to baby raping cannibals. No sympathy.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. I am the only counter balance in here. You dumb, baby raping cannibal sympathiser. What is that? Every single time somebody says Israel you turn into a terrorist?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No Palestinians have died. Look at their population. It only gained more rocket people.

You haven't posted deaths by Hamas in Gaza. I wonder what that figure is? They put their own people in. They tortured their own population for not doing rocket duty. They used human shileds constantly firing from schools and hospitals. They strapped suicide vests on children.

You baby raping cannibal sympathists.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +2 / -3

If you're India.

That problem becomes how many millions did these, beeps, just add?

All those other nations in staggering inflation. Have suddenly found God.

It's gonna get real fucking messy.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You have no brain. I ain't Jew how many times have I got to say that.

You're a dumb Simp. Ever since this platform has existed tell me what it's done.

Right now there's terrorism and war.

What are you doing?

Do you ever get past stage one. Post dumb simping conspiracy?

Because I'll tell you want happens next. I have been. You're posting nothing but bullshit.

I couldn't care less about your shots. Not fighting in Ukraine.

Terrorism is a post too far. Today you have no fucking point. That Internet is going to what on your stupid little head. As it kicks off. It already is. What are you doing.

Simp harder you dumb fucking retard. I am laughing at you dumb fucking simping shills. You are pointless.

No other counter balance in here. A support group of dumb little Simps and shills. Fuck you right OFF

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

It makes a difference of do we have turtlebam, air nothing but simps? Or what do we do guys. What do we do.

You saying shit. Makes no difference

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No. You're simping for terrorism. No other fact.

You're practically a cell. How long will you last.

I could make one phone call. Do you want me too

At this point Enough is Enough. You can take your terrorist support group, and literally die.

This whatever truth you think you're saying has hit the fan.

What are you doing? Simping terrorism.

Every post. A bunch of bulllshit perprated by. Tell me this. Off/on. There's no other outlet here except warrants.

You haven't provided anything. No nothing. No discussion. No news. You're a bunch of simps. You have nothing else to say. Nothing factual except obvious support for terrorism.

So tell me today? What happens.

Every topic. Literally the dumbest. Simp harder.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6


I don't need to explain myself to whatever that is. It stinks of simp. Sympathiser. Who are you sympathetic towards. Terrorism.

Omg omg omg. You're clever. You fucking retard. I mean read your name. Dregan_Ya.

I swear today.

Ep0ch -9 points ago +1 / -10

Another fucking simp. Troll harder. It makes no difference. Won't make 1 tiny little shit of difference. So why are you saying it?

Forum overrun with dumb idiots. It always has been. Laughable how many are really shinning now.

Tick tock. This will go. You can make your little simp support group where give a shit won't. Because this forum has become the dumbest on Earth posting nothing but simps. Watch fuckos. You'll get closed.

Or wake the fuck up. There ain't another conspiracy. Not today.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +2 / -5

You're a baby raping cannibal simp.

What's happening right now? But they posed no significant threat. They were such nice sweet little baby murderers. Aw.

You fucking idiot. Where do you get your opinion from. The dumbest I've ever read. Ever. Vega? What is that. But you put a dildo in it. Dumb.

It suggested irregular activity. Doing a stop and search on the nearest black guy, of suspected irregular activity. Or. Maybe it needs some more Intel. I mean what would you do? Quick all the meat wagons. All of them.

This forum has been bombarded with Simps. Tards. Low tier trolling posts.

It serves no point. The situation won't change. Think about what you're saying and why.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Pushing what? Facts?

Facts in all the papers. Only you're a baby raping cannibal sympathiser?

Go simp something else you baby murderer

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

No. I am getting trolled by baby raping cannibal sympathisers.

Tell me the demographic in here. You aren't clever.

I said this days ago. Attacked for it. Keeping getting trolled retards. Look here's one. No I'm not black idiot.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's not what that says. The press said they detected some movement, called a meeting deciding on further intel. Likely another rocket attack. Then the attack occurred.


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