Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0


Breast cancer is affecting how many woman today. 1 in 7? Something has massively increased those numbers. No speculation

Prolonged estrogen, yea trans are a huge demographic that are in a high risk category, and due to the rest of that medicine cabinet they take, it has so many other health issues, and not just mental. Forget that stat, because more die far quicker than cancer. But it's another larger figure of them. Their life expectancy is terminal. Decades less than their biological averages.

Topically a lot more women were, dunno if it has changed being prescribed estrogen. It's even an injection in some places as a natural enlargement, because when women naturally produce it, is when they're birithing and producing milk.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's gonna wind up in a cooking pot. Goes to Africa to learn about the culture. It is positively horrorifying.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, it's disgusting. It reminds you of those primates grooming themselves, by eating each other's feces and lice. All they can eat buffets where they pick a nit or booger and eat it, grooming themselves. Look there's another out in public grooming itself by eating the feces.




Some kind of a doctor? Eat it, slurp, slurp.

Boogers are excrement. They aren't a vaccination. They're shit in your nose blocking your airways. Dust and sediment your body excretes as waste.

If he had the boogers he should've attended himself prior to the podium. Instead of nervously becoming another chimpanzee.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, and she has every point. Men's events are graded separately. They're different events. At what point has it been considered fair and appropriate to women?

She is a mentor and tutor to countless enthusiasts and professionals seeking guidance. A professional opinion from somebody dedicating their body and time to sports at top level of fitness.

But that Uni attacks her for it? Shameful and Disgusting. Riff raff. Trash. Hopeless.

How many were swimmers, or had scholarships from sports? Instead a bunch of fiends protested against women?

A protest against women is how utterly absurd that descended into. I hope those responsible are expelled and imprisoned and fined. Sexual assault occurred. They attacked her for being a woman. Violence against women. They aren't our future. They are trash.

Ultimately any legislation needs to completely change on this issue. It is unfair, reckless, and thoughtless.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why was she speaking to trannies?

Campus should've had better security.

Equivalent of a teacher/tutor getting attacked.

Disgusting lack of rights upheld to legitimate speakers. I guess that Uni has also turned into the gutter today.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree but it's the banking as a guarantor. It my friend had been through which credit lines into which stockmarkets.

Working around this can be achieved via national banks and their own yields and values now exchanging into their own currencies. However. It often denominates said currency. Many sanction because of the conversion into existing lines of credit and trade.

Yawn tediously it has been getting pettier. But without actual war. It is a way of causing leverage.

Your entire BRICs argument is laughable. It has what reserves and value. Is it sustainable and it indeed still needs to trade into existing established markets.

Any parking fines, sanctions continue to cause leverage. But the entire notion of ditching dollars would happen anyway and has been when avoiding any parking tickets until laughably they're still parking in the parking inspectorate carpark because it's free. Converting from one currency into the other. On which trades, or exchanges, ultimately. Are they completely breaking away or simply offering another menu, it internally reaps investment as it brokers back and forth through which markets.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not familiar with the brain surgery. Or how it needs the freshest organs to keep Biden operational? Poor Terry.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It obviously is the public. It has helicopters and the secret service. It flies or transports doctors in. Instead of dumber ambulances, triaging. I would've imagined there are medical personnel onsight handling staff and the presidency. Why wouldn't it have a permenant nurse/s and the best medical cover and care. These if any disaster aren't an ambulance visit, stupidly, but designated protocols.

Absurdly memory hole. This isn't the first time ambulances have been seen there in this presidency. Must be the leftism. Such a great public image in the state that it requires other emergency services in a crisis. Multiple times this office.

Why are the sickest people, attending? It sounds daft. But I guess it's a reflection.

You never know if it was the uber. Ambulances transport the organs, and not just the sick. Biden needs a new brain type deal. Quick they found a suitable donor. It came fresh off the operating table, reeeerwar.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Digital coins are worthless. It figured

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Misinformation. That paper isn't investigative. Do not attempt journalism, critical thinking, is what that press has just stated. It will cause misinformation. In order to beat misinformation there must only be one narrative. It thinks exactly what the NSA and GOV supercomputer programs and advertises. Everything else is misinformation.

China has shown them the way. Use computer to program the communism. Without the communism there is only misinformation.

Free press is government approved press. Free speech is government approved broadcasts.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nothing new there it has been happening for almost a 100 years. Banks seizing assests of any nations who go to war.

Go figure that one out. Hey guys we're going to war. We don't agree, and we're not funding it. Friends. Nope. All those assets you had are frozen, and repatriated. Why??? We don't support your war and any investment towards it, or otherwise. That's so unfair. No, it isn't. I mean seriously.

Russia has also seized assets of its billionaires. See. Assets get seized in war. It's attacking this other country or whatever. Look the assets are seized. I swear.

Sanctions are becoming ridiculous perhaps. Especially when they don't work. Trade will trade how it likes and make any money from it. Until perhaps topically who cares if it was in that form of credit sanctioned. Otherwise this topic is absurd. Ditching trading in dollars for their own denominations. What is new? It sounds like bullshit because it is.

It hasn't changed much apart from the banking methods. It will probably cause more debt and more liability. It either has the stock/credit or it hasn't. If it did it was trading it by another method and often putting it in a different bank. Ironically

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep those arrests coming. Quite a few more from the extreme radical left.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think A.D's insertion is a heap of fantasy. It contains the single biggest paradox in history. He has point. A.D was inserted and history has been changed around it. It doesn't matter the history. It assumes a fictional start, a bookmark that has been completely dishonest with history prior to that period. Brutally removing history, to the point of burning books and conducting inquisitions, fitting it into claims, history had a beginning. Nobody believed prior to A.D history started 5000 years before it. It didn't on the older trade routes dating back at least 10,000 years. Until it inserts dinos and monkeys. Enough said. By inserting A.D it provided a reset counter, and a bookmark owned by record keepers who haven't acted truthfully by fitting a completely disingenuous insertion. There is almost 0 evidence of. It resurrected. Whoosh. Because we made up those dates.

It therefore in opinion has been altered repeatedly. After the reformation in particular as well on this topic. Where more hoaxes were added into it. Until it is a heap of bullshit. It constantly makes up nonsense, and has more fibs than a fiddle.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Less talking, corncob. More bowing. You'll offend, God.

God doesn't ask you to do anything. You give him your thanks and blessings. In this case they were to me.

The rest of what you wrote is your own journey coming to terms with this. You're obviously in denial. I really don't care how that works. One minute you're praying to me the next it's for me. Same thing. I have your prayers. Suddenly they've become uncheerful. Next time.

No I haven't offended your pagan diety. You offered. I'll take all the prayers and cheers I get. It's God you've offended. More bowing, corncob.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What is this. Look at the thread, you submitted this.


What does it do?

Here is its supposed wiki. What does it do? Speculation. The wiki contains more conjecture.


Here is a comparison to epinephrine.


Adenochrome is oxidised epinephrine


It's not what the wiki claims at all. Just a load of hyperconjecture.

Dumbass, research something.

What does it do. I can think of some medical reasons. Otherwise it really doesn't do much because epinephrine is used. Otherwise outside of it, it might have a drugs use. But hardly comparable to other products. Psychotropics. Amphetamines. Etc

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dumbo you're providing a formula. What did you provide a formula too? The topic yes? It's conjecture. What's your formula do? You obviously claimed it was relevant to the topic. Dumbass. Read it. A bunch of bullshit.

But you're trying to tell me adrenochrome is real. It doesn't do what this topic claims it does. At all.

No I am not wrong. I didn't submit a formula in a topic of bullshit. I am asking for the truth?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. You're trolling. You put on your birth certificate, Ethnic. Now you're claming the rest of the planet is. No they're not. They mostly lived in a place like England speaking English. Or France speaking French. Just Americans. They came from a bunch of places, where native Americans are also ethnics. Factually all Americans are Ethnics to the English language. They speak a dialect of slang. It is read and written on the stalks of corncobs providing their education of USA USA. Then their cornpone, turn every topic into it. It's all they've been taught.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

See. Ethnic. You're delusional. Your class is already behind the English language. Somehow, remarkably you're grading it. This is when by your own standards you don't understand it. The pinnacles of delusional narcissism. Look what you did to the topic, corncob? You made it American.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're an ethnic. Say it. American. You're not English. You're an ethnicity of English. So utterly diverse from English, you speak a different language, called a dialect.

What is a native born American? A Kalak. What is that, a wigwam? A canoe? A tepee? Suddenly you're speaking English? Because you read it on a corncob?

The corncob taught you Americans won WW1. It didn't teach you about any artillery. Or the railway lines. Why the trenches were built? America won. Blah blah, cornpone.

Your entire argument has been ignorant. You kept, and it's an American pastime, sticking your foot in your mouth. Until you sought to be even dumber on the actual comparison offered on how it all compares to WW1. Hahaha.

You started hostility. You started the insults. Read them. You replied to me.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You submitted the topic. Read the contents. Next you're submitting the formula.

I am asking you what is it?

You either believe in bullshit. Or you have some experience?

See how dumb you are. I don't make dumb little topics. I debate them. Next you act all gullible. It figured you were stupid. It didn't take much.

So I am asking you what is it? It certainly isn't the contents of that paper. French people eat everything. We already know this.

What does the formula you linked do? Medically? It isn't some French guy, making up conjecture.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're using it. In a topic. Of a drug dealer. And a French celebrity, claiming some other nonsense.

Then you linked a formula. Making even better adrenaline? Or what does adrenochrome do? What does it do apart from calcify the pineal gland because you drunk too much coffee, and had your eyes subjected to too much Disney?

Answer, what is adrenochrome? You're peddling a formula. Making erratic claims, suggesting. It is absurd.

Your words, rich people need it to stay younger, after they torture little kids.

No, they use stemcells. Not pineal glands, or adrenal glands.

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